Chapter 5

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Third pov

It has been about thirty minutes and the applicants are still searching for the pigs. 

"Gotta catch a pig and cook it, huh? Man, this is way easier than the first phase. " Leorio said with confidence. 

"I just hope it's that simple." Kurapika said with worry.

"Ehh I am great at cooking. So I'll be fine." (M/N) said just as confident as the rest.

Thats when Gon slide down a hill with Killua, (M/N), Leorio, and Kurapika following after. Suddenly they came to an abrupt stop. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Killua questions.

"I found 'em." Gon replied.

"Pigs" (M/N) and Leorio exclaimed at the same time.

"They're all chewing on bones." Leorio exclaimed in worry.

"Don't tell me, they're carnivores?" Kurapika stated in worry again.

Thats when the pigs noticed the five applicants. The pigs suddenly squealed then began to charge at them. With the five of course retreating as quickly as possible. Not soon after the other applicants began running from the pigs as well. 'Well this is going great' (M/N) thought while running for his life. 'The great stamp as Buhara would say. I believe he said they would use their large, sturdy snouts to send their predators flying. You've got to move really quick unless you want to eat up the main course for their dinner.' (M/N) thought recalling what Buhara said in the episode. He watched as the other applicants began to attack the pigs and failing. Like when Todo chucked a rock at the pigs, or when Hanzo threw shuriken at the pigs. It was very funny if this wasn't a life or death situation. Thats when Gon figured out that the weak point of the pigs was their forehead. 

"Thats it, their foreheads are their weak spot." Killua concluded.

"I see." Kurapika said with Leorio screaming in the background. "They developed tough snouts to protect their delicate foreheads." and with that everyone began to attack the pigs this time successfully. 

"Look at that they sure caught a lot." Menchi exclaimed surprised. But unfortunately the applicants were still dumb and place the pigs on the roaster. 'What am I going to make. Thats the toughest part.' (M/n) thought. Barely thirty minutes in and todo already put his pig in front of the examiners.

"Now eat the pig, and send me to the next phase" Todo said.

"Okay, time to judge. Taste testing." Menchi exclaimed. Buhara dug right in and passed Todo while Menchi just looked at the pig and failed him. 

"The pork is overcooked its way too tough. It totally ruins the flavor" Menchi reasoned. 

"Come on you haven't even tried it yet." Todo complained.

"I do have to! Its obvious." Menchi exclaimed. 

Next was Hanzo. He failed too. While Menchi was out failing everyone (M/N) had decided that he was going to cook. RIBS!!! I mean who doesn't like ribs and even if Menchi may not like ribs (M/N) didn't care because he wasn't going to serve it to them. If he did he may be the only one to pass and everyone will pick on him. 

"Not one applicant has passed yet." Leorio exclaimed interrupting (M/N)'s thoughts.

"And Menchi has yet to take a single bite of anyone's entry." Kurapika exclaimed worried.

"Seriously!? Can't anyone out there make something that'll satisfy my taste buds?" Menchi exclaimed. 

"Thats it!" Kurapika exclaimed. " The second phase is a cooking test, but they're judging us based on originally and observation."

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