I like you

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I've been sitting in my chair ever since she left. I had felt as if something was wrong for do long, but then, nothing. The faucets blew, the wind became extra strong and blew my sister and me down, the ground started shaking, and all the stoves burst into flames. Almost as if someone had power over the elements.
'No. That would mean...Caroline'
I thought immediately. Oh no. No no no no no! I have to get to her, yet, something keeps me glued to my seat. As if I knew that nothing would go wrong.
Although, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her smile, the way her eyes sparkle when she's happy or excited or playful etc., or the way her nose crinkles when she's thinking really hard or disgusted. I felt the sudden urge to see her, hold her, show her that I need her.
'Wait? What? Since when do I 'need' anyone? Wh...oh my god. I fancy her. Her beauty, strength, light. I fancy it all. From the way her hair forms a halo around her angelic face to the way her hips away when she walks. I...like her!' I realize.
All of a sudden she bursts through the door in which I had been staring at, and races over to me. She practically jumps into my arms and lets out a sigh of...contentment? Happiness?
She lets go and looks up at me with her sky blue eyes and smiles.
"Hi." She says to me a bit sheepishly.
"Hi." I reply. She giggles at this and shakes her head. "What are we? In middle school?" She asks still giggling. I chuckle at this, for that was my exact thought, and I didn't even go to school.
I take a couple minutes to examine her. He cheeks are bright pink, giving the feeling she ran all the way here, her hair was a mess and she was breathing heavily, also signs of my observation. But what I really notice is how her wrists have marks as if she were bound by chains and she has finger-print bruises on her neck.
I feel rage build inside me at whoever touched her. Caroline. My Caroline! If anyone dare to touch her again, they will pay the price. Which is, may I add, their head.
"What happened to you?" I ask full of concern and rage.
She looks at me for a moment, as if she were recalling every moment she experienced today. I watched as she cringed and how her face contorted from annoyed to anxious to furious.
Her eyes then lock with mine. "Klaus. I was..." She stops, looking as if she was trying to find the right word. "Restrained for a short moment. " She finishes.
" What does that mean? Speak English please." I say trying to control my anger. She was restrained. What the hell is that supposed to mean?
She shakes her head. "Why are you angry?" She asks, clearly upset.
Before I can stop myself I scream,"Because the thought of anybody but me touching you makes me absolutely furious! Enraged!"
She looks taken aback by me outburst, but her eyes go from surprised to understanding.
"All I thought of was you. " She admits. "During the time I was chained, my thoughts would always come back to you. How your eyes light up with the emotions your face does not, how your dimples appear every time you speak of something you're fond of, how my name rolls off the tip of your tongue. Then I thought about your tongue. The way it would feel on my lips, in my mouth, everywhere." She whispers to me. Before I can process all of this her lips crash onto mine in a bruising kiss. Klaus view on kiss
It was like no other kiss I'd ever experienced. No, this was one full of feelings and passion. This was not a sloppy 'let out my frustration' kiss. No no, this was a KISS. The way you kiss the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, the person you love most in the world. I slide my tongue against her bottom lip, asking for entrance, which she quickly grants. My tongue slowly slides past her beautiful, soft coral lips and into her mouth. She lets out a soft moan and her tongue joins the movement very soon and they battle for dominance. She put up one hell of a fight, but eventually she lets me have it. As our tongues desperately learn every inch of each others mouths my hands find their way under her shirt. Her hands slide from my chest to my hair and she tugs me closer as if to give me permission. I tug it up to feel her flat, toned creamy white stomach and very flattering black lace bra. I plant wet kisses down her throat and collar bone and she throws her head back and moans. My lips eventually travel to her breasts, though she gets impatient and brings my mouth back to hers, very unexpectedly shoving her tongue back in and taking control. She literally tears my shirt from my body and I flash us upstairs to m bedroom, which is spelled with sage to prevent prying ears.
Her back hits the plush mattress and she immediately shifts positions, pulling herself on tops of me. Faster than it should have been, we are both left in only undergarments. As we search every crevice of each others bodies, she moans and I groan.
We have a night of sweet bliss in my bed. Right before we fall asleep, she whispers,"I like you," and I reply "I like you, too"

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