A Flashback.

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A/N: 100th Chapter! Thank y'all for all the support and for being so understanding of how slow it takes me to write this shit lol. It means so much to me! Thank you all!! Okay now back to the story... Speaking of this chapter shows a hate crime so if that will be triggering I advise you skip this chapter.

Funny Girl. After months of Rachel waiting and doing practices it's finally time for it to hit the stage. Sam and Blaine have moved in with Mercedes who's in New York to work on her album, with you being given housing through your record label. Your drug addiction is still kicking, no matter how hard you try to manage it you just feel like you can't stop yourself. Santana lives with you in a separate bedroom, and she's been so great in helping you try to manage your addiction as much as she can. Even still you can feel it get stronger with every bump yet you don't feel like you can stop yourself.

"Hey, good morning." Santana says with a smile, while she makes a stack of pancakes.

"Morning." You reply, but with all the late night talk shows you've been going on it feels like bedtime.

"Another great show last night, people really love you."

"Don't sound so surprised,  I mean my sob story at least gets me popular through sympathy which is a little better then association so..."

"I mean yeah, you've been hate crimed, outed multiple times, sent to conversion camp, been involved in a love triangle, got your heart broken, and so much other shit. Someone should make like a TV show."

"Nah this is more fan fiction speed if anything." Santana nods in agreement as you slap a pancake on your plate and head over to the dining room table.

"Well whatever it is, it's defiantly something." Santana says as you take a bite of a pancake. Once you finish eating you put your dish in the sink before heading to your room and changing before falling asleep on your bed which is so much better then a comforter. You wake up a few hours later to Kurt calling asking if you'd be willing to come to a candle lighting ceremony and you agree. You quickly toss on some clothes before making your way to Kurt and Rachel's apartment to find Sam and Blaine joining in as well. Once you all finish attending you all head back to the apartment where you hang with them for the night until you decide to head back to your apartment. You have a party to go to tomorrow night but for tonight you're staying in.

On your way back you buy some roses,  without thorns, before surprising Santana with a movie watching date which you hope will be a good distraction even if for just a minute. You arrive back at the apartment to see her going over a Chinese food menu.

"Perfect, I was just to invite you to stay in for a movie night and what better comfort food then Chinese?"

"I'd love that. Now look over what you want and I'll call while you pick the movie." Santana says. Once the order has been placed you both snuggle up next to each other before pressing play on your favorite movie. By the time it finishes you're both fast asleep due to a food coma and comfort.

The Next Day

You wake up early, Santana wrapped around you causing you to smile. You then slowly move her off of you before sighing and going to the bathroom to do a bump. When you come out of the bathroom you take a blanket and drape it over Santana, knowing she doesn't have work until tonight before heading to your room to read.

A Few Days Later

"Yeah I'll definitely help out."

"Great thank you so much Y/N, she'll listen to you. Okay I'll see you then." Kurt says before hanging up. He called to see if you'd be willing to help convince Rachel stay in NYADA. You get ready before heading to the restaurant Kurt said to meet him at. Once there you sit with him and wait, until Rachel arrives.

Even with the both of you, it still wasn't enough to make her understand why staying in NYADA is the right call. She says that it's only getting in the way, and calls you a hypocrite for dropping out of college only to shame her for doing the same. Rachel ends up storming out after getting upset with you both and you and Kurt sit in silence before agreeing to take a walk and go somewhere else. As you're walking out of the restaurant you see a man getting beaten up and you and Kurt rush over to help. The man runs away leaving you and Kurt to face off against two guys. They both take a few swings, and you're taken back to your apartment with Quinn sitting in your bed while your neighbor beats you bloody.

Eventually they drive off leaving you and Kurt alone.

"K-Kurt? You okay?"

"I think so, are you?"

"As good as one can be. I'll call the ambulance." You say before reaching for your phone and calling 911. You then wait until you can hear the sirens and the ambulance arrives.

A Few Hours Later

You wake up to see Mercedes, Rachel, Artie, Blaine, and Sam all in the hospital room. You got a few gut punches and thanks to your scar it caused a little bit of a mess but nothing too terrible. Kurt's still asleep but Rachel apologizes and you thank everyone for coming to support you both. Eventually everyone heads out of the room besides Blaine who stays with Kurt, before Santana walks in and wraps you into a hug.

"I'm getting some memories." She says teasingly and you smile at her.

"Yeah except this time the Unholy Trinity isn't here, just you." Santana presses a kiss to your forehead. "And this time I don't have to worry about the medical bills."

"And I'm the one here for you." You smile as you move over, before Santana snuggles into you and you both fall asleep with her head on your chest.

The Next Day

"You two idiots." Burt says teasingly as he walks into the room.

"You know what they say, first's the worst second' the best." You reply as Burt walks over to give you hug.

"Yeah but what if they had a gun? It coulda been a lot worse."

"Coulda, but what would you have done?" Kurt responds. "We had to step in, show them we're not afraid."

"You could've called the cops or gotten help. I'm proud of you both but damn y'all are lucky."

"We've been fighting for years."

"I just uh... I thought you'd both be safer here. And now look at the both of you."

"I'm hoping for a scar."

"Me too, at least one that doesn't spell out a slur on my stomach."

"You both are so weird."

"I may be weird, but I'm the weirdo you raised me to be. I always will be, strong and a fighter." You smile as Burt leans over.

"I'm glad you're okay, just don't do it again unless I'm with you." Burt says causing you to chuckle before he gives you both a hug. A few hours later you get released and Kurt goes to replace flowers while you head back to your apartment. It's been a few days since your last bump and all you can think of is doing one. You head into your apartment and go straight to the bathroom and taking a few bumps before deciding to sleep it off. Hating yourself for something you feel you couldn't control, and feeling like you've disappointed Santana as you lay down and fall asleep.

The Next Day

It's Monday night potluck, and you and Santana are invited. You check in with Kurt to see how he's healing and Mercedes and Sam announce they're dating again. Rachel invites you all to see him perform in the Midwinter Critique and you all show up. You're given a week off of work to heal so you say you can go and you all cheers to Kurt and Y/N before beginning to dig in and talk excitedly about getting to see Kurt tomorrow.

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