Chapter 7

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"You know what we should do? We should take advantage of the small freedom we have now before we're going to be watched in front of all the state," said Jade shimmying into tight black jeans.

I look at the jeans and at the black shirt she's wearing and wince. "What are you planning?" I asked tentatively. "Nothing just a small hike," she said slipping tennis shoes on. "We're not allowed out of our rooms remember," I said slipping out of the now sticky gym clothes.

"Every year we heard about people leaving campus or going to the woods and having awesome experiences and we have never gone, not once. And if these people do come and the play becomes a hit we'll never be able to go, please please, come on do it for me, she pleaded earnestly. I have chocolate."

I sighed dramatically and thought it over for a good thirty seconds. I did want Tori to stop tormenting us about how she went all over the city in just one night without the school finding out. "Ok but we have to take someone else, we could be kidnapped or taken captive by terrorists or lost or eaten," I said pulling on comfortable jeans and a sweater.

"Fine we'll bring Nat." "What about Tessa?" I asked putting on my running shoes. "She wouldn't go, besides if we do bring her, we're more likely to be kidnapped," she said while jogging in place. "How do you figure that?" I asked fixing my hair up again and took off the glasses that were making creases in my nose.

"She would wear tight yoga pants that were probably a neon color," she responded. I pictured Jade, Tessa and I walking side by side in an empty street and shuddered. "Yup you're right now let's go before someone finds us." "Wait put these stuffed animals under your sheets and arrange them to look like a body, and here use these hair extensions and put them on the your pillow," she said handing me and arms full of stuffed puppies and a ball of dark hair.

"Sometimes they check if you're still in the rooms," said Jade when I gave her an incredulous look. We rushed to put everything in order before the time lights have to turn off. "There aren't a lot of teachers around the dorms at this time so let's hurry and get Nathan," said Jade opening the door.

We left silently and tried to walk quickly without our shoes squeaking on the floor but we just ended up gliding in our socks. I've only been to the boys dorm once and that was just passing by. The intimidation I felt was large but curiosity caused me to glance through every window.

"Stop that, what if someone sees us? Just bend when ever we come near the window of each room," she said pushing me down. We crawled low passed three more rooms until Jade stopped me at a door with posters of rock bands on it. I looked at it skeptically. Jade saw my look and replied, "he told me girls like guys who like rock bands." We knocked on the door quietly but when no one answered we called Nat's cell.

We heard a crash sound and then Nat's voice, high pitched, yelling. He answered the phone with a cool and collected "hey what's up?" "Open the dang door moron," said Jade quickly before she hung up.

Another small crash erupted and the door opened slightly. "What's up guys? What are you doing here?" He asked, his head the only thing peeking out from the door. "Arn't you going to invite us in?" I asked sweetly taking a small step forward. "See I would, but..."

"But what?" I asked trying to look past him. He looked down as if examining himself. "Oh no don't tell me your naked Nathan because that would be disgusting," said Jade putting her hands over her eyes. His face turned red and his jaw hung open for a second. "No! I'm in my underwear there is a distinct difference trust me," he said glaring at Jade who simply shrugged.

"Don't you have a roommate?" I asked still trying to look past him. "Actually he didn't come back tonight and then one of his friends came up to tell me that his parents called him and needed him home for a family meeting or something, so I decided to take advantage of the new freedom," he said running his fingers through his light brown hair.

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