Chapter Seven

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"When do you leave then?" Ava smiled sitting back down on the table. Thomas had to think about this for a while before he said,
"Next week...",the expression on his face dropping.
"What?" You interuppted and turned him face you.
"Why didn't you tell me this?" You said. You weren't upset about him leaving, because you were going with him, but it was just a shock that it was happening so soon.
"I didn't know how to, [Y/N]. I'm sorry." He whispered, as a look of sorrow drowned his face. To show him you weren't mad, you just wrapped him into a warm hug. When you let go he was smiling again.
"Wait so you won't be here for Christmas?" Ava piped up, completely oblivious to the fact he had already spoken to her about that.
"Like I said, I'll come back for Christmas," her smile faded slightly as he added on the end, "if I can."
"So have you read the books?" You asked him, resting your head on Ava's shoulder as the exhaustion began to over power you.
"No. I'm probably not going to either. I don't want to confuse my self." He laughed at the expression on your face.
"How can you not?! It's like the best book series in the world!" You shouted, but then remembered to be quiet so you apologised and giggle quietly.
"I don't know... I'll try! Just for you." He sighed causing a smirk to brake out on your face. An orange glow slowly crept into the room through the patio doors as the sun rose over the horizon.
"What time is it?" Ava asked rhetorically as she checked her watch, answering her own question, "bloody hell! It's only 6:30!"
"Why did you wake me up so early?" You moaned.
"I don't know? I thought it was just cloudy and it was actually a lot later. Ava and you got up while you laughed at her stupidity.
"Gives us lots of time to pack then." Thomas said, taking you back in his arms. Once Ava left the room, he instantly took your lips with his. Since you were a couple inches shorter than him, Your arms laced around the back of his neck and his arms trailed down to the base of your back. He pulled you closer as the kiss deepened. Slowly his kisses trailed down until he was kissing the hollow of your neck softly while giggles broke out of your lips.
"We need to pack" you moaned just before his lips crashed back into yours. He broke away causing you to pout for more.
"I thought you wanted me to stop?" He whispered into your ear softly.
"I do- no-" you sighed with frustration because his kiss made you forget how to speak, "just kiss me." His face moved back towards yours, as you closed your eyes. His lips met yours once more as he kissed you passionately. Your hands slid up until they were tangled in his gorgeous hair, gaining a small laugh from Thomas.
"Mmm." Was all you said when he pulled away.
"Good then?" He teased.
"Great." You giggled and then untangled yourself from his arms. He tried to take you back but you ran down the hall.
"[Y/N]!" He threw his arms up in the air in frustration, then sat on the stairs showing he had given up.
"Maybe if I get my dad to help us, you won't be distracted?" You sat on his knee and snaked one arm around the back of his neck. The hairs on his arms stood up at your touch.
"Fine!" He moaned trying to connect his lips with yours once more, but you pressed your finger against his mouth instead. He handed you your phone and you got off his knee, pressing number 2 on the speed dial.
"Who's your number one?" He asked innocently.
"Hmm...I don't actually know," you teased, "it's you of course!"
"Hi dad its me!" You said, interrupting Thomas who was just about to speak.
"Can you please come and help us move this TV?"
"Who is we?" He asked.
"Me and Thomas. He's moving! I forgot to tell you! Please can you help us move his TV?" You asked again.
"Ok..? I'll be over in 10." He hung up.
"He'll be over in 10." You repeated to Thomas. He let out a large sigh as he stood up and dragged you up the stairs.
His room was a lot cleaner than it had been the previous night.
"Who cleaned up?" He asked you, turning around rapidly.
"I was gonna ask you?" Before you could say another word, his mum walked through the door.
"So you actually noticed?" She teased and perched on the edge of his bed. His mum was such a lovely woman. She was like one of the mums from the movies, that was great at cooking and loved her children more than anything in the world. Every inch of Thomas's room was cleaned to perfection. His bed was made, his floor was swept and cleaned, all of his clothes had been put away. Complete perfection.
