Chapter 23

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I ended up planning all night, but I finally had everything ready at five thirty. I slept for maybe two hours and got up silently, rising like a zombie from a coffin, and made my way to my parents bedroom. The hallways were dead silent.

I remembered the times I would wake up to Camille jamming out to soundtracks of different musicals each day. I sighed, apparently Camille was staying at a hotel near by and my parents were totally fine with it.

I caught sight of myself in the hallway mirror and yelped. Raccoon eyes was an understatement. I looked like the joker, especially with my creepy smile. When did I start smiling? I shook my head and walked into my parents room without knocking.

"JESUS IS NEVER LATE FOR US, WE SHOULDN'T BE LATE FOR HIM," I yelled walking in and sitting down on their bed frame.

My dad jumped out of bed and grabbed a bat that he hid next to the bed (great hiding place, dad) and started mumbling incoherent words while fumbling around.

My mom slept on unaware. I shook my head at her before turning back to my dad. "Dad stop, you're gonna kill me with that thing," I stated leaning back on my hands.

"What are you doing here this early, Cassie?" He asked putting down the bat. "Today's Sunday, God's day, church day," I stated obviously. "Yes I know that, but that's not until nine," he yawned.

I smiled sweetly. Show time. "I just thought you'd want to bring Derek along so that you could see how he acts in church," I said innocently. My dad paused and looked deep in thought.

"You're right, thanks sweetie," he said before leaving his room. My sweet smile turned darker as I skipped back into my room to change. I slipped on a simple gold sundress and matching flats and pulled a jean jacket over it.

I hummed to myself as I climbed down to get some breakfast. "Oh Fiddler on the Roof! I haven't heard that in a long time," commented my mom handing me a plate of eggs and toast.

She was wearing dress that hung to her ankles and her hair was tied up into a knot on her head. I shook my head, my mom was so old school.

"How'd you finally wake up?" I asked out of boredom than anything. She looked up at me curiously from the stove. "The alarm clock." I rolled my eyes and finished my breakfast. Ding. I looked up grinning wildly. "I'll get it!" I ran to the door and threw it open.

"Hey guys," I greeted with fake warmth. "Good morning," smiled Derek at me. I didn't get the part of Juliet for nothing. My sister brushed passed me without a word. "Yes come in, make yourself at home," I said sarcastically.

"Hello Cammie," I heard my mom greet. "My name's Camille, mom." Was her reply. I walked back into the kitchen, Derek on my heels. Even with her snarky attitude, Camille was dressed accordingly with a pencil skirt and a blue top, which matched Derek's blue button-down shirt.

"Alright is everyone here? Good let's go," commanded my dad leading the way to the limo. We followed behind leisurely. "You look very handsome, Derek," complimented my mom behind me.

"Thank you, Mrs. Goldman." I rolled my eyes and climbed in the back of the car. Soon the car was filled with people, and an uncomfortable silence.

"," I said awkwardly. "So Derek, which church do you go to?" Asked my father crossing his arms. "Recently? Safe House," he answered swiftly. I nearly groaned.

Of course he would give them the name of one of the most popular churches. My dad nods and looks out the window. And that was the end of all conversation until we got to church.

"Wow, this is a really nice building," commented Derek as we walked to the entrance. "Mhmm," was my dad's only response. He'll get outs quickly enough. My church was actually pretty small but the columns on either side helped to make the building look intimidating.

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