Chapter Ten

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Your hand found Thomas's again and you squeezed it for support.
"Mum?" Your nerves were calmed when a shaky smile broke through her tears.
"Congratulations." She stood up and wrapped her long arms around you.
"What's wrong?" You finally asked her.
"Nothing. I'm happy for you. I've never been more happy in my life for you [Y/N]!" Everything was perfect. Except that you had to leave your family in about a week.
"I'll be back in a minute, we just need to go tell Thomas's parents." You dragged Thomas through the door and into his house. His family were sat at the dinner table eating when you came in.
"Oh your back! Wow [Y/N] you do look beautiful in that dress!" His mum stood up and gave you a hug. Ava looked up at you and noticing the ring on your finger a smug smile hit her face.
"Oh my god-"
"So we have something to tell you!" Thomas said quite loudly to drown out Ava.
"Go on dear." His mother sat back down on her seat.
"Me and [Y/N] are engaged!" Ava jumped out of her seat and pulled you both into one big hug.
"I already knew." She whispered into your ear, and then pulled away laughing at herself. The rest of the night flew past in a blur. Your family went over to Thomas's and drank champagne his dad had been saving- except Sammy, because he was only 6. They all laughed as talked about when Thomas and you first met. By midnight, you went back to your own house because Sammy needed to sleep.
"See you tomorrow." Thomas whispered in your ear at the door, before sneaking a kiss from you, "Mrs Sangster." His words caused you entire body to tingle. Mrs. Sangster. That had a nice ring to it.
"You know you can stay at mine tonight if you want?" All you wanted tonight was to go to sleep in your fiancé's arms.
"I'd love to. But I have a really busy morning tomorrow sorry, [Y/N]." You let out a sigh before kissing him one last time.

When you got into your house, it was dark and silent. Everyone must have been in bed. So you took your heels off at the door and crept up the stairs. Your room was still full of boxes, which really cluttered it up, but you could still reach your bed and that's all that matters. Carefully you slipped out of the dress, tied up your hair and crawled into your cold and lonely bed. If only Tom was here, you thought. As you lay on your side, you stared at the glistening ring in front of you. The ring was beautiful. It was a matte silver, with one large circular diamond in the centre that sparkled. Two smaller sapphires were at either side of the diamond. Thomas had said that the diamond represented you, because you shone like a star in a dark sky. Just thinking about him caused a sweet smile to creep among your face. Finally you fell into a deep dream.
"[Y/N]?" Thomas called but you ignored him and carried on staring at the stick in your hands. You couldn't believe it. Last year you and Thomas had gotten engaged and now you were sat in his bathroom, staring into the stick that said you were carrying his child. You didn't mind, you had always wanted children, but what if Thomas didn't?
"[Y/N]? Where are you?" He shouted again from the door way of his movie trailer. You were still on the set of The Maze Runner with him, but filming was almost over.
"In here." You called, not taking your eyes off the stick. He walked in and instantly saw what was worrying you.
"Seriously what was that about- oh." Was all he said, stopping when he got in the room. You finally looked up to see him, afraid of what he was thinking. He was looking down at you with no emotion on his face what so ever.
"Tom?" You whispered weakly.
"Yeah- um... What does it say?"
"Positive." He gasped as a large smile spread across his face. His wrapped you in his arms and spun you around, before smiling at you like a little school boy.
"I'm so glad your happy. I was afraid you would-" you couldn't even bring yourself to finish that sentence.
"Why wouldn't I be? I love you so much and now we have a child." He started to tear up, but then you saw them disappear. Unlike your tears which rolled down your cheeks.
"Do you know how far along you are?"
"It said about 4-5 weeks." You smiled as the joy hit his face.
"Oh wow. Uh- okay. Well for the next 8 months your not lifting a finger okay? You sit down on the couch, I'll call your mum." You laughed thinking he was joking but he wasn't. So you went along with it so he wouldn't moan.
"Tom this is really stupid. I'm not even showing!" You laughed but he shushed you and said he was on the phone, so you sighed and just turned the TV on.

A loud thump echoed through the floor, waking you from your wonderful dream. Slowly, you eyes opened to see Thomas struggling to climb through your bedroom window, the way he used to.
"Tom what the hell?" Your voice was low and croaky because you just woke up, and not at all attractive.
"Damn I wanted to surprise you!" He fell through the window and rolled into the floor.
"Doors work just fine for that you know? Especially when your a twenty four year old man." You laughed and wrapped a blanket around your body before walking over to him. You placed your chin softy on his chest and looked deeply into his eyes.
"Morning." You whispered finally. His eyes were mesmerising. It was like just by gazing into them briefly you end up falling endlessly into them.
"Good morning." He smiled back before planting a small kiss on your head. He stretched his arms behind him and grabbed your hands which were wrapped around his waist. He pulled them in front of you and looked at your ring.
"It looks beautiful. Almost as beautiful as you."
"Almost?" You teased pretending to be offended.
"It's not even close to your level of perfection," he lent into whisper in your ear, before adding those two words that caused your entire body to tingle, "Mrs. Sangster."
"Not officially. When do you want to get married anyway?" You walked over to your wardrobe and pulled out just some plain jeans and a t-shirt. You had to talk through the bathroom door while you changed your underwear, but came back out once you were fully dressed with pearly white teeth.
"I don't know actually. Probably after filming." He sat down in your desk chair, rolling back slightly because of the force he used to sit down.
"You sleep alright?" He asked whilst fiddling with your lamp. You walked over and moved it away from him, so he didn't brake it.
"Yeah. I had a really weird dream though, but it was kind of nice."
"Really what about?"
"I know it sounds crazy and everything, but I had a dream that I was pregnant." You said bluntly, concentrating on his face to see his reaction.
"Oh. That's...great." He swallowed hard, causing the awkwardness in the air to thicken.
"What? You don't like children?"
"No, I love them. It's was only a dream wasn't it? And that's kind of sad." He smiled, hiding the pain you knew was inside of him. You said carefully on his knee and snaked one of your arms around his shoulders.
"And what is that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know? I've just always wanted kids you know. But I don't know when like the appropriate age is."
"Your not great at the whole question answering thing are you?" You teased before continuing the serious conversation, "well my mum was 21 when she had me, and that's 3 years younger than I am now." You were trying so hard to get across the point that you want to have children with him soon, but he just wasn't getting it.
"Well, I was thinking actually. Maybe, if you want to, we could...uh...well- have a child." He finally squeezed out and furrowed his eyebrows while waiting for your reply.
"I'd love to. But when? Do we have the money?"
"Well, by the time the baby did come along, I'd have the money from the movie, and we're pretty well off anyway." A smile crept across your face at the thought of your dream becoming true. You rested your fore head against Thomas's and kissed his lips sweetly. The kiss began to deepen, as his hands moved up your back until they were in your hair.
"So you really want to?" He whispered.
"More than anything." And with that he returned to kissing you, before he lead you over to your bed.

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