Chapter Eight

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Your mum and Sammy were in the kitchen cooking when you walked in.
"[Y/N] I feel like I've not seen you in days!" Your mum laughed as she pulled you into a hug.
"I need to speak to you." You said bluntly, knowing she would be even more emotional that your dad.
"OOH so serious!" She joked.
"I'm going to America with Thomas. Only for a year or so." Her face was emotionless. You couldn't tell how she was feeling because her face was just...blank.
"That's..." She waited what felt like forever before continuing, "AMAZING!" Tears filled up in her eyes as she took you into another warm, loving hug.
"I'm so glad your happy!" You laughed as tears of happiness escaped from your eyes. Sammy looked up in confusion.
"What's going on?" He asked. You picked him up in your arms and cuddled him.
"I'm going away for a while next week, but I'm coming back. I promise. No matter what, I'll always come back." He smiled at your words, clearly not understanding what they meant. Your mum looked at you briefly and looked at the door.
"Where's your dad?"
"He's helping Thomas pack." You laughed at her confusion, "I tricked him into helping him so I could come over here and tell you, and then do my own packing."
"Uh...okay? You need my help?" You placed Sammy back down on the floor, and simply shook your head to say no.
"I'll be fine. Not got that much stuff." You laughed and headed upstairs. You were lying though, there was so much stuff piled inside your wardrobe you didn't know what to do. You started by leaving out some clothes to wear for the next week or so, and then started writing on boxes. The smell of the permentant marker was intoxicating and just smelt so good. On one box you wrote "tops" and then started filling it with clothes. After about 2 boring hours, finally all your clothes were packed. When you went back down stairs your dad was already home and watching football.
"Who's playing?" You asked as you put your jacket and trainers on.
"England and Germany." He said with a mouthful of food and not even turning his head.
"Nice. Have fun!" You shouted down the hall just before walking out the door. Thomas's motorbike wasn't in the drive way, so you knocked on the door instead of walking straight in.
"COMING!" Ava shouted as she ran down the stairs. She opened the door and started panting.
"Why are you so tired?"
"Stairs-" she bent over and tried to regain her breath. She was so un fit.
"So where's Thomas?" You asked her while she finally stood back up.
"Um...dunno? I think he went out to town, some early Christmas shopping." Christmas shopping? Oh god! It's December 1st!?
"Do you know where?" You asked.
"No. Just... Town?" She didn't know anything. You let out a large sigh, said goodbye and then went back inside your own house. The game didn't seem very interesting, so you just went and sat in bed. You pulled out your phone and rang Thomas.
"Hey [Y/N], you okay?" He said
"Yeah I'm fine. Where are you?"
"I'm in town doing some early Christmas shopping. I'll be home in about 10, I'm on my way back so I have to go now. Bye love." Before you had chance to say goodbye back, the call ended. The boxes in the corner of the room caught your eye, and then you started to think about America. It all happened so fast that you never really had an opportunity to think about it properly. Thomas was going to be living with all these famous actors and acting all the time, would he even have spare time? What if he became famous And all these girls started throwing themselves at him? You though. No. He wouldn't do that and plus, you trusted Thomas. You were snapped back to reality when someone knocked at your door.
"Come in." You shouted and got out of bed so no one thought you were napping.
"Hey." Thomas walked in looking very smug with himself, wearing the outfit you told him to when he was going to propose to Bella. He looked gorgeous.
"Tom, you look amazing!" You whispered in his ear while hugging him.
"Not as beautiful as you." He cupped your face in his hands and planted a small kiss on your lips. You wanted him to kiss you for longer, but he didn't.
"I'm not even dressed." You laughed and sat back down on the double bed.
Thomas smirked again, before rooting through one of his larger shopping bags.
"Speaking of which..." He pulled a stunning white dress out of his bag. It was a smooth white body con dress, but just at the waist a more transparent flowing skirt that would touch your ankles was sewn on. It was breath taking.
"I wanted to say thank you for all your support with the film, so I'm taking you out for dinner." You tried to speak but he interrupted you, "and I know most of your clothes are packed away, so I bought you this. Not that you need it to look beautiful, because your perfect already." He smiled and handed you the dress.
"Tom... I-I don't know what to say? It's beautiful! Thank you." He pulled you into a soft hug, before his lips found yours once more. His kiss was soft and full of love, you knew he loved you just by the way his lips moved against yours.
