What's Your Belief?

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It's been two weeks since the first day. Rachel sent a foreign exchange student to a Crackhouse. Mike and Tina became the official cutest couple while Tina came out as bisexual over the summer, and Finn got kicked off the football team with the new coach. The next week was spent with Carl the hot dentist and Britney Spears fantasies with Mr. Shue being a creep and performing a number about sex with his students, while Finn was back on the football team. Your in Glee Club on Monday and Finn stands up he starts talking about how we should spend a week doing songs about Jesus. Kurt then speaks up, and starts talking about how he doesn't believe in God. The bell rings. And he comes up to you, since your both heading down to the foreign language wing.

"Can you belive this lesson? I mean you of all people should get why I'm not exactly religious." You nod.

"I get what your saying Kurt. I mean I spent my whole life growing up being told that I'm choosing a life of sin, when I couldn't control it." He nods. "But I mean it's not like I don't belive." He frowns. "I'm Agnostic." He looks at you curiously.

"What's Agnostic?" You chuckle.

"It's basically when you don't believe in God. You don't belive that one person just created life and everything but you belive that life has a plan. I think that we each have a journey we're going to go on, and it'll work out in the end."

"Well that's surprisingly optimistic." You smile.

"I mean I just feel the need to belive that life can't suck forever. Otherwise it seems pretty pointless." He nods.

"That's fair. I'll see you later." You wave and walk to Spanish. While in class you see Mr. Shue and Miss. Pillsbury walking with Kurt. He looks into class and they stop. He talks to them, and they come in and talk to your teacher.

"Y/N Davis?" You look up and come with them.

"What's going on?"

"M-My dad's in the hospital. I just need someone who can comfort me, while also not telling me they'll pray for him." You nod.

"Okay." You say and he holds your hand as Mr. Shue drives you to the hospital. Once there they tell Kurt his dad is in a coma, and you walk down to his hospital room. You remember the last time you were here. Once you arrive, Kurt asks for a moment. You wait out in the hall. He then calls you into the room, and you nod. You spent some time with Mr. Hummel, and watched baseball games together. He also helped you when your car needed repairs and told you how to repair them. He's started feeling like family, so it hurt to see him like this.

"H-hey Burt." You say, sitting next to Kurt. "I can tell your not going to give up, becuase we need you to. Please, I can't loose hope that every parent in this world will hate their kids." You say seriously. You all sit in silence for a moment, then you and Kurt walk out of the hospital room, walking hand in hand.

"Thank you for that." Kurt says and you give him a hug.

"I don't know what's gonna happen, but I hope he wakes up." You say and he smiles. You then ride back to the school.

A Few Day Later.

Finn stands in the center of the room, after performing Losing My Religion. Apparently he feels like he lost a connection with God. The bell rings and you go to Kurt. You walk with him to his locker.

"Hey, how's your dad doing?"

"Hasn't woken up yet."

"Hey, I'm sure he will. Do you want me to come with you to the hospital this weekend?"

"Sure, it'd be nice. Y/N?"


"What's it like? Not having any parents?"

"I- I don't know. I mean my parents are still alive, they're just assholes."

"Right, but I mean what's it like? Not having an adult you can turn to? To listen, to talk to about things like your day?" You sigh.

"I mean it sucks. And at times it can feel lonely to not have anyone there to tell. No one to be proud of you when you do well." You look at the floor, then look into Kurt's eyes. "But you won't have to experience that, at least I hope not. But I'll always be here for you." He smiles and wraps you into a hug.

"Thank you." You smile.

"No problem." Just then you hear Mercedes close her locker and walk up to you two.

"Hey, can we talk?" She asks looking at Kurt.

"I-I should let you two talk." You turn to let them talk, but Mercedes calls out to you.

"Actually Y/N, it'd be better if you could stay. I'm gonna need some help with this." You look at her confused as she turns to Kurt. She asks him to come to Sunday mass with her and Kurt shakes his head.

"I-I don't know." He looks to you, and Mercedes turns to you.

"I was kinda hoping you could come too, so that Kurt doesn't feel alone." You nod, then look to Kurt. "You get to wear a fancy hat." Kurt then smiles and looks to you.

"I'll go if you will. It's been a long time and who knows, maybe it'll be different to see what it's like to sit and not be told I'm going to be sent to Hell." You turn to Kurt.

"You had me at fancy hat." You and Mercedes giggle, and make plans on how your going to get there.

That Sunday.

"I'm very impressed with everyone's Sunday best." Kurt says, as the three of you walk down the rows looking for empty seats in a pew. After the two of you sit, Mercedes goes to be with her choir. Kurt starts looking uncomfortable, so you take his hand. "Thank you for coming." You smile.

"No problem." He smiles back and the service starts. After church you say goodbye to Kurt and Mercedes and head off to work. That night you get a call, Burt has woken up. That night you feel so fucking happy that you don't stop smiling until you fall asleep.

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