Chapter 19

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"Ad Hockery." "Um is that making fun of someone? You know like instead of mockery, hockery?" I asked cringing at my own useless definition. Jade sighed looking at me with a mix of impatience and determination. "No, it means 'reliance on temporary solutions," she stated flipping to the next index card.

"Why in the world would we ever need to know that? What am I even learning in english other than how to hate the language with it's uselessly long stupid words?" I ranted jumping off from my bed that was a mess of blankets and school supplies. "Do you want me to help you study or not?" She asked throwing down the pile of index cards. I sighed and sat back down on my bed. "Continue."

"Why don't we work on history?" She asked tersely. "I don't have a history class, I did that last summer," I stated scratching my head messing up my already messy bun. "I know, but I do," she said throwing me a stapled packet.

"Quiz me on the questions and then I'll help you with more of your stuff," she said laying back on her bed. "Fine. When was the civil war?" "Sweet love of all those who dropped out! Send me your wisdom!" She yelled exasperatingly.

"Why would you want the wisdom of the people who dropped out? They dropped out for a reason," I said throwing back her history review. "I think it's senioritis," she deadpanned. "You're a junior, dope." "Whatever, I'm not studying, hand me your english cards."

"Dude, what the heck if you don't wanna do work then why are you trying to help me?" I asked annoyed with her bad attitude. "You know what? You're right. I'm gonna hit up some Netflix, happy studying," she said sarcastically turning her back towards me.

I got up and stormed out of the room. I can never study with Jade, we always ended up in an argument. I started walking towards the library knowing that at this time right before finals, they would be open all night. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

I pulled it out fully prepared to ignore any and all messages from Jade. There were actually two messages, one from Jacob, and the other one was one I didn't know. I checked the one I didn't know first.

"Hey Cass, it's Matthias (Mat) the director gave me your number and told me that as lead roles we should have each other's numbers well anyway I wanted to make sure you got me, oh also sorry for texting you so late."

Only after I read the text did I notice that I had stopped walking. I picked up my pace a smile forming on my lips. I had almost forgotten about calling him Mat. Well now I'm gonna have to call him that. I smiled at my logic and started replying.

Cassie: "That's totally fine, I'm up studying anyway. Thanks for giving me your number..."

I stopped suddenly unsure of myself. Well I can't just start a conversation with him in the middle of the night. I sighed and ended the text by telling him I'd see him for rehearsal tomorrow. Good enough. I slipped the phone in my back pocket and entered the library.

I started for the computers since I left all my books in my room. Dumb Jade. I started looking up some online reviews for a science test I have tomorrow. About an hour into my studying my phone buzzed. I pulled it out without taking my eyes off the computer screen. I glanced down and ended up doing a double take.

Jacob: "Cass? You there?"

Oh gosh I totally forgot to reply to him earlier. I checked his other messages that were sent to me about an hour and a half before. He was asking if I could go out to the park or something this Friday. I was about to answer when I realized I had rehearsal. A plan started forming in my mind.

Cassie: "Hey, yeah I'm so sorry I was stuck studying. I have a rehearsal Friday but what are doing Thursday night?" I asked hoping he would be free. I went back to my studying, this time switching to english. He replied a few minutes later.

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