Marcel and his Witch

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In The Attic of an Old Church

Davina was sitting on her bed flipping through a magazine when the vision came.
What Davina Saw
A blonde woman screams,"Let me go!" And suddenly Diego is shoved off of her and into a wall, snapping his neck in the process. The blonde woman's face was never seen. She's too powerful. Even for me!

Davinas eyes snap back open. She's left gasping for air, for her vision took a lot more than they usually do, and, whoever this witch was, her power was unreal. Strong. Intimidating. Pure. Everything. She reaches over and grabs her phone and dials Marcel. After a few rings, he picks up.

Conversation in bold

"Hello?" He answers.

"Marcel! There is a new witch, a powerful one. More so than me!" Davina explains.

"Who?" Marcel asks quizzically,"You're the most powerful witch I know,"

"I couldn't even see her face. She's blonde. That all I got." She replies.

"Alright, D. I'll be there in a minute. "Marcel says back.

She smiles,"See you soon,"

They hang up after this.

Marcel shows up after about two minutes. "A new witch, huh? What happened?" He asks as he walks in
"Diego grabbed her, she used magic to make him let go, then snapped his neck," D explained. Marcel shook his head.
"She used magic to hurt my guy? I don't think so. She's got to go." He says, clearly angry. D nodded. "I'm sure if all of the witches band together we could take her. I mean, she's powerful, but she can't be that powerful. If I found her weakness, I could probably take her. "D informed him.
He nods. "Save your power. We got a new witch in town. "He says as he turns abruptly and leaves.

Mikaelson Mansion

Klaus stood there, hurt, as she walked away. 'Why is she so damn beautiful. Bright. Confident. Everything I want in a woman. Why do I have to fancy her?' he thinks to himself and shakes his head. Suddenly, he's on the ground with his sisters head hovering above his head.

"Hello, brother! I'm so happy to have another girl in the house!" She says excitedly. "Just don't tell her. I want to see if she can handle bitchy me. Eventually, I'll soften up. "She explains.
" tackle me?" He asks. She giggles at him. "I just wanted to tell you that. And, that whole I'm gonna kill you thing, it was a test. I wanted to see of she could hold her own if needed. And, clearly, she can. Can we be friends? I need you to say yes!" She says, slightly desperate.
"Yes. She's not just a witchy toy. She's, something else. Not to mention powerful. We could use her for any spell in the world. That, my sister, is why I took her. " He lied. The real reason he took her was because he was taken with her. Her beauty, her strength, how she's full of light.
Rebekah nods and kisses him on the cheek. "Thank you," she says and she speeds off to put Caroline's room together. She makes sure it's right next to hers, the one that if you get a witch to do a spell, a magical door will appear between them so they can go back and forth as they please. Which was her intention. 'Yay! A friend. A witch! ' she thinks to herself.

At the bar

Caroline walked into the bar and looked around. It seemed okay. Better than the grill, that's for sure. She sits down right across from the bartender, Camille.
Caroline smiles brightly, and Camille smiles as well, but it doesn't light up the room like Caroline's does.
"What can I get for you?" Camille asks.
"Bourbon, please. " Caroline replies. Camille raises her eyebrows and gives her a surprised look before turning around and grabbing the alcohol.
Suddenly, the hairs on the back of Caroline's head stand up, telling her trouble or danger as just entered the bar.
She looks over and sees a different African American vampire and a young 16-17 year old brunette...witch? She shakes her head. 'I don't have time for this' she thinks to herself. She gulps down her bourbon, throws a twenty on the counter and heads to the bathroom.
She does her thing, then goes to wash her hands. As she focuses on getting all the dirt and grime off her fingers, her focus lingers to whatever's behind her. 'Death' she thinks to herself. It's a vampire.
She turns abruptly and eyes him. She can feel magic in him, a protection spell, and a pretty strong one, too.
"What do you want?" She spits, crossing her arms over her chest. He chuckles. "I want to know why you're here hurting 'my' guys. " he explains menacingly.
Now Caroline's POV
I snort,"Pa-Lease! You're just an ass who thinks he runs this town! Well guess what! You don't own me, I do what I want, got it? And nobody, including you, is going to stop that!"I spit in his face. I saw his hand come out and I squint my eyes trying to break the protection barrier around him. It cracks instantly, but not fast enough. I suddenly find myself being held in the air by my throat.
The little witch comes in and puts chains around my wrists. "What the hell!" I yell at them.
"We got you. And with those chains, you have no magic." He explains.
I look down at my chains then back at him. I laugh at his stupid attempt to pacify my powers.
"You do realize that my powers can't be tamed, right? I mean, seriously? Special chains? You can't be serious?" I ask them, hoping desperately that I'm right.
The brunette girl smirks at me. "Hate to break it to you, but that was made about six centuries ago by the most powerful bloodline of witches in the world. The...

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