Authors note

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Okay! Hi! I'm just going to say that I'm so sorry I didn't explain anything!
So this story is about a lot of confusing things, but well get to that later. I wanted to explain how I see things. So, about Caroline being a witch. I did that because I hate her being weak and I hate her always being the damsel in distress. (And yes, I know that Elena, but you get it right? She's had to be saved as well and she wouldn't do well in the new orleans with all those older vamps) so yeah.

Also, I wanted to say that this is going to be just like the 21st century New Orleans except not. Marcel is going to be ruling and the originals are going to tAke him out, just in 1820. Also, no Klayley baby! I hate Hate HATE that! It puts such a damper on Klaroline! And yes, I know that it's season 6 of the vampire diaries and 2 of the originals and that they have no chance of being together, but people can dream, right?

Anyway, I love this ship! So cute. Old, hot, big bad and sweet, young, innocent(not entirely, by yeah) baby vamp trying to protect her friend. Talk about complicated! But also very romantic and cute! I love love! Anyway, if you don't read this, it's fine. I'm not only doing this for the readers, I'm also doing this because of my love for writing and Klaroline. But I love you anyway.

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