"Thanks, mum." He smiled and embraced her into a hug.
"Your welcome sweetie," she said pinching his cheek, "oh [Y/N] your still here?"
"Yeah I'm..." You went to say helping him move, but he hadn't told her yet so you just said, "I'm helping Tom."
"With what?" She stood up noticing the boxes in the corner of the room.
"Mum, I uh... Got that movie roll." He muttered, looking down towards the ground.
"That's great! So what's the problem?"
"I have to go to America. Only for just under a year." Her face dropped.
"I-I-You-What?" She was completely lost for words.
"I'm sorry mum, but please don't be sad, it's only for a little while." He whimpered with tears filling his eyes.
"I'm not sad love. I'm just shocked." It then hit you that your parents didn't even know yet. As if on cue, the doorbell rang. You ran down the stairs and welcomed your dad at the door.
"Hi!" Your was heart pounding because you knew that you had to tell him soon.
"Hey, can I come in?" He asked, looking puzzled at your expression.
"Oh, yeah." You laughed and stepped out of the way.
"What's wrong with you? And don't say nothing because it's not true." He said. Seen as you were planning to say nothing you fell silent. He raised his eyebrows as if to tell you to speak.
"Thomas got that movie part. And he said I could go with him." You just couldn't bring yourself to say the final part, no matter how hard your brain was telling you that you had to.
"The movie is in America." You forced out, almost choking as you did so. He didn't reply. He just stood staring at the floor. All the colour had left his face and he was left as white as a ghost.
"Dad?" You asked after about a minute.
"Yeah. I'm- uh- ok. Wow. Is this what you want?"
"Well yeah. He needs me dad. He loves me."
"Wait he loves you?"
"Yeah. I forgot to tell you. Bella and him broke up and then he told him he loved me and I love him... Long story." You tried to get past that bit quickly because it was pretty awkward talking about that with your dad.
"Oh. Well, tell him I said congratulations!" He said, holding back the tears so he still looked like a strong man that you look up to in your eyes.
"Dad don't cry." You whispered while wrapping your arms around him, "this is good. I'm growing up, ok? I was going to move out anyway." You laughed and let go of him. He laughed as well, through the tears. Seeing him crying like this, the strongest man you knew in your whole life, caused you to tear up as well.
"I know I know. I'm being ridiculous. It's just, you won't be just around the corner this time will you?"
"It's not forever." You smiled trying to stop him from crying.
"Yeah. Yeah." He repeated as the tears finally stopped flowing, "are you going to tell your mum?"
"I'll try." You said. Thomas came walking down the stairs. When you turned around, you realised that Thomas had gotten changed from before and that was when you realised you were still in your pyjamas. You gasped and ran upstairs.
"[Y/N]?" Both of them called up the stairs in sync, but you carried on running until your reached Thomas's room. His mum had placed your clothes from last night on top of his dresser, so quickly you slid into your jeans and top. Quickly glancing in the mirror to fix your hair, you ran back down the stairs.
"What was all that about?" Thomas said while he crossed his arms across his chest. You knew that he was just doing it to stop himself from touching you.
"I forgot to get dressed." You blushed at your own stupidity. Your dad was staring at Thomas like they'd just been having some sort of conversation while you were gone.
"What?" You asked with frustration laced within your voice.
"What? Me and Thomas were just having a little chat weren't we?" He nodded towards Thomas who looked terrified.
"Yes...sir." He gulped in between the two words.
"Dad you've known Thomas for 17 years you should know him well enough by now to know he won't hurt me." You laughed because your dad was never usualLy like this. He was trying to look tough in front of Thomas.
"I know he won't, [Y/N]. But-"
"Shush." You interrupted him, "you two have packing to do." They both turned to look at you in shock at your words.
"We?" Thomas said, his voice slightly high pitched with fear.
"Yes. I have my own packing to do. And I need to tell Mum and Sammy." You giggled as you walked out the door, stopping just before you left.
"Have fun!" You teased just before entering back out into the cold air.

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