Its Me, Youre Safe

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Caroline's POV- Chapter 11

'You're a very powerful witch! You can find them!' My brain yells at me, and I realize that it's true.
I break the hug and I see Andy's face red and puffy. I smile a small smile,"I can find them," I tell her.
She smiles back. We nod to each other. "I'm going to find Oliver through you, okay? " I ask her. "Just find him." She says to me and I nod.
I take her hands and chant some Latin words. I feel I pull from the cemetery. My eyes snap open and suddenly were in the middle of a cemetery. I look around and notice the same bulky blonde from earlier hanging from chains.
I rush over there and hear Andy a few feet behind. He's trying to break the chains but they are spelled.
I wave my hand and they break. He falls, but hops up immediately. He looks at me, but them all his attention is focused on Andy.
"Andy!" He says in relief as he runs to her. She meets him half-way and jumps into his arms. Once sure they're safe, I think of Klaus. I close my eyes and let my feet take me to him. I open my eyes when I stop. I'm in front of an old hospital, that clearly hasn't been used in a few decades or so. I run as fast as I can and when I reach the steps I take two at a time. I burst through the doors and see Rebekah in the distance. 'She, Kol, and Elijah had been away for the last week' I note. "Beks!" I yell to her.
When she turns, I can see she's in bad shape. She is limping, covered in blood and dirt, and she doesn't seem to have much control.
She smiles a little at me. "Caroline!" She shouts as she limps towards me. I meet her in the middle and pull her into a hug.
"I thought you and the guys went on a business trip." I explain in relief. She nods. "We were heading out but I forgot my bag, so I went back to get it. But then it turned into darkness and I woke up here, covered in werewolf bites. " she explains.
Werewolf bites...ouch. "Where's Klaus?" I ask her, hopeful he's not dead or hurt. She reels back and grabs her stomach in pain. "Ah!" She screams as she falls back, but I use my power to set her down gently. "Rebekah!" I hear Klaus yell. Inrush in that direction, lifting Rebekah up and making her float behind me. I get to a room and see a red-headed witch taunting him, torturing him.
I snap her neck with my mind right after she shoved a knife into his abdomen.
I rush over and pull off his restrains. "Klaus! Baby! Wake up! Please!" I sob as I put one hand on each of his cheeks. I kiss him, softly yet passionately and his lips are trying to move too, letting me know that something is holding him back. I shove my hand into his abdomen and watch his face contort in pain. I cringe and pull out the knife.
He sits up with a gasp and I instantly wrap my arms around him. His arms encircle my waist and pull me fully to him. Tears stream down my face and I can see him fighting his own.
I smile at him. I then sob out
"Oh! Thank god! I was so worried! I didn't know what happened and I was just breaking and then I just...I just killed a bunch of people and I lo- " I stop myself and then finish,"I just realized how much I loved you. Because, I love you Klaus. And, I need you. And for a second I thought I didn't have you, anymore. And I... I created an earthquake!" I say, tears still streaming down my face. He wipes them with his thumbs and pulls me into a passionate kiss.
His oh so soft lips cover mine and I just melt. Our lips move in a sync. So soft, so perfect. I feel so safe in his arms, so warm. If I could stay here forever, I would.
He breaks the kiss and whispers to me,"I love you too,".

In this very moment, Klaus and Caroline both feel complete and utter bliss. So in love with so much fire and passion it would knock anybody else off their feet, for they were meant to be. Written in the stars, you might say. And as the centuries go on, they just love each other more and more. They fight for each other, for their love and nothing gets in their way. For they are the Chosen Couple, and they were born to love each other. Alas, this story must end, though their adventures will go on to different places, people, and things. For their love is tied in an unbreakable knot. And now, they go on to be with each other in a wonderful bubble of bliss,


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