The First Swim Meet.

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"He was supportive of me."

"Kurt that's awesome I'm so happy for you." You say smiling at him. Your waiting for rehearsal to start. A couple days has went by, and since then a good amount of stuff has gone down. Rachel quit to do Cabaret, Kurt officially came out, and Finn found out Quinn's pregnant she convinced it was through a hot tub.

"Okay, let's get started guys. Since Rachel left we're gonna have Quinn take her solo." Quinn nods and you all take your place to begin Don't Stop Believing. Your preparing for an Invitational. You all start singing and Finn does his solo. After they spin Quinn runs out because of morning sickness.

"Can we all talk about the giant elephant in the room." Kurt says.

"Your sexuality?" Santana says, causing you to laugh. You smile at Santana as Kurt continues. After some time you continue with Glee Club, and Santana comes up to you.

"You wanna hang out tonight?"

"I have work." Santana looks upset.

"We really miss you." She says with sadness in her eyes.

"I miss you guys, but I'm trying to save your reputation." You reply while walking out into the hallway, with Santana following.

"We don't care about our reputation. You have been there for us through so much. It's time we returned the favor." She says.

"Look, how about next Friday? I come over to your house and Quinn, Brittany, you, and me can all hang out." Santana's eyes light up.

"Okay. Bye." She says before waving. You go into your car and close the door. You start your car and head off to work. After work you drive to your apartment. You unlock your door, and walk in. You drop all your stuff off, and go to sit down on your bed. You lie down, and your phone starts ringing. It's an unknown number, not a good sign.


"Go to hell." They then hang up. You sigh. You knew that this would start to happen. You unpack your swim bag, and backpack. Your phone starts ringing again, and you look to see who. It's Tina.


"Hey Y/N, it's T-T-Tina."

"Hey Tina, what's up?"

"Look, I've been feeling really c-c-confused about... my s-s-sexual orientation. I was w-w-wondering if you could h-help."

"What do you need?" You ask.

"Can you come over on W-Wednesday? I'll text y-you my address?"

"Sorry I'm working, but I'm available Saturday night."

"Yeah, sounds good. I-I-I'll see you then." She says happily, then hangs up. You smile, then get ready for bed. Your about to go to bed, when you hear a loud banging on the door. You look through the peephole and it's your neighbor, shit. Ever since everyone found out he's been at your door, usually after he's consumed a few drinks. You open the door becuase he won't stop until you do. You open the door.

"What can I do for you Tom?" You say.

"Stop being sinful." He says, his speech slurred. He isn't balancing properly and alternates between leaning on his left and right legs. A he stands at 6'2, with gray stubble. "You... are a disgrace." He says then burps. "You really should be punished."

"Okay, goodnight Tom." You say starting to close the door. After it shuts you look through the peephole and see him walk to his apartment. You sigh. Ever since everyone found out, you've been dealing with a lot of homophobia. Hate calls, death threats, and your drunk neighbor calling you a terrible person. People sure love to hate what they don't know, and since your the first lesbian that's come out people just don't know how to deal. You can't move though. Hell you just got here. You go to your bed and fall asleep.

One little secret.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora