Chapter Sixteen

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"[Y/N]! Tell us!" Dylan urged. It was quite funny how excited and child like they both got when they were together.

"Okay, are you ready?" You tried to drag it out as long as possible to tease them. Settling a hand over your bump, you prepared yourself to tell them.

"It's going to be a girl!" You smiled and observed both of their face's closely- but mostly Thomas's to see his opinion.

"That's- I'm going to- I'm going to have a daughter!" He cried and pulled you into a warm hug, "my little girl." He placed his hands gently over your bump and whispered to the baby inside.

"I'm going to love you so much that no boy will ever be good enough for you. I will protect you through everything, because you are my little girl." He whispered and then looked up to meet your tear-y gaze.


"Yeah love?"

"I love you more than anybody else in this world. Thank you for making me the happiest woman alive." He slowly placed his hands on your waist and kissed your lips softly.

"I love you too." He smiled into the kiss briefly, before gently tangling his lips with your own again.


"Is that Dylan again?" You laughed, noticing Thomas's phone lighting up for the 30th time in the last 5 minutes.

"Yeah, I've told him we're coming now." He smiled and took your suitcase from you.

The two of you had just come back from your honeymoon in the Maldives and you were walking through the terminal to get to where Dylan, Will and Kaya were waiting impatiently. Thomas insisted that he carried your bags because of your current 'state' and no matter how badly you protested, he did it anyway. You just gazed at how beautiful he looked, even after a 18 hour flight. He was wearing a baggy, v-neck black shirt so you could still see his golden chain around his neck, and just a regular pair of jeans. Whereas you were stuck wearing a pair of black leggings and a loose white t-shirt that made your skin look more tanned that it actually was- if that was even possible.

"Avery..." You muttered quietly, hoping Thomas wouldn't hear. To be fair, you were meant to think it, but you were so tired that your mouth-to-brain co-ordination had just crumbled.

"What was that?" He stopped walking to face you with deep concern laced in his chocolate brown eyes and furrowed eyebrows.

"Avery. The baby, I think we should call her Avery." You smiled and placed your hand over his, which was gripping onto the suitcase handle.

"I love it. What about a middle name?"

"Emma. Avery Emma Sangster." His face lit up with joy and he pressed his lips against yours.

"I love it."

You both carried on walking, until you heard a faint screaming getting louder. It sounded like girls?


That's when you realised, that you were at an airport with your famous husband and his famous friends. Along with the screams, came Kaya's shouts as she ran up to both of you and hugged you both.

"I'm so glad you're here! Did you have a good time? Wait. Tell us later we need to go. I think the fans are about to break through and destroy every last one of us until they've all spoken to 'Stiles'" she put air quotations around Stiles and gestured to Dylan with her head. Before you could even speak, you were being dragged through the air port. Just before you went out the door, they all stopped and Thomas put his coat around you. Without even having to ask what he was doing, you put the hood up, took his hand tightly in your own and walked out the door.

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