Deja Vu.

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"Quinny, it's time to get up!" You've been awake for a few minutes trying not to wake Quinn, calmy asleep on your chest. Once her mom starts to call for her she starts to wake up, but is still half asleep when her mom comes into her room. "Quin- oh. I'm sorry, I'll just leave you two alone for a moment." She walks out of the room, Quinn's eyes fluttering open.

"Good Morning, sorry about my mom." You chuckle.

"It's fine."

"So do you wanna stay for breakfast?"

"I can't. I gotta get home, and grab everything for school. See you then?"

"See you then." She says smiling. You turn to leave. "And Y/N?"


"Thanks again for last night."

"Anytime." You say with a smile. You then turn her doorknob, and walk out of her bedroom. You spot her mom standing outside the door.

"Hi, I'm Judy Fabray Quinn's mother." She offers you her hand, and you shake it.

"Y/N Davis. I was just helping Quinn study math last night, and it got late so she decided it would be better if I spent the night."

"I figured, so will you be joining us at breakfast?"

"I would love to, but unfortunately I gotta run. I'm gonna be late if I don't leave now. Nice meeting you Mrs. Fabray."

"Nice meeting you Y/N." You wave goodbye then quickly rush out the door. You speed over to your apartment, get changed, then quickly pack your swim bag and backpack. While your on your way out the door, Quinn calls.

"Hey, so I'm just wondering something."

"Ask away." You reply.

"So about what you told me... About last night?"

"Yeah, what about it."

"Do you want me to keep it a secret?" You sigh, and think for a minute.

"Well who were you planning on telling?" You ask.

"Santana, Brittany and Finn." You think about it for a second then reply.

"Yeah, that's fine. As long as it's just them, and they know not to tell anyone else. Just don't tell them I got kicked out. I don't know if I'm ready for anyone else to know about that." You say.

"Of course, I understand. Thanks for letting me tell them, I'll make sure they know not to tell anyone else."

"Yeah, okay I gotta go." You hang up, and get into your car to drive to school. You park it, and see Brittany, Santana, and Quinn standing in the parking lot. Brittany is staring at the ground, and they all look upset.

"What's going on?"

"It was Finn." Quinn says. "He said he wouldn't tell anyone. He said he told Puck, and told him to keep it a secret becuase Puck is Finn's best friend so they tell each other anything. Puck said he wouldn't, but then told Karofsky. Then everyone on the football team knew, and from there the news spread like wildfire." You nod, and look down.

"So then why are you risking being seen with me? Since now I'm a threat to your popularity." Quinn is caught off guard by your response.

"Because your our friend, and you've been here for us throughout our shit. It's time we return the favor."

"No, it's fine. I mean I'm not gonna drag you guys down when it's not your fault. I'll see you guys around." You give them a quick grin, then start to walk away.

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