Chapter 22

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"Wait March fourth this March fourth?" I sputtered juice falling down my chin. "Cassie clean up this mess right now!" Screeched my dad.

Derek looked as if he was thinking of either laughing or running away and my sister was glaring at me. "Oh thank God I thought it was sooner," said my mom relaxing her shoulders not even acknowledging the mess I'd created.

Camille's face lit up like the morning sun. and Derek's shoulders seemed to relax a little. "Cassie, go get some washcloths now," commanded my mom shoeing me away. As I walked away I could just barely hear their conversation. "What do you think honey?" Asked my mom.

"You have to spend all of this break with me before I can give my consent, are you alright with that," asked my dad to Derek I assumed. "Yes, sir," Derek answered. I reentered the dining room with a bundle of washcloths and started dabbing the wet spots on the table.

"Great, then it's settled," said my mom gleefully. "Uh no, it's not," I stated annoyed. Everyone's eyes were on me but I was too upset to care.

"March fourth is the day of my first performance in the school play," I said putting the washcloth down to cross my arms over my chest. "What play?" Asked my mom setting down her drink.

"I was going to tell you guys later, but I was cast as Juliet in this year's Romeo and Juliet at my school," I said sitting back down in my seat. "Well honey, that's a school play, it's not such a big deal compared to your sisters wedding. You can just miss the first performance," she said nonchalantly.

"What? Mom no, I can't just miss the first performance, I'm the lead!" I squeaked incredulously. "Cassandra, don't ruin the mood," spit my sister venomously.

I glared at her and continued. "Is it that hard to change it to I don't know, say March fifth?!" I said sarcastically. "Well.." started my mother but Camille intervened.

"March fourth is Derek's grandma's birthday, she died last year so we wanted to try to cheer his grandpa up and make his family happy by putting our wedding on the same day," stated Camille placing her hands on the table and leaning towards me.

"Is it my freaking fault an old lady died!?" I yelled without thinking.

The room was dead silent before I stormed away towards my room. The only reason my sister was here was so my parents could pay for the dumb probably extravagant wedding of hers. I bet Derek would make it to the two year mark before giving up on her.

Ugh I hate her guts. Why couldn't she have stayed a mystery to my family? Everyone would be totally fine with it. The first year of my sister leaving my mom couldn't stop crying, but she'd gotten over it.

And my dad had just immersed himself in his work, which just helped them later on. Seriously I think our lives would be totally great without Camille in it.

I was still fuming when I slammed my door, locked it, and screamed into my pillow. "Cassie get off your lazy butt and answer your phone!" Yelled Tessa's voice.

I grumbled but smiled lightly thinking about the day when she had made that my ringtone. "Hello?" I asked answering my phone without checking the caller ID.

"You will not believe what they have done to me!" hollered Jade already in mid-rant. "Made you cut your ridiculously long hair?" I asked lying on my back on my newly made bed.

"Worse." I thought for a second. What was worse than cutting Jade's hair to her? "Are they making you study?" I asked uneasily and with no confidence what so ever.

"No you block head. They set me up with this rich obnoxious guy!" She screeched loudly. "What?"

"A guy! They made me go out with their friends son. On. the. day. we. were. supposed. to. spend. together," she gritted out. "Ouch, I'm sorry," I said sympathetically.

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