Chapter 16

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"Do you know what time she came in? Nine fifty! Practically ten o'clock at night!" I threw the pillow that was under my head, over my face to cover my ears. Jade has been talking incessantly for practically half an hour. I shut my eyes tight to make sure the bright light wouldn't burn them when I yanked off the pillow and yelled at Jade to shut up and go somewhere else.

Her only reply was "she's awake" which was most likely not aimed at me. Pressure on the side of my bed caused me to turn towards Jade. " was ....the date?" Asked Jade, now directly talking to me. "Leave me alone, it's far too early for you to be pestering me with questions."

"I bet something bad happened. Cassie what did you do?" Asked Jade pulling me side to side until I finally snapped my eyes open. "Nothing happened. Leave me alone." The date was a total success, even though he didn't kiss me at the schools entrance, but I didn't want to spill my guts about the magical night just yet. "I'm calling Tessa," she declared getting off my bed.

"Ugh." I buried deeper in the mass of blankets. "You know, today is Sunday. If you stay there any longer you're gonna miss church," stated Jade from across the room. "I go to church at night, stupid," I retorted. "Oh," was all she said before a knock echoed in our room. Jade got up to get it and I could hear a familiar voice before the door shut again.

Jade sat on the side of my bed again. "Jade get off now or you'll regret it." I threatened. I nudged her with my foot but her legs seemed oddly hard. I sat straight up and peered at the body on my bed. "Good morning sunshine!" Said Nathan brightly. I shoved him off my bed, glaring at him as I did so.

"I'll get up with food and only food," I said throwing the covers back over me. "And that's why I called Tessa." Stated Jade throwing clothes on my bed. "Get up and get dressed we're going to Ihop." Said Jade ushering Nat out of the room.

"Aw come on I won't peek, or she can just go to the bathroom. Why am I always the one to have to move?" He protested following Jade out. I chuckled and got dressed fast in a pair of dark skinny jeans and a green t-shirt that said "40 is the old age of youth. 50 is the youth of old age."-Victor Hugo.

Then I slipped on some black and white converse and tried to collect myself. I let myself have a moment of girl freak out before leaving the room. "Did you fall or something?" Asked Nat when I came out. Jade, who was wearing a short skirt and a white blouse, led us to the front doors.

"What? No," I said following behind Jade. "Really? I heard a loud squeal and thought for sure that something happened," he said scratching his neck. Oops. "No that, I uh dropped my hair brush on my foot," I said in a suddenly high voice. "Oh now that makes sense." He said nodding.

I wiped invisible sweat off my forehead when he turned his attention back on where Jade was going. Wait.. Nat was looking at Jade. hmm. I looked at him quizzically from behind. Today he was wearing long khaki shorts going past his knees and a button up blue shirt and loafers. He looked nice.

"You're not going to be able to wear those shorts for much longer Nat," said Tessa coming to join us right at the doors. "It's almost December," she stated hypocritically since she was wearing a light pink sundress. "You're one to talk," he retorted. "Hey no fighting, let's just focus on getting to IHOP, I want food!" Exclaimed Jade pushing the front doors open wide.

IHOP was unusually crowded for nine in the morning. The waiters were scurrying around trying to fill everyone's orders. "Do you guys know what you want?" Asked the pimply waiter with blonde hair. Nathan started off his order first with a gruff voice.

I was the last one to order and I had to practically yell for him to hear me. "It's because you're right next to the window," commented Jade next to me. "Nat's right next to the window too and he was heard alright," I said annoyed.

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