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It was a stormy night. A boy with y/h/c hair was watching Hunter x Hunter.

"Man I wish I could live in the Hunter world. It looks so adventurous and exciting " he said. After he finished watching he fell asleep.

---------Time skip------------------


"Ugh shut up" (y/n) groaned and got up. He had school but it was the last day of high school. He made breakfast and then took the bus to go to school. "(Y/N)(Y/N)(Y/N)" screamed the fangirls. " I LOVE YOU"

(Y/N) winked at them and they swooned.

"Ahh popular as always am I right" said Max. Max is (y/n)'s best friend since 6th grade. They shared wonderful memories together.

"Yeh but I am getting kinda sick of it" (Y/N) replied. "So are you coming over to hang tonight"

"Nah I got a date with Stacey." Max answered

"Oh that bitch. Why are you still dating her she cheated on you like 5 times already?" (Y/N) asked. While both of them went to class and sat in their seats." Like seriously if you're that desperate then you should go to a club and hang with the hot girls there then that bitch."

"You know you're right?" max replied "Wanna join me and have some fun?"

"Nah I would rather watch Hunter x Hunter then go to some club and have sex with some random girl." (Y/N) replied. "Plus you need it not me. All I need is something interesting to happen in my life ."

''All right buddy whatever you say. But be careful what you wish for or it might just come true" Max teased. "Anyway did you do Mr Franklin's homework?"

"Yeah, but who in their right mind to give homework due on the freakin 'last day of school. I mean so what if it is 'easy'. It's the last day of hell can we just enjoy ourselves." (Y/N) replied.

"Damm man watch you temper last you wanna do is to get Mr Franklin mad. Afterall he is satan of this hellhole." Max laughed.

" Oh man that is good haha." Both Max and (Y/N) joked around until class started. Mr Franklin walked in and the whole class quite down and the lesson began.

———Time Skip So You Readers Don't To Hearing The Boring Lesson-----

"Man can that teacher talk. He makes the most interesting thing on earth sound so boring" Max whined. "Who knew that there was a person in the whole world make the greatest game of all time seem like it's total trash"

" haha I agree. I am so glad that Mr. Franklin didn't see me watching anime or else he would probably somehow relate it to science and math." (Y/N) replied.

" You are a total weeb (Y/N). I have not spent a whole day without you mentioning anything about anime. " Max groaned.

" Well I am otaku not a weeb and anime is amazing. The way the characters look is perfection. Even the ugliest character looks hotter than anyone here." (Y/N) laughed. " Anyway see ya at the end of school"

With that Max and (Y/N) went their separate ways. Max went to Math, Global, Computer Science, Lunch, Spanish, Gym, and Study Period. While (Y/N) went to Gym, Science, Math, Global, Art, Lunch, and Spanish. After school was over (Y/N) got a text from Max saying that Max went off to a club at study period so they couldn't meet each other. (Y/N) went off on his own and decided to get himself food. (Now you are probably wondering where (Y/N)'s parents are. Well simple they are far far away from earth. They left when (Y/N) was five. But he didn't know them to well because he was adopted at age four. So he only spent a year with them. Anyway back to the story. ). (Y/N) went to the local deli to get some ramen.

" (Y/N) I LOVE YOU (Y/N) (Y/N)" Three girls were running towards (Y/N).

' Well Shit gotta run' (Y/N) ran as fast as he could to lose the girls. Which he did and quite successfully that is. Then he heard footsteps so he hid in the nearest box.

"Awww we lost him girls. Dang It" one Girl complained

" I really wanted to say hi but to bad" Another girl said.

"Well lets go or else we could be kidnapped in a street like this." The third girl said while leaving.

(Y/N) came out when he was sure that he didn't hear anymore footsteps. He then walked back home. He showered only to get a letter and strange book mailed to him. It said:

Dear (Y/N),

Hello. I love you. I am a boy though but I would always watch you. I have been watching you since you were eight. I really love you. But I can't show myself to you. I really wish to do something for you. I want to do everything I can to make you happy. But for so long I wondered what should I do. Then I thought of something. You know how you would always say you wished for more adventure and action. Well I know a spell that can help you grant that wish. I can send you to live in the Hunter's world that you so desire. All you have to do is find your way back home or I will kill everyone in your real world. You will be the cause of all their suffering and death. HAHAHAHAHA. just joking. But if you don't come back then I will go there and find you. Maybe when I am brave enough I could finally claim you as all mine. But right now I can't. Anyway I sent you a book and all you have to do is open it. That's it. Just open it


Your secret admirer

"Okay well this is creepy. Maybe it's just a big prank." (Y/N) reached for the book. Just as the letter said he opened it. Only for nothing to happen. " Well just as I thought a sick prank it was." (Y/N) got his blanket, junk food and turned on the tv. He started to watch hunter x hunter. But he was obvious to the book that he just opened glowing. It glowed for bout a minute then stopped. (Y/N) started to feel tired so he fell asleep. But he doesn't know what is to await him once he wakes up. He has a long adventure ahead of him. But while he is in the new world the current world he is in before will erase everything that has to do with him. The only person who will remember (Y/N) is the person that sent the letter. But once (YN) gets back will be as if nothing happened or will something out of the ordinary happen to (Y/N)? Will we ever find out who sent the letter in the first place?

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