Getting To Know You.

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You arrive at your apartment, and park your car in your usual spot. You let go of Brittany's hand so you can shift the gear into park, and turn the car off.

"Now, your sure you wanna do this. Becuase we don't have too. I don't want you thinking you have to do this if you don't feel comfortable." Brittany looks at you, slightly confused then smiles.

"People don't usually ask me if I'm comfortable. But I want too, really want too." She says passionately.

"Okay." You say with a smile. You give her a gentle kiss on the cheek, then get out of the car. You open her door, and take her hand as she steps out. You walk up to the apartment, and almost run into Ella.

"Oh, hey Davis." She says, a little surprised.

"Hey Ella." You say with a smile.

"Don't tell me your bringing in another girl to live here." You let out a small chuckle.

"No. This is Brittany, my... partner." You say looking at her, unsure of what to call your relationship.

"Well Davis, it looks like you have a thing for blondes." You laugh.

"Yeah, okay." You say jokingly.

"Well... just keep it down. Not that you weren't with Quinn, but just know that the walls are a little thin." She says with a wink. You feel yourself starting to give a light blush as you nod. "Well I have to go, but have fun you two."

"See you later Ella." You say, before walking into your apartment.

"Well, do you wanna take the old stairs or the creepy elevator?" Brittany thinks for a second before looking amazed.

"You have an elevator in your house?" You giggle.

"Kind of. It's more like living in a hotel." Brittany nods.

"Okay, well let's take the elevator." You smile, and walk over to the very old looking, run down elevator and press the button. You stand in the elevator holding Brittany's hand, as the doors open and you walk to your door. You take your key, and unlock the door. It swings open with a creek. You lead you and Brittany inside, and turn on the lights. You close the door, and lock it behind you, as Brittany walks further into your apartment to look around. She walks over to the kitchen corner, eyeing the fact you have all the needed appliances before turning her attention to the fridge. You don't have a lot of pictures, most of your pictures shoved in boxes in your closet. She takes a look at the family one.

"Is this your family?" You give a quick nod and walk over to her.

"Yeah. That's my dad, mom, and my three sisters. Two older, one younger." You point to them.

"What are their names?"

"My dad is named Mike, My mom is named Dianne, My oldest sister is named Stacey, My other older sister is named Abbie, and my younger sister is named Victoria. What about you? I think I've seen your sister a couple times." Brittany smiles when you mention her.

"Yeah, her name is Lacie. She's the best little sister I could ask for." She says with a smile.

"I bet she is." You say gently, Brittany gets a curious look on her face.

"What are your sisters like?" You give a sigh, turning away while brushing a hand through your hair.

"Well my oldest sister was really involved in music so I always felt like I was competing with her when it came to singing. I would always joke about being better then her because I got a higher score at a music competition than she had ever gotten one year. My parents were always quick to say how I wasn't better then her, but they meant it. My other older sister was the model student. I mean we all were, but she was always getting 100's and in every advanced class. She was also really athletic. We all swam, My oldest and younger siblings were okay. I was pretty good, but she was always better. It always felt like if I wasn't trying to be Stacey in my parents eyes, I was trying to be Abbie and it always felt like I never would. She was always perfect, and I was behind her. Then there's Victoria. My parents and everyone adored her because she was the youngest. Out of the four of them I was the black sheep. Blamed for everything, and just different. I was always the scape goat. I was always getting into little arguments with Stacey, me and Abbie had a decent relationship because I wasn't constantly annoying her. That was Stacey's job. I always felt a need to protect Victoria, but I mean that's just being a big sister. She has ADD, but started to take after me whose personality was snarky comments. While my family found mine to be rude, they thought her's were funny because she was the baby." You give a little chuckle at the memory. You find Brittany totally fascinated while you open up about your family, you then sigh and turn back to her. You shake your head and look at the floor. "Oh well, it's not like any of it matters now." Brittany looks at you confused.

One little secret.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang