Chapter 2

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The lights dimmed as we approached. A small girl was sprawled on the floor with papers strewn about her. Without a second thought I bent down and started gathering the papers as Tessa and Nat helped the girl to her feet. "Oh, thank you, some guys ran through here and I'm sure that they didn't mean to knock me down, well I hoped they didn't," she said nervously.

I smiled sympathetically at her and handed her the papers. "I'm sure they didn't mean to trip you; are you ok? Nothing hurt?" Asked Nat still steadying her. "Yes, I'm fine, just kind of overwhelmed," she said putting the papers in order.

"Oh no I'm missing one, "she said frantically looking around. "I found it," called Tessa. "Hey is this a script?" Asked Tessa looking at the paper. "Yup and it's the one thing I'm worried about, no one has signed up to audition for the play and if we can't do the play then we lose the theater program," she said sadly.

"A play sounds so fun. I don't know why no one wants to be in it." I said aloud on accident. The girls face lite up and hope shone through her emerald eyes. Nat and Tessa looked at me wryly. "Would you guys like to try out?" She asked. Jade jumped in quickly. "A play with all my best friends? Sounds like a great idea!" "That's great! My names Piper and I'm the costume designer. Here's the sign-up list," she said handing me the list.

I looked at the list apprehensively but before I could decline Jade took the paper out of my hands. "Thanks!" She starts writing all of our names down. Jade is delusional if she thinks I'm going to be a part of this. "So, what's the play called?" Asked Jade curiously.

"It's Romeo and Juliet but it's in the point of view of Juliet," she said excitedly. Of course. I suppressed rolling my eyes and instead smiled lightheartedly. "I will of course be Romeo, so I would like a costume that's strapless so everyone can see my biceps," said Nat haughtily.

I scoffed at the same time Jade rolled her eyes. "Actually we had a few boys sign up also, the only thing we needed was a few girls, but that doesn't mean you won't get the part of Romeo I was just making sure you understood that there were others and that you would need to try out," reassessed Piper timidly.

She and Nat turned a light pink color all around at the same time that Jade, Tessa and I burst into laughter. Piper looks at us in confusion because of course she doesn't know that for all Nat's arrogant talk he's actually very attractive and Piper is the first girl, aside from his three best friends, that has ever deterred his arrogance.

Nat grumbled and Jade handed the now full form back to Piper. "Thanks so much, the auditions are tomorrow at four in the theater room. All you need to do is recite some lines to see what character you fit best as. Ooh there will also be food and refreshments, courtesy of the director," she stated giddily.

I was about to tell her to erase my name, but she waved back one last time and then disappeared around the corner. "I'm going to get you back for making us tryout," stated Nat leaning back against the wall. "I think it might be fun," said Tessa. "Well, it'll be more interesting than fun," interjected Jade. "Jade there's no way I'm trying out for that play," I state firmly. 

"Aw come on Cass, listen, no one will be there it'll just be us together goofing off and having fun. Plus, there's no way we'd get any of the lead roles. We can just hang out backstage together and get to stay out past curfew for practices!" "They're called rehearsals" "It doesn't matter what they're called we'll still be able to stay up, and maybe even cut some classes." I shake my head, but she does make a valid point. If anything, I'd just be backstage the whole time. 

The old bell sounded far off in the distance. "Oh no! We're going to be late to P.E!" Exclaimed Jade running towards the outside building and dragging me along with her. "You know this wouldn't have happened if you guys would have stayed with me during lunch instead of disappearing and leaving me by myself," I stated trying to snatch my arm away from her vise grip.

"Jade I almost forgot! You're never going to believe what happened to me after you left!" I said excitedly. "Whatever it was, it can wait until we get safely inside the building before the bell rings again," she answered still hauling me towards a building that was only two feet away.

I stopped nagging and ran the rest of the terribly long way. Jade gave a sigh of relief when the bell rang only seconds after we entered. "Come on girls head towards the locker room and quickly get dressed, all the other girls are already inside." The hall that separates the locker room from the gym is long and narrow and reminds me of runway. 

A gym runway where the guys get to check out the girls in small shorts and t shirts and the girls get to see the boys (pretend) work out. I always stay in the far back next to Jade who blocks my view of the boys. Just another reason why school sucks. When we reach the locker room Jade and I quickly change into gym clothes and run to catch up with the others. 

The weather was cool but not too cold. I sighed it relief because last week we had to run two miles in the frosty freezing weather, and I couldn't feel my fingers for days afterwards. Jade smiled at me with an evil glint in her eyes, so that meant that we were playing dodgeball, again.

I smiled warily back. If I'm going to play dodgeball, at least I'll be playing next to the best. Mr. Watson, the coach, separated us in two groups and led each group a wall facing each other. "Ok here's what we're going to do, Jake, you take the far-right side, Tori, you'll be in the far left, I'll be in the middle and the rest of you can scatter among us," she said pointing off the people.

The rest of us meant the ones that had terrible aim as were caught easily, which included me. Coach Watson blew the whistle, and we were off. Everyone went to their appropriate places and grabbed whatever ball we could find. I hid behind Jade's shadow until I found my own ball. I heard a squeal from behind me and ducked uselessly.

My vision got blurry and all I could see was five figures with mean leers coming towards us and Jade nowhere to be found. I sucked in a sweaty breath and brought up the bit of courage that I still conveniently had. They were only twenty feet away, each with their own balls. I glanced down at the floor and saw four balls around my feet.

I might just be able to do this. I gripped the ball I held in my hand hard and set my eyes on the smallest of the group. A ball flew towards me, but I sidestepped it just in time. Just in time for it to hit me square in the chest because instead of going way from it I went towards. Welp this game was truly never meant for someone like me anyway. 

 "That was spectacular Cassie! You took out four guys singlehandedly! Next time you'll be on my right." Said Jade lifting me up. Is what would have happened if I had succeeded in my ill-thought out plan. Instead, I'm just living vicariously in my head. 

Our team decided that even though we lost, we should celebrate so we headed back to the locker room to change and shower. I never usually take a shower, but my body was soaked, and Jade told me I smelled like a sweaty sock. I showered quickly and dressed in new clothes that Jade brought up.

"Jake and Tori are getting ice cream for everyone to celebrate," said Jade. "Yum," I answered dreaming of chocolate chunks. "I just don't know how they could have taken me out so easily I mean I'm not the best or anything, and there was only seven of us, but still it's unnerving," complained Jade.

"Maybe they were aiming for you," I suggested. "Yeah maybe, hey didn't you want to tell me something?" She asked suddenly. "Oh yeah! Oh my goodness Jade! Blonde hair guy talked to me!" I exclaimed. "What?!" She shouted loudly.

A few heads turned our way. "Shush, I'll tell you when we get to our room," I promised silently. "You better," she said pointing her finger at me. "Oh and his name's Matthias," I said, more to my benefit than hers. "Just think of what Tessa's face will look like when you tell her." Jade smiled from ear to ear.

Tessa's a pixie shaped girl that looks as delicate as a flower with her sharp blonde hair and piecing green eyes, but what makes her who she is, is her expressions. Her whole face would transform right before your eyes. "I'm glad we have gym last period, or else I wouldn't be able to stay alive," I said walking down the hallway. "Yeah, it would be pretty hard to leave gym all sweaty and then have to go to other classes afterwards," she agreed, nodding her head. 

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