Damned Witches

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Klaus POV- Chapter 10

I went out to the bar the moment I left Caroline. I need to be drunk if I'm not with her. If I'm not I'd probably miss her too much. I reach the bar and its empty. 'What the hell?' I wonder to myself. I walk to the middle of the bar and I'm suddenly surrounded by vampires and werewolves alike, not to mention witches.
"What's happening?" I ask.
Marcel smirks at me. "You know, you really shouldn't of tried to get my throne. It doesn't end well," He explains menacingly.
I shake my head 'Caroline's feeling was right' and that's when I feel vulnerable. Thinking of them hurting her. Screw me, if they hurt her...oh. They'll pay.
Then a witch walks towards me until we are toe to toe. She places her hands on each side of my face and her eyes snap shut. When her eyes open, they are filled with wonder. That, is when I brought my hands to her neck and snapped it.
All the witches gasped, as if having the same vision. Then, they all started chanted. Though, nothing happened to anyone physically.
Another steps forward,"We need her. The Chosen One," she explains. Then it dawns on me. They want Caroline. Furious defiance fills me to the top. I take a step forward. "Never!" I spit at her darkly. She nods. "Then, perhaps, we put her in danger. You see, I have a pack of hungry werewolves just waiting to tear someone to pieces. It could easily be her," She replies just as menacingly as I, though I can't bring myself to care as I rush towards the door and bang on it with all my might.
'Shes in trouble. Danger. She could die!' Goes through my head a million times as I bang and bang on the invisible barrier. "No!" I whisper to myself. "No!" I yell in fury as I turn abruptly and stare at them with tears on the brim of my eyes. "If she is the so called 'Chosen One'. They can't touch her. She's powerful. "I say more to myself then them.
She shakes her head. "We have the element of surprise. If they jump on her from the back, they could easily snap her neck, no fight." She counters.
I feel my body freeze. 'She can't die, not now, not ever!' I can't let them kill her. "Let me out right now! I will not stand here while she fights for her life! It is not her who has to die! It's..it's me. "I say the last part quietly.
That's when I realize how completely and utterly in love with her I actually am. She could hate me and id fall at her feet.
"I'm afraid it's too late. The werewolves would have made it there half and hour ago." She explains. I feel my heart drop and my blood boil. 'You're all dead' I think to myself. I speed towards the witch only to hit an invisible barrier.
I can't get out, Caroline's fighting for her life, and I sit here uselessly. I turn around and let a tear roll down my cheek. I shake my head. 'She will survive. She has to' I keep thinking over and over again for the next hour as I contemplate how the hell to get to her.
I hear footsteps behind me and I whip around only to come face to face with the witch from before. She looks upset. "I'm sorry," she says and while I'm caught off guard by her words, she shoves a knife into my stomach.
"Ah!" I scream as I feel immense pain. Not only from the knife, but the reason she said she was sorry. Did something happen to Caroline? I feel tears stream down my cheek before my back hits the floor and everything goes black.
I sit here in darkness. Painful darkness as I realize I don't want to live anymore. Caroline was everything to me. I love her, so much. I needed her alive and then my enemies just...they just.
Pain. All I feel is pain. Why? Why me? Why did it have to happen to me?

Caroline's POV
Andy and I race to the bar, where I know he would've gone. "Wow! I'm running werewolf speed and you're faster than me? How?" She asks. I don't even answer. All I can think about is Klaus. Tears stream down my cheeks and I shake them off. He's going to be fine. I sob and run faster. I slow down as I reach the bar
Inside, I see a bunch of vampires, werewolves, and witches. I sniffle and blow the door open with my power. All eyes snap to me.
"Where the hell is he?" I ask menacingly. "We'll, you see Blondie, he went night nig-" he didn't get to finish, for I blew his head off.
"Anybody else want to be stupid? Where!" I scream and more tears fall. They all shake there heads and sob escapes my mouth, when suddenly I hear,"Care, help!" It was Andy.
I whip around to find her being held by two werewolves and the other has his hand in her chest.
'No! She's my best friend! Nobody else can die on me!' I think.
"Ah!" I scream and all three werewolves catch on fire and drop. The ground shakes and it rains rocks, dirt, and water. All the faucets break from pressure and water shoots out like a geyser. All the chandeliers catch on fire and the ground shook even more.
"Ah! Why me?" I scream as everything getting more powerful. All the supernatural being look at me in fear as the floor cracks to reveal the inside of earth. At the bottom, is a pool of lava.
"I need him! Where is he?" I scream at them. A witch shakes her head fury flares inside me. "Don't do that! I know that you know where he is!" I scream and push her into the crack.
"Ah!" I hear her scream, then a splash. Then nothing. I look at the rest. They are all petrified and I smirk. I use my powers to make them all catch on fire then push then into earth.
I storm out of the bar and Andy follows. As we walk I feel empty. I drop to my knees and scream out a sob. "I love him! I didn't even tell him!" I yell. "I'm madly in love with him. And..and he doesn't even,ah!" I sob out and Andy embraces me and I feel her own hot tears in my back.
"I don't know where Oliver is! He wasn't there! What if they hurt him?" She sobs herself.
We sit there, hugging each other in the middle of the street like mad people, when really, our hearts are broken. No, they've been ripped out of our chests.

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