Chapter Twenty

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"Brodie? Bethany?" Where the hell were they? I'd been searching the house for twenty minutes and saw no sign of Tom, Brodie or Bethany anywhere.

I tried calling Thomas, but there was no luck because of course he didn't answer. What could they possibly be doing that I couldn't know about? I didn't worry about them being in danger, because Tom left a small note on his side of the bed saying, TRUST ME, WE'RE SAFE xxxx so I know they're just playing some kind of game with me. I wandered back through the kitchen, but this time I noticed something on the bread bin I didn't see the first time. A small pink post-it note was selotaped to it with Tom's familliar black scribbling on it.

At 1300 hours exactly, please be ready and dressed as your beautiful self, because I'm coming to pick you up - Your darling husband.

They were definitely planning something and I had exactly one hour until I figured out what. It wasnt a special occasion, so I didn't have the slightest clue? Or was it? Our wedding anniversary was last month, the twins' birthday isn't until September which is in 5 months time. So what could it be? There was no point in asking the un-answerable question, so I went and got dressed.

Within exactly 55 minutes, I was washed, dressed and sat on the sofa by the door waiting for either the doorbell to ring or for a car horn to beep. Either sound meant my husband was outside. Thomas' note implied that I dressed formally so I wore the exact dress I wore the night he proposed because it was the most formal gown I owned. My hair was pulled up into a basic bun and my make up was also quite basic with just some under eye concealer, red lipstick and mascara. Simple, but effective.

I stood up to check the time, and just as I did, I heard the farmilliar beep of Tom's car outside. After the twins were born, I insisted that we bought a car because motorbikes aren't the most family friendly vehicle (not to mention I hated it). So Tom agreed to meet me in the middle and bought a white mustang shelly 1965. I have to admit it's a fantastic car and such a smooth drive, but it's still not exactly family perfect. But, it's the best I'm going to get.

I opened the door and Tom stood leaning on the side of the car with his arms folded. He wore exactly what he wore to the premier of The Scorch Trials in 2015, his almost lepord print dress shirt with his black suit over the top. He looked flawless just standing there, his eyes burning into me as I pretended not to notice.

"Why madam you're the most beautiful lady i've ever laid eyes upon." He said, over exaggerating his accent so that his words came across in a different manor.

"Why thank you kind sir, but I should let you know I'm a married woman." I joked along, and walked over to him until he was stood directly in front of me.

"Well then we should get out of here before your husband sees us. I've heard he's a lethal, yet dashing, young man."

"No, he couldn't harm a fly if he tried." I laughed knowing that I had ruined his little joke.

"Brooke! You were supposed to go along with it, I though we had a bit going," he sulked, "here just put this on and get in the car." Over the top of the car, he threw something to me; a blindfold. Well I'm up for an interesting day.


We drove for what felt like hours, or it could have been minutes, I actually had no clue. All my mind could think about was where we were going. I tried tracking it in my head, which was something I'd always been quite good at since Thomas and I used to make it into a game when we were younger. But unfortunately he knows me too well and part way through the journey turned to me and said,

"Don't try and track where we're going, I know all the detours." When he said it, I could almost hear the smirk in his voice and even though I was trying to be mad at him, I couldn't supress a smile.

Bestfriends- t.b.sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang