Chapter Three

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As you sat watching as Thomas cleaned up all of the broken dishes, you began to think to yourself- usually a dangerous thing to do. You remembered the time when Harry, your ex-boyfriend broke up with you and Thomas was quick to try and cheer you up.

You sat in an empty park, near your house. On your way back from Harry's house, where you just found him in bed with another girl, you had a complete breakdown. Somehow you ended up sat in an old abandoned park, with nothing but a bottle of vodka. You took another swig, the alcohol burning the back of your throat. You swiped angrily through pictures of Harry and you deleting every single one of them, cursing occasionally as you did so.
"[Y/N]?" Thomas found you and pushed open the park gate, sitting down next to you.
"So you got my messages, you just didn't reply." He stated, talking about the fact that you clearly had your phone out.
"Just get lost, okay." You snapped. The bottle of vodka found its way to your lips again, before Thomas snatched it off you.
"You mind? I was drinking that." You stuttered, as the alcohol finally starts to get to you.
"[Y/N], your 20 years old and you've practically made it though one- no two bottles of vodka. Your going to kill yourself." He said, throwing the bottle in the bin.
"So what if I did? Not like anyone would care?" Tears stung your eyes and no matter how much you tried to fight it, they broke their way out, pouring down your face.
"I'd care. I can't survive without you. I don't just care about you, I need you. And if you kill yourself, then you know what?"
"What?" You pulled in your knees and rested your elbow on them, then rested your head on your hand.
"Then that's really selfish of you." He stated bluntly.
"Selfish? You know what's selfish? Thinking I'm not enough and just jumping into bed with another girl."
His face dropped. Obviously he hadn't heard.
"Oh. [Y/N] I didn't know. I'm so sorry." He wrapped his arm around you, hugging you tightly.
"What's there to be sorry about?" You cried.
"I'm sorry I let you fall for such a bloody idiot." He whispered, wiping the tears off of your face, "come on. Your parents are worried about you."

"Tom?" You said, swinging your legs.
"Yeah?" He looked up from the floor, his eyebrows furrowed.
"I'm moving next month. I completely forgot to tell you." You expected him to get upset, he just stood up and sat next to you on the table.
"That's great!" He whispered.
"I thought you would be upset?" You were starting to get a little bit offended that he didn't care you wouldn't be nextdoor anymore.
"I'm moving out as well actually. I was just afraid to tell you." he smiled.
"Where?" You smiled back. Finally both of your uni courses were over, but since it was just round the corner, you two had just stayed living at home.
"Maybank Flats, A6." He smirked as you gasped.
"No way. I'm B2!" You laughed.
"I know. Your mum told me, and I wanted to stay close to you." Before you could reply, his lips crashed into yours, moving softly against them.
"I love you." He whispered, briefly before connecting his lips with yours once more. Your hands found them selves in his blonde hair, which Thomas clearly liked as his kisses became rougher. He wrapped his arm around your waist, his hand settling just as the base of your back. His other hand was cupping the side of your face. "Thomas I'm ho- oh." His mum walked through the door, causing you to brake apart and flush with embarrassment.
"[Y/N]?" She said, staring you dead in the eye, trying to cover up a laugh.
"Yep. It's me, not Issabella." You sighed, trying not to laugh.
"Thomas?" His mum turned to look at him quite a disappointed look on her face.
"Mum, I'm not cheating on her I swear. We broke up. Actually she cheated on me. Then [Y/N] came over and..." He trailed off, to dodge the details.
"Oh I'm so sorry." She said sincerely, before repeating herself when she realised what she had walked in on. Thomas let out a deep sigh after his mum left.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" He laughed,
"She's not meant to be back till later."
"It's fine, do you want to go to mine, they're all out doing Christmas shopping." You took his hand a hopped off the table, leading him over to your house. You slotted your key into the door and walked in.
"Mum? Dad?" No one replied, "just checking." You turned around to Thomas, a sly grin on your face. He replied the smile as he took you in his arms, locking his lips with yours.
"I love you too." You whispered, referring to what he said before. His body tensed up as the words hit his ear. Suddenly, he crashed his lips back against yours, distracting you for a moment, while he picked you up bridal style and carried you up the stairs.

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