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You walk into the pool with your swim bag, containing your fastskin. You shaved everything last night in your apartment. You walk into see your teammates sitting quietly on the bleachers. Your coach is in her office and spots you walking in, and stands outside her door.

"What are you all waiting for? We've got a prelims meet to suit up for." You say and the team cheers and jumps up to pull you into a group hug. After a minute they let you go so they can start suiting up, and you walk over to Coach. She waves at you to take a seat in her office, as she closes the door.

"Davis, glad to hear you'll be swimming with us." She says with a smile. She then takes a seat and looks at you. "I've been a swim coach here for 12 years and can safely say that this has been my most interesting season by far." You chuckle and she gets a sad look in her eyes. "Can I say that I've coached a lot of swimmers, and I don't think I've ever met a swimmer who has had to fight as much as you have. I mean you have been slapped and kicked, and punched, and stabbed. People have thrown every curse word at you, and spray painted your locker and you have gotten up only to be knocked down again. You are one of the most dedicated, passionate, and toughest swimmers I have ever met." You can see her start to get tears in her eyes.

"Don't go soft on me just yet, you've still got 2 more years with me." You say and she chuckles.

"I just want to thank you because you haven't just inspired this team and brought them closer then I've ever seen, you've inspired me. And I can't wait to see what you do in the future. Now go suit up, you've gotta go kick some ass." She says, and you are shocked for a second as you've never heard her swear before. You then chuckle and stand up. You pull her into a hug.

"Thank you coach. For everything." You say and then pull away and go into the locker room to get changed. After taking 15 minutes to get into your fastskins you walk back out to the bleachers. You take out the pairs of tights you brought with you. You take one pair and put it on your legs. You pass a pair of scissors around and cut a hole in the middle so you can put them over your arms. The other teams have started to arrive, along with some fans. You put on your drag suit over your tights and fastskin. You then put on your cap, racing googles and then put on your bubble cap. The pool starts to fill up with teams and spectators. You spot the New Directions (minus Finn) sitting on the bleachers. You wave to them and they wave back. You then spot Mrs. Pillsbury sitting next to Mr. Shue, and are surprised to see Sue walking into the pool. She takes a seat next to Figgins as you go over to start warming up, then look to see Finn and some of the football players walking into the pool and your stomach drops. You can tell that they're probably not here just to support the team. You jump into the pool and warm up. After your done you pull yourself out and go stand by the bleachers. You can tell they spotted you.

"Hey Y/N, I bet your really enjoying being around all these girls in their suits huh?"

"Yeah, be careful guys. You don't know what stunts she'll try to pull when she's in the water!" You roll your eyes. You would respond, but your trying to focus on getting ready for your first race. You take a marker and start writing down your events on your hand. After your done with that the meet is about to start. Your coach walks over and gives you guys a pep talk. You put your hands in into circle.

"Davis, you wanna say it?"

"Isn't that the seniors job?"

"They all said they would rather you say it."

"Thanks guys." You say with a smile. You then shout as loud as you can. "Titans on three! One, two three! Titans!" Everyone lifts their hands out of the circle and shouts Titans. "Okay, lets go kick some butt." You say and everyone agrees. You go stand on the side of the pool with the rest of the swimmers as Brian announces the start of the meet. You all stand hand in hand as the National Anthem plays. There's a moment of silence after the National Anthem and you hear the door open. Your stomach drops at Tom walks through the doors.

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