"What in Hell?"

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All I felt was cold. Or, in other words, I'm freezing my butt off, yet I can't seem to wake myself up. Not yet, anyway. I guess I have to wait, though, I have a feeling that I'm changing. Vampires don't get cold, I feel...alive? "Gasp!" I sit up straight and try to control my breathing. I'm in the middle of a forest, in which I don't recognize. Not only that, I'm in a tree. A very tall tree. Like, when I say tall, I mean at least 75,000 feet high. I look down for a very long time, paralyzed in fear. Suddenly, I hear a whoosh and nearly fall out of the tree, if not for my somehow quick reflexes, I would've gone splat. I'm so scared I can't even move. My eyes are closed tight and I'm grasping to the tree for dear life. I slowly and hesitantly crack one eye open and see a man, no, a drop dead gorgeous man, standing in the clearing looking at the view in awe. I look up to see what he's looking at and, sure enough, their is the most breathtaking sunset id ever seen. And somehow, seeing this gave me confidence and courage. I'm not afraid anymore, no, I'm embracing that I'm stuck in a tree. "Hey!" I yell out to him. He whips around at a razor-sharp speed. This is when I realize that he's not human, no, he's a vampire. "The view is much better from here!" I add. He looks at me in shock and wonder then nods. In half a second he's right beside me. A large gust of wind blows in my face and I let go if the branch I was clinging to. "Ah! Oh my god!" I scream as I feel myself fall back. All of a sudden, two strong, muscular arms encompass my waist and pull me back up. I breath a sigh of relief. "Thanks." I say to him, I then turn my attention to the sunset and watch in absolute awe as the sight becomes more and more beautiful by the minute. Slowly, the light of the bright sun is replaced with the shining of the bright stars. I feel a small smile form on my lips as I close my eyes and inhale the fresh scent of musk and pine. I turn to the mysterious man that saved me earlier and my smile grew. "If I fall, will you catch me?" I ask him softly. He looks at me quizzically for a moment. "I'll take that as a yes." I add as his face softens to realization. I lift one foot and let myself fall, back first, toward the forest floor. The breeze in my face, the light smell of lavender tingling my nose, my hair flying wildly around my head, it's all so natural. Beautiful. Then, time stops as I land in the same two strong arms that saved be earlier, but this time it's different. I don't feel relief, I feel my stomach tighten and tingles in my back from where our skin makes contact. I feel my breath hitch and my heart race quicken. After about five seconds I compose myself and look into his eyes. My breath hitches once more as my sky blue lock with his electric ocean blue. So mesmerizing, so amazing. "That was...so, exhilarating." I breathed to him. He smiles a small smile. "Are you not afraid of me?" He asks with a magical British accent, so magical, I almost fall out of his arms. He notices my shocked face and chuckles. I giggle with him. "I'm sorry!" I say sheepishly. "I just...your British!" I say enthusiastically. This time, he lets out a hearty laugh and I can feel his chest rumble from my head to my toes. "Thank you for catching me, and no, I'm not afraid. Quite the opposite, actually. You're not all that scary." I explain. He smiles,then frowns. Suddenly, I pinned to a tree, not roughly, but gently, with his hands on either shoulder. "I'm not scary?" He asks in an 'I'm-about-to-prove-you-wrong' tone. I giggle at his strange reaction. "No, but you're funny, and cute. And British." I say still giggling. His faces turns from an 'Oh yeah?' expression to an 'Are you serious?' expression. I return the look and eventually the sides of his lips curve up to reveal a beautiful smile and, you won't believe it...DIMPLES! He has dimples! "So, do you have a name or am I supposed to call you Mr.Dimples?" I ask him jokingly. He lets go and shakes his head. "Klaus." He says simply. "Klaus." I say back, testing it on my tongue. Then I realize something. I've heard this name before. Katherine mentioned it. He's dangerous, I know that, but why, I can't put my finger on. "Klaus, I've heard that before." I repeat a second time and he looks bewildered for a moment. "Where?" He asks. "Katherine." I reply simply. He turns from curious to furious in a split second. "Where is she?" He asks. I shake my head. I don't know where she is now, hell, I don't even know where I am! "I don't know, but honestly, I don't even know where I am!" I admit with a nervous laugh. I take a step forward, only to realize I'm wearing a dress, a right one. "Oomph." I say dramatically. I look down to find myself in a deep purple corset with pearl and gold embroidering. Absolutely beautiful dress, definitely fit for a queen. Just one issue. These dresses where fit for queens in the 1800s, not the 21st century! Unless...my eyes widen at the realization. I'm in a different time! I look up at Klaus to see him watching me carefully, almost cautiously. "Klaus, seriously, where the hell am I?" I question. He seems surprised at my forwardness, though, quickly recovers. "You're in the New Orleans, love. "He explains. I nod. "And what year is it?" I ask, not embarrassed that I don't know something as simple as the year. Surprisingly, all I feel is confidence, and I like that. "1820" he replies. "Why don't you know that?" I shake my head. "Witches," I mutter,"those crazy juju heads chased me for a month and a half, and when they caught me, I go from Mystic Falls 2014 to New Orleans 1820! You've got to be kidding me!" I tell in frustration. 'Ill kill every last one of those freaks' I swear in my head. I look up at Klaus, who's staring at me with no expression. Suddenly, my backs to a tree and a very skilled hand is rested tightly, not enough to kill me, around my neck. "Now, you are going to tell me exactly who you are, exactly where you came from, and exactly what you know." He says menacingly. I scoff at him. "Right, I'm pinned to a tree and suddenly I tell you all my deep, dark secrets. Well, sorry to tell you, it doesn't work like that! I don't trust you. Not yet, and honestly, I probably never will, but, what I do know for sure is that you don't connect with people, because you don't even try to understand them!" I scream in his face. I see his face twist and that one word clicks in my head again. 'Survive'. My breath hitches, my pupils dilate, and I feel as if a bubble that had been inside me popped. A bright, beautiful stream of light erupts from me and physically pushes Mr.Hybrid off of me. His back hits a tree about 13 yards away from me, and I stand there in shock. "What the hell was that?" I mutter to myself. He gets up, looking just as shocked as I am, but when he sees my shock, realization crosses his features. "You're a witch, and guessing by your facial expression, you didn't know." He states. I gape at him, then look to my hands, which are tingling with a wonderful sensation that u can't quite put my finger on. "So, I'm a witch? I'm a witch. I'm a witch!"I ask, then state, them scream and jump up and down. "This is so cool!" I say as I run and jump into his arms. I feel him tense, then hesitantly wrap his arms around me. I smile at this as I let go. He nods at me. "A witch of your power could be of use for my family. So, what's your last name?" He asks. I open my mouth to say Forbes, but something else comes out,"Poderoso, Carolinda Edra Poderoso. " I blurt out. What the hell is happening? "Poderoso? As in the very powerful family from the legends? The Poderoso family blood runs through your veins?" He asks, he seems quite bewildered, I might add. I feel inside me, for a sign, but all I feel is power. Raw Power inside me, and that's when I know. "Yes." I say, confidence and pride in my voice. "When you threw me into that tree, I felt it. I felt the pure power of your magic. Do you know the legends?" he asks. "I do not want to. That is in my bloodlines past. Now is now, and I shall live in it. Now, what is this I hear about your family?" I ask, wanting to change the subject. He nods. "Lets go." He says and holds out his hand. I take without hesitation and nod.

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