Chapter Twelve

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You didn't know that you were crying until the salt water rolled over your lips.

"[Y/N] I-" He began but you just snapped and cut him off.

"NO! HOW DARE YOU?!" You screamed through the tears, "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!"

"I do. [Y/N], I love you." He pushed Bella away from him and walked over to you. He tried to cup your face in his hand but you viciously moved away from him. He stepped into the light, revealing the tears that rolled down his face.

"Clearly not enough." You scoffed and pulled on your shirt sleeve. You felt the engagment ring on your finger and pulled it off, not taking any caution to not hurt your finger, "Here. Maybe you cant give it to her." You threw the ring at him and ran away, ignoring his shouting and chasing after you. Tears now flooded your face and you didnt even try to hide the sobs that escaped from your lips.

"[Y/N] what's wrong?" Ki Hong said stepping out of the door, but you barged past him. You didn't know where you were going, but you kept on running through the busy streets, tears pouring down your eyes. Nothing could compare to the ache in your heart that current moment in time. You trusted Thomas with your life and you never expcted him to cheat on you. But he did, there was no denying that no matter how hard you tried to. He kissed her and you saw that. You were walking down the street for what felt like hours before Will, Kaya and Dylan found you and took you back to the sets. You refused to even see Thomas, so you stayed in Kaya's room, but you didn't speak yet.

"Here." Kaya came back into the room and tossed you your pyjamas that she went to get for you.

"Thanks." You whispered weakly, trying to force a smile through the tears that still poured down your face after at least 2 hours of him kissing her.

"He's in pieces you know. I had to force him to let me in. He's covered in dirt from trying to find your ring, he has bruises all over himself from where he literally beat himself up about it. His fists are bloody from punching the side of the bar. I'm sorry [Y/N] but I believe what he says, she threw herself at him." Kaya looked at you sincerely as you reached for the tissues to wipe the endless tears away. He didn't even have chance to explain himself, you just left him. You did love him, and you couldn't help but feel bad for him after what Kaya had said, but you had to stay strong, you knew that. He kissed her. Kaya's room was on the opposite side of the hall from Thomas's, so you didn't have to worry about hearing his cries, or him hearing yours. There was one thing that made you weaker. What you found out while Kaya was at Thomas's. You had to tell her.

"Kaya..." You hesitated slightly before saying it, thinking you barely knew this girl but yet she was the closest thing you had to a friend. She turned around, giving you her full, undivided attention, "Kaya...I- I'm pregnant." The words escaped your lips, shocking you at how smoothly they came out.

"Is it- Is it Thomas's?" Her eyes were filled with shock. You knew you must have concieved it that night you first told each other you loved each other, because the test said 2-3 weeks.

"Yes, but I-I'm scared Kaya. What if we never get back together and I have to raise it all by myself?" The thought of it made your heart beat faster and your breathing shake. New tears began to fall.

"You will never be alone. If you want him back, it's all up to you." She was right. You went to speak but somebody knocked at the door. Kaya clearly wasn't going to open it so you sighed and did it yourself, trying to stop the tears from flowing but it didn't work. You swung open the door to see Thomas stood there. He looked terrible, but you couldn't have looked any better. He looked like a ghost, covered in tears and bruises. His lips were trembling and he started sobbing slightly heavier when he saw you.

"Are you insane?" You said with some attitude in your voice. You couldn't bare to look at him, partly because you trembled with anger everytime you did, but because most of you loved him so much that it hurt.

"I'm sorry, [Y/N]. I mean it. She threw her self at me when she heard you coming, she wanted us to split up. But believe me when I tell you this, I want you for worse or for better, I will wait forever and ever. I know I broke your heart but I will put it back together. Please, I want you to be mine forever and ever. I will apologize a million times if that's what it takes and if you still wont take me back, then I will wait forever and I will never give up, because when you love somebody you don't give up." He noticed the shock in your eyes, but you knew it wasn't shock, it was emptiness. You didn't know how to feel, you loved him so much it could kill you, but images of him and her kept flashing through your mind. But he did say it wasn't his fault, and it didn't look like he had any control over it. Despite how badly you wanted his trembling lips pressed up against yours, you didn't speak- just to see how far he would take it.

"Please, I'm losing my mind. You make me function [Y/N] I physically can't function without you. Remember when we laughed for hours at your auntie's dog when it's ear got turned inside out, well I am that dog and without you my ears would be permenantly messed up," you smiled slightly, even though you tried to repress it, he was laughing too. When you were both 'friends', you spent the day at your auntie's house doing some dog sitting, and her dog's ear flipped over. You both laughed for hours at something so simple and then Thomas found this picture about what would dog's do without humans to straighten their ears, "You know we are made for each other. When we were dancing before, I remember thinking that it was like everybody was just black and white blurs, but we were in screaming colours. I need you [Y/N] and not just that, I want you to be mine. To hold in my arms at night, to be the mother of my children, to be my wife, to be the woman I love till I die... [Y/N] I want you to love me back." He went to speak again but you cut him off when you threw your arms around him and pressed your lips agaisnt his. He held you in his arms in a way that you never wanted him to let you go. Your feet were hovering an inch above the floor as he spun you around, not letting his lips disconnect from yours.

"Tom, I'm sorry. I should have trusted you. I- love- you." You breathed in between kisses. You could taste his salty tears on your lips.

"No. I'm an idiot. You don't have to be sorry. I am the most idiotic idiot to ever let that happen, you mean the world to me," he set you back down on the floor and then pulled your engagment ring out of his back pocket and held it out in front of you, "Please do me the honour of being my wife. Again." He added onto the end. You took the ring and slid it back onto your finger.

"Of course." You felt his lips smiling against yours as he kissed you again, "Tom I need to tell you something," You whispered into his ear, "I- I am pregnant." He instantly pulled his head back to look you dead in the eye, but kept his arms wrapped around you.

"Th-THATS AMAZING!" He shouted, smiling away like a little boy, forgetting the fact that it was 2:30 in the morning. "Since when?"

"Well I found out about 20 minutes ago, but the test said about 3 weeks." The scene going on around you reminded you of your dream, except in your dream, there weren't about 20 people listening in. The rest of the cast couldn't keep quiet any longer when most of them ran through the doors they just had there ears pressed up against and congratulated the two of you.
"This is great! I don't really know what's happened but it's great." Blake came up to you, but obviously he didn't really know because he wasn't old enough to go out drinking, but he went to the meal. You laughed slightly,
"Thanks." Thomas dragged you past the others and back into his room- which was actually your room that you shared.
"Today has been eventful." You tried to get into bed to avoid the thing that's been lingering in your mind, but Thomas had been thinking about it too.
"[Y/N], what did you drink tonight?" He asked the dreaded question just like you expected.
"Oh god! Tom I didn't know! OH GOD! Have I killed our baby?" Thomas began to laugh at your panicking but it wasn't funny.
"It's ok, the baby doesn't really take in what you take in right now. It probably won't do any harm a lot of women accidentLy drink when their pregnant and nothing happens. Just don't do it again." His words calmed you down slightly, but part of you was still screaming. Thomas crawled into bed next to you and held you in his arms.
"Love you." He whispered into your ear.
"I love you too." He fell back down besides you and just cradled you in his arms, his hot skin blazing against yours.
"Goodnight." He whispered before clicking the lamp off, leaving you submerged in complete and utter darkness.

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