Chapter 10

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"I get it now," I said catching up to Jade. "Get what?" She asked quickening her pace. I faced her walking backwards to see her reaction. "You. Like. Nat."

She looked annoyed at best but something about her stance told me that I had just hit the nail on the head. "I do not," she stated swerving around me. "Oh my gosh Jade why didn't you ever tell me!" I was caught between two emotions, anger and oh-my-flipping-goodness-how-cute.

"I don't like Nat, now will you just stop it?" She asked with irritation flowing out of her in waves. "You like Nathan, you like Nathan," I chanted now behind her. "You're acting like a little kid," was the only response so I decided to change it up.

"You like Na-at. You like Na-at." "Stop it Cassie." "Jade and Nathan sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." "SHUT UP!" "What? If you don't like him then that wouldn't bother you," I said mischievously.

"Well I don't like him and I don't want anyone over-hearing us to think so," she answered haughtily. I looked around us at the empty parking lot we were currently crossing to get back into the school. "Suure... that's why."

She turned beat red and glared at me with almost animate snake-like eyes. "Jade, look around. Do you see anyone that could be eavesdropping on us?" I asked calmly. She finally took one look around and hung her head in shame.

She sighed heavily and rubbed the back of her neck with her hand. I was almost jumping out of my shoes with excitement. "Fine, I may have a tiny little crush on Na-" "I KNEW IT!" Before she even finished saying his name I was doing a jig around her.

"Hey quit it will you. Someone could see you," said Jade placing her hands on my shoulders."You have to triple promise that you won't tell a soul about my crush.. ever," her eyes pleaded in silence with me. It was now my turn to sigh. "Ugh fine I promise." "No that's not good enough, Cass you have to pinky swear too."

"What no way!" "Do it or I will tell Tessa about the time you laughed so hard the chocolate cake you were eating spewed out of your nose, and you know Tessa can't keep anything to herself," She threatened menacingly. I pursued my lips in distrust. She wouldn't dare. "Five, four, thre-" "Fine! I pinky promise," I said grabbing a hold of her pinky with mine. She smiled wide.

"Good, did you see the look on Matthias' face? I thought for sure he was gonna ask you out or something," she said changing the topic easily. "Yeah right, he was probably just shocked that I got the part." "So you're my Juliet." She mimicked Matthias but took the look of a love-sick puppy.

"Shut up," I said playfully pushing her. Jade threw her arm around my shoulders and chuckled. "Yeah I guess I was wrong to say you flirted with him, but thanks for setting me straight." "I'll always be here to smack some sense into you," I answered laughing hard.

"When is the first rehearsal?" She asked taking a peek at the remainder of the papers I had. "Well it says here that we start friday in the theater room, which is tomorrow," I said looking at the schedules while trying to not drop the scripts in my other hand. "This is so exciting, what if we become famous for this?

We could be legends and then when we get older we'll be rich like everyone else in this school. And we'll have children and make them come here and then they will turn out to be big stars just like us!" She exclaimed taking a big gulp of air once she finished.

"Are those children you're thinking of having gonna be with Nathan by any chance?" I asked slyly. She gave me the death glare until I backed down. "Okay fine," I said and imitated sealing my lips.

"But I'm gonna be more famous than you," I quipped as we got closer to the door to go inside. "In your dreams." We entered the school only to run into an earful of a couple squabbling.

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