Chapter 8

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"I'm in love. Well I think, I've never actually gotten this close to any guy before," I rambled hopping on the stones next to the road as we rounded the corner closer towards our prison.

"Hey!" Complained Nathan pushing me lightly enough to knock the small balance I had. "I meant other than you!" "He did seem strangely attentive to you," said Jade thoughtfully. "How long were we there?" Asked Nathan scratching his head.

After we finished our ice cream, Nat crashed on a booth in the corner of the room and Jacob gave me a tour of the whole grounds including a small koi pond in the back were we talked for what felt like hours. "We were there for two hours," said Jade looking at the watch on her wrist.

"It felt longer," commented Nat. Jade and I nodded our heads at that fact. "What's that?" "What? Jade what is what?" I asked shaking the sleep from my bleary eyes. "That," she said pointing towards the wall lining our school. "I don't see anything," Nat said. "It's a person, and we need to run right now," she said gabbing hold of us and pushing us towards the dark woods.

"Jade, there was no one there. We're going to get lost." I pulled against her grasp but she was too freaked to let go. "What is wrong with you," I asked still trying to wrestle out of her grasp. "Cassie calm down, your making this worse," said Nat finally stopping Jade. "What did you see?"

"I saw some kids from the Dryer school spray painting the wall and then Mrs. Wickle came out," she said gulping air. "My blonde english teacher? So what? She was probably telling them to scram or something," I said walking back to the school.

"It didn't look like that to me," she said rubbing her arms. "Don't worry, we'll avoid them," said Nat draping an arm around her shoulders. She wasn't telling us everything but I didn't ask anymore questions. I feared the answer.

We took a longer rout that involved three windows, (two were locked,) an unsuccessful tip toeing, and two very mad freshmen who were too out of it to realize just where we came in from. "Again, the night school thanks you for not screaming," said Nathan opening their door. "Get out creep," said the feisty brunette holding her brush as a weapon.

I pushed Nathan out the door fast not bothering to hide the noise. "No one in any world would have ever believed your night school story," said Jade punctuating the "any" and "ever." "You're just upset that you don't contain the amazing wit that I have," said Nat running his fingers through his hair.

Before Jade could respond Nathan took off in the direction of his room. "See you guys tomorrow." "Ha that wimp, he didn't want to hear my brilliant totally witty reply," said Jade crossing her arms over her chest. "So what would your response have been?" I asked looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"It would have been, Oh shut up," she said pushing me. I laughed hard before I could stop myself. "Young ladies!" Cried the one and only teacher in what we thought was an empty hallway. "Shoot, run," I whispered already sprinting off.

We split up. Jade went left to the boys dorms and I went right towards the stairs that led down to the classrooms. I heard the deranged teacher call after me. I ducked into a small alcove breathing hard.

I glanced at the clock in across the hall to see that it was far later than we had originally thought. It was almost twelve thirty! No wonder Mrs. Whats her name was in the girls hallway. She was checking up on all the girls. I thought back in my panic. Did she already check our room? I couldn't hear her anymore so I was in the clear.

I crept back up as quiet as a mouse hoping the wooden steps under my feet loved me enough not to squeak. The hallway was empty but I didn't take any chances.

I stuck to the shadows until I reached my room. It was dark and dreary, reminding me of my loss of freedom. The stuffed animals we had stashed under our blankets were untouched and thankfully unnoticed. I shimmied out of my jeans and slipped on shorts while I pulled on the shirt that was refusing to come off.

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