Chapter Five

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You both sat there for a while enjoying each other's presence, until it started to turn dark. The darkness brought a cold chill with it, rustling the leaves around you. Thomas noticed you tensing up due to the cold weather.
"Here take this." He took off his leather jacket and placed it round your shoulders. He smiled at you and kisses you on the forehead.
"This is all so beautiful. The lights glowing against the darkness. It's...Beautiful." You sighed lying back into his warm, muscular arms. Thomas's body shifted underneath your head as he pulled something out of his back pocket.
"What have you got?" You asked trying to look at what he was doing but you couldn't see. Some music started playing from the phone he just pulled from his pocket, as he stood up and put out his hand.
"Care to dance, [Y/N]?" He smirked as you placed your skinny hand in his.
"So smooth, Sangster" you laughed as he snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him until his breath was on your neck. You put your hands on his shoulders as you concentrated carefully on your footing. Your foot accidentLy came crashing down on his.
"I can't dance." You moaned with a slight laugh on the end.
"Just follow my lead." He smiled as you stuck your tongue out with concentration. You took baby steps, but eventually you got it and you both were dancing lightly under the twinkling lights. It was like something from a fairy tale.
"Thomas?" You said, snapping the silence in half.
"Yeah?" He looked down at you.
"It's getting pretty late." You noticed your phone flashing on from the side, revealing that it was 6pm.
"Do you want to get going?" He whispered trying not to ruin the beautiful atmosphere.
"Please." You felt your eye lids dropping from exhaustion. The peace in the air made you tired, but the ride home would surely wake you up. Thomas went down first and then assisted you down the ladders.
"You can't even tell its up there from here." You smiled looking up at the leaves that hid the beautiful world inside.
"I know. That's the beauty of it." He kissed you softly on the lips before sliding the helmet over your head. You tried to protest saying that he needed protection too, but he simply whispered back,
"If anything happened to you, I would never forgive myself. Okay?"
"Fine." You hopped on the back of his bike and wrapped arms tightly around his waist. This time you weren't afraid of being on the bike and you just enjoyed the surroundings. You drove down an old country lane with only the bikes lights and the stars lighting the way.
When you got back you both went into Thomas's house instead of your own.
"Where's Ava?" You asked, noticing the silence of the house.
"She's at her friends. My mum," he paused before walking into the kitchen, "is right here." His mum was stood in the kitchen cooking something in a large red pot.
"[Y/N] how are you?" She said wrapping you into a friendly hug, "I've not seen you in weeks!"
"Yeah, sorry I've been so busy with coursework and stuff."
"Ah. Working hard." She laughed tapping you on the nose. She returned to cooking, smelling what ever was in the pot. It smelt like some kin of stew, but you had no idea what kind.
"[Y/N] you want to come upstairs." Thomas grabbed you my the hand and dragged you upstairs, before his mum could get a word in edge wise. He locked his bedroom door behind him while you sat on his silk sheets, trying not the slip off this time.
"I need to speak to you." His words caused your heart to tighten.
"Um... Okay..." You swallowed as he gripped your hand in his.
"Remember how a couple of months ago I auditioned for The Maze Runner? Well I got a call the other day saying I got the part."
"That's amazing!" You cheered while you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck.
"But I have to go to America to film it. I just... Will you...Will you come with me?" You gasped unsure of what to do. Thomas was the love of your life, right now you couldn't imagine being with anyone else. But you couldn't imagine not being on the same continent as your family for months.
"I-I...Okay." You laughed before crashing your lips into his. You were getting lost in the kiss, until your phone rang.
"Hello?" Your words were a bit murmured as Thomas's lips were still on yours as you picked it up.
"Stop it!" You whispered as he kissed your neck, causing you to laugh even though you were still on the phone.
"Hey mum!"
"Where are you?" She said, sounding confused about the laughing on your side of the phone.
"I'm at Thomas's, why?" You were still trying to keep Thomas from kissing you, but he wouldn't quit.
"The car has stopped working and we don't know where we are-"
"Do you want me to come and find you" You interupted her, getting more worried.
"No it's fine. But I just thought I'd let you know you will probably be alone tonight." She said.
"You can sleep at your friends if you want?"
"Yeah ok. Bye." You said before hanging up the phone, to see Thomas pouting at you.
"Mind if I stay here?" You asked knowing he heard the whole conversation.
"Sure. Just please let me kiss you." He moaned as he slid his hands from your hips to your lower back.
"Of course." You laughed as you placed your hand on the back of his neck and pulled his face into yours. Your lips connected as Thomas's lips curled into a smile on top of yours. Slowly, you pulled him down until he was hovering over you. His hands were lightly edging up your shirt, brushing your sides leaving them to tingle at his touch.
"Oh I love you." You moaned when you broke away for breath.
"I know. But I love you more." He teased as his kisses lowered to your jaw.
"Prove it." You whispered in his ear as he began kissing your lips once more.

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