"Now get ready, I'll be here to pick you up at 6." And with that he left. You walked over to the mirror and placed the dress in front of you. It made you look like an angel.
"Mum!" About 3 seconds after you shouted her, she burst through the door. She was completely out of breath from the stairs, considering your room was in the attic.
"Yeah? You okay?" She breathed.
"Yeah I'm fine. Will you help me do my hair?" You asked, trying to flaunt the dress in her face, but she was still looking at the floor.
"Sure hun, why-" a large gasp escaped her lips when she finally looked up and saw the dress hanging off your wardrobe door.
"Oh my god! It's stunning!" She laughed and walked over to it, but stopped as if breathing on it would hurt it.
"Mum! My hair, please. I need to be ready in 2 hours for dinner with Thomas." You both laughed and talked about when you were younger while she curled your hair for you. You wanted it in quite big curls that just dropped down, so you could put the top half of it up as well.
"Here I have... This for you." You dug deep into her pocket and pulled out two, slightly curved rectangular, golden brooches. Although one was significantly bigger than the other.
"What for?" You asked while you fell back in to your knees, after leaning on them for so long.
"We put And There!" She placed the smaller one just over the bobble in your hair, and the other one on the dress so it would be just over the belly button.
"Mum, it's lovely!" You began to tear up ABIT when you looked in the mirror, because you had never felt so beautiful in your life. All that was left now was the make up. Because it was winter, and it matched your dark brown hair, you decided to go with quite a dark lip kind of look. So your mum did your eye shadow, so that it looked white and shimmery, but still smoky at the same time. You put on some mascara and winged eye liner, and then a dark berry lip stick. You felt like a princess and could help from letting a smile crawl across your face.
"Wow." Was the only word your mind could find. Your mum stood behind you with her eyes tearing up.
"Your all grown up, my little baby." She went to hug you but didn't want to ruin your hair, plus your nails were still wet.
You opened your mouth to say that it was time to go, but the doorbells metallic clang said it for you. You slipped on some silky white heels and carefully walked down the stairs. Your dad had already opened the door and was talking to Thomas. When you got into sight, Thomas's gaze slowly fell onto you, letting out a large gasp as he did so. His pupils widened as you walked closer.
"[Y/N] your beautiful." His eyes filled up and he put his hands up to his mouth. He was wearing what he wore earlier, but he had a pink orchid tucked into his jacket pocket, because he knew they were your favourite. Your dad winked at you as you walked out of the door, holding your dress so it didn't get dirty.
"How are we getting there?" There was no motorbike around, which steadied your heartbeat slightly, but there were no cars either.
"With this!" He whistled and then a large white Land Rover pulled up. It was your dream car, you had always rambled on about how much you wanted one and now Thomas had done this.
"Oh wow! Thomas I love you!" Tears stung your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him.
"I really love you." You repeated again. Thomas opened the back door for you and your stepped in elegantly. He quickly came round the other side and climbed in as well.
"Who's driving?" Before Thomas answered, a man turned around and waved at you.
"Me, m'am. Where to?" He asked politely. Finally Thomas was going to say where he was taking you to. Or you thought. He just passed the man a note and then turned to smirk at your annoyed face.
"I have a present for you." He whispered in to your ear, his hot breath lingering around it. He pulled a corsage out of his pocket that matched the flower in his jacket. Slowly, he placed it on your wrist, causing your skin to tingle at his touch.
His hand trailed up your arm until he cupped your face. Eventually, his lips found yours and moved in sync with them.
"Do you know what I forgot to tell you?" He whispered in your ear again. He didn't give you chance to reply, when he just answered his own question.
"You look beautiful. And I mean it. If you were the last thing I ever saw that would be enough because I would have gone drowning in your beauty."
"No I mean it. I have never loved anyone more than I have ever loved you." His eyes had filled up with tears as he stroked a strand of hair from your face.
"I love you too." Your voice snapped half way through talking as you burst into tears. No matter how hard your tried to stop it, it was useless. Suddenly the car came to a holt, braking you from your sentimental moment with Thomas. You could see faint, glowing golden lights dotted around in the sky, but because the window was blacked out you couldn't see properly. So you just waited for him to come and open the door.

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