Chapter Fifteen

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~2 months later~

"Kaya I-I'm scared." You whispered, as Kaya lead you out of the dressing rooms, with her hands over your eyes. You stumbled slightly until you heard gasps all around you and Kaya's hands slowly moved away from your face.

You was standing in the middle of a beautiful white room with a gold skirting board that ran around the perimeter of the room. Your mum and her female side of the family were sitting around you, not one dry eye in the room.

You turned around to look in the mirror, seeing the reflection of the beautiful wedding dress, hugging your figure gracefully. The silk draped slightly on the floor, and your hair was elegantly tied into an updo with small hairs hanging down. A small dragonfly clip was slid into place, with sapphire gems glimmering in the light. Your something blue.

You held your perfectly decorated hands to cover your mouth, trying to hold back the tears that stung your eyes.

Don't cry. Do not cry. You told yourself.

Your mum jumped and squeezed you tightly into a hug, repeatedly crying about how her little girl was all grown up. The tears couldn't flow, you refused to ruin your make up. 30 minutes from now, Thomas will be your husband.


The doors opened, allowing the beautiful music to leak out into the hall. You could hear movement as everybody stood up to welcome you into the church hall. Thomas hired The Piano Guys to play 'A Thousand Years' as you walked down the isle, but it wasn't your cue yet. The hall emptied as the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked into the hall, until it was just you and your dad left. You gripped his arms in yours, failing to control the smile that exploded among your face. Your dad turned to smile at you, before he signalled to you that it was time. The music slowed and you took in a deep breath, before stepping around the corner, so that the entire church hall of people turned to look at you.

A long white carpet strip covered the marble floor, leading all the way up to a couple of steps where Dylan, Will and KiHong stood in suits beside Thomas and Kaya, [Y/BFF/N] and Fiona all smiled at you. Your eyes fell on Thomas. He had a large smile on his face, and tears rolling down. He had so much love in his eyes, and you couldn't help but let a few tears escape from your own eyes.

Your eyes never left his as you walked down the isle to the sweet music that echoed off the walls of the hall. Before you realised what was happening, your dad had released your arm and Thomas's hand was being offered out to you. You let out a small cry and then slipped your hand into his, stepping up the steps towards the alter. You forgot that everyone was watching you when you looked into his deep brown, teary eyes. It was just the two of you, floating in serenity for eternity.

The minister did his 'introduction' and stuff, but you couldn't concentrate on anything but this man in front of you. The boy from next door. Newt from the Maze. Thomas from London. Mr.Sangster, your husband. Thoughts spun around your head like doves that had finally been set free, and all the denial you had was crushed. All that mattered was the future from there on out.

"Do you, [Y/N] take Thomas Sangster, to be your lawfully wedded husband,"

"In sickness and in health," you thought back to the time when Thomas caught the flu, and you skipped school to take care of him. You made him chicken soup and watched The Notebook. Well you say watched, but it was more like tried your hardest to ignore him while he moaned about how cliche it was.

"For rich or for poor,"

You thought back to when he lost his job about 4 years ago, and for Christmas he gave you a can of beans that his mum actually bