Chapter 12

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"So what was that all about?" Asked Nathan walking next to me. "What was what all about?" I asked sincerely confused. "You know last night how Tessa was flinging your clothes everywhere and Jade was talking about something before I came in," he said while messing with the strap of his backpack.

"Oh, I have a date Saturday so they were fussing about it," I said nonchalantly. "You what?" Asked Nat whipping his head to face me. "Yeah, you know that guy who we met at the ice cream place? Well I ran into him yesterday and he asked me to go see a movie with him," I stated while trying to fix the French braid I had made this morning.

"No kidding, well this is your first date right? No wonder Jade and Tessa were freaking out," he said scratching his chin and looking off into the distance. "This is so not my first date," I said proudly, crossing my arms. "Oh come on Cassie, Gerald doesn't count." He rolled his eyes and sighed like I was his unruly daughter.

"And why not?" I asked Pursing my lips. "Because you were like ten," he exclaimed throwing his hands up. "That's more than you," I said distastefully. "You seem to forget that I have a girlfriend," he said triumphantly.

"I'll believe it when I see it mr. Abbott," I stated walking faster. "Who's mr. Abbott?" Asked Nathan catching up with me. "Seriously? David Abbott from Just Like Heaven? Fell in love with a ghost? Man you people need to be educated," I said shaking my head. "Isn't that a chic flick?" He asked suspiciously.

"So what? It's a good movie," I stated proudly. "You're such a girl," he said ruffling my hair. "Hey watch it! It took half an hour to put my crazy hair in this braid," I said slapping away his hand. "Well I think it looks better now, a little mess never hurt anyone," he said grinning at me.

He seemed eerily happy today, maybe he does have a girlfriend. Usually in the morning he's not reclusive but he seems ready to touch the clouds. I look at him sideways to see that he had once again dressed up. He was wearing a nice blue plaid shirt and dark jeans and his hair was pulled out of his face.

"Quit staring it's creeping me out," he said looking nervously at me. I kept staring just to unnerve him. "You're so annoying," he said running his hand through his hair. We were nearing our computer class at this point. Mrs. Anderson, i.e evil English teacher, came out from a janitors closet on our right.

I was careful and kept my eyes downcast although if anyone saw my expression they would know that I had a mix of shocked to hilariously curious on why she'd be in a custodians room. Nathan didn't get the hint and instead peered at her with a suspicious looking gaze as she walked past us. I punched Nathan on his arm as soon as she left.

"Do you want her to yell at us or something." I double checked the area for any of her demon spirits that I swore she had to listen to anyone who talked bad about her. "Hey she was the one coming out of the closet not us," he said still peering at where she left.

"Yeah that is kinda weird, you know yesterday Jade and I saw her arguing with Piper and it seemed kinda personal too." "Piper?" He asked astonished. "Yeah, why are you acting so surprised?" I asked cautiously. "No reason," he said opening the door of the classroom for me. "Mhmm sure."

Computer was as boring as ever but at least I got something out of Nathan. "It's Piper isn't it?" I asked confidently. "Isn't what?" He asked faking ignorance. "Piper. Is. Your. Girlfriend." I stated simply.

"That's ridiculous," he answered apathetically. "I can't believe it! Just the other day she had rejected you," I said awed. "No one could reject me.... Twice." He said bashfully. "Aw that's so adorable," I said tugging his shirtsleeve. A picture of Jade flashed in my mind. "No wait that is so not cute. In fact I think you guys are so wrong for each other," I stated like a protective mother.

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