forty two

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Taehyung i'm starting to get kinda nervous lol

what do you mean?
I thought you said you were looking forward to going?

I am
i am
but I'm gonna be meeting his dad for the first time
on a really important day too
and I don't wanna mess up

Well I mean I've never really seen his dad that much or spoken to him and I've known Jungkook for years
so he obviously trusts that you'll make a good first impression

I know but what if I don't?
what if I say or do something wrong?
Jungkook's dreading it as it is, I don't want to end up making it worse for him


aigi there is no one in the world who could possibly dissapoint Jungkook more than his father so if anything he's probably more worried about what his dad might say

ughhhhh I just don't wanna fuck this up

and you won't
just think
of all people he could've asked, he chose you to come with him
he trusts you because he knows you won't do any of the things you might be worried about doing
so just chill tf out
and enjoy it
that's if Jungkook doesn't mope around through the whole thing

lmao thanks, I'll try :)

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