Chpater Eighteen

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(Like I said in the last chapter, this is now going to be in first person rather than second)

"Would you just come out here?" I moaned falling back into the bed while my patience was wearing thin.

"Not yet, just one more minute." Thomas called from the other side of the bathroom door. What could he possibly be doing in there? I was getting annoyed at how much weight I'd gained with the baby, when he ran in to the bathroom and hasn't been out since- this was about ten minutes ago.

"Okay...close your eyes." He instructed, so I did just that.


"Are you sure?" He really was trying to test my patience.

"I'm sure."

"Super sure-"

"Would you just come out here!" And with that the bathroom door clicked open. Thomas could barely hold in his laughter, so curiosity took over and I peeled my hands from my face.

He was standing in the doorway, wearing some stretchy clothes that were way too big for him, with several cushions stuffed inside.

"Oh my god!" I practically choked on my laughter, "Tom what are you doing?"

"You said you felt fat and clearly my reassurance that your not didn't help so here, now we can be fat together." He chuckled to himself and struggled to sit down besides me.

"As lovely as that is, please take them out." I continued laughing, "I'd like to sleep but thanks to you we have no pillows." Without saying a word, he just moved from a sitting position into a lying position with his hands behind his head.

"Pillows!" I urged hitting him softly in the stomach.

"If you want pillows, you're going to have to use me." He smirked. Ever since I got pregnant I've not wanted to cuddle him since I felt uncomfortable, but he always wanted me to.

"Fine." I grumbled, curling up on the bed next to him.

"I love you, [Y/N]" All sense of joking had left his voice as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I know, Tom. I love you too." I finally closed my eyes and before I knew it, I was taken to a world of sleep.


The next day went by in a blur. It was all tears and goodbyes, then airports and fans. I don't know how they can deal with all of that, but I can say one thing for sure: I am glad to be home. You don't really realise how much you miss someone until you have to leave them for 8 months, but at least I had Thomas by my side the whole way.

"Eight months." I murmur under my breath, causing Thomas to briefly turn and look at me from the drivers seat.

"What was that, love?" I can't deny the warmth in my chest at his use of, love.

"Eight months," I say more clearly now, "I'm eight months pregnant. That means this time next month..." I trail off starting to feel the fear building up inside of me.

"I know. It's gone by so quickly." He places his hand on my thigh and gives me a reassuring smile, because he can probably see the fear in my eyes.

"For you."


"I said its gone by quickly for you." I repeat, "you haven't been lugging around two people for eight whole months." I snap.

"I know. But it will all be over soon and then we'll have two beautiful babies. Our beautiful babies."

"You're right...I guess." I briefly smile at him before turning to look out the window, and watch the world blur past.

I must have fallen asleep because by the time Thomas woke me up we were no longer on the motorway, but still not home.

"Where are we?" I coughed, shocked at how horse my voice came out. He, also clearly amused by the tone of my voice, let out a deep chuckle before answering me.

"Almost home, depending on where home is?" Amusement was laced within his deep British voice, probably because of the confusion that struck my dumbfounded face.

"What do you mean?" I questioned further, my tone getting snappier so he knew I wanted answers.

"I was going to surprise, but since your being a ball of sunshine," he chuckled again sarcastically, scratching the side of his pale jaw before continuing, "I bought us a house of our own. Your parents kindly refurbished it for us and they're all waiting for us to arrive." I couldn't deny the smile that grew across my face. I've just missed everyone so much since I've been away, my parents and Sam especially. I wonder if he just meant my family, or will Cara be there too?

Cara is my dad's friend Mike's daughter. She's a similar age to me, maybe a few months older, but we met through our dads since both of us are social casualties. She is one of those girls who are absolutely beautiful, not hot like guys would say, but beautiful. Her long mousey brown hair cascades over her collar bones down to near her hips, I have no idea how she copes with it, and she is tall, slim with tanned skin. Many men have been interested in her before, but she is so insecure and doubtful of herself that she convinced herself they were joking and always said no. Unfortunately, her mother passed away a few months ago and she was unable to make it to the wedding- I guess we'll have some catching up t️o do.

"I love you." Tom whispered under his breath, placing one of his hand on my thigh. I don't think he thought that I heard him, but knowing he was watching me smile at my own thoughts and thought 'damn I love her' makes my warm smile grow further.

"I love you too, Tom."


(Which hopefully won't be long, but exam season is coming up)




(Thanks for 14.4K views btw LIKE WTF? HOW?)

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