A Wrench In The Plan

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Being a college student, fighting off your drug addiction, trying to make friends. You didn't realize truly how much you had on your plate until you added wedding planning on top of that. But you've faced worse, to be fair your anxiety is up after you spend so much time focusing on trying to stay off of drugs in every form.

You're in one of your classes, and lately you've been out of breath way more often. All the walks to the Humanities building from one of the furthest dorms on campus isn't helping. Meanwhile there's an invitational between Vocal Adrenaline, The Warblers, and The New Directions. Mr. Schue now works for Vocal Adrenaline, some random coach for The Warblers, and Rachel and Kurt working for The New Directions. They even got some more people like Kitty and Spencer, and things are really looking up for them. Meanwhile Santana's applying to college's and rooming with Mercedes while she begins work on her second album. You're doing class work and trying to slow your breathing while the professor starts their lesson plan.

The Next Day

"I know this paper is really gonna kill me."

"Same. You wanna head to the dining hall?"

"Yeah sure." You say, feeling like you're hyperventilating with how out of breath you are.

"You okay, you seem a little out of breath..."

"Y-Yeah I'm good don't worry." You reply starting to feel like you can't breathe. "Just not working out as I should I guess."

"I mean those Humanities stairs are a bitch so I totally get it." You nod with a chuckle as you start making your way down the stairs trying not to cry with your friend as you both make your way to the dining hall.

A Few Days Later

"Babe are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah I'm good I just... I'm having some trouble breathing these p-past few days."

"Then maybe let's go to the health center?"

"N-No I'm okay. I..." It's a Saturday and Santana is over, going over wedding plans. Your breathing has been getting worse over the past few days and there's been a few times where you felt close to passing out. But this time is much, much worse.

"Okay we're going to the doctor." Santana says as she begins to stand, and you lose all consciousness.

After A Few Days

It took long doctor conversations but you finally have the whole story. Basically the drugs caused many panic attacks but this time you lost consciousness. Your heart essentially skipped a beat and it took your brain a little bit of catching up. Luckily you got prescribed an anti-anxiety medication that has a low addiction rate and that you can stop if you start feeling that way. Your condition is much more stable now though so you should be okay but you were advised to take multiple days rest. You got a week off of school, and you plan to take things easy and only focusing on wedding planning, and making sure Santana's okay with everything that just happened. Because the last thing you need is more pressure put on her.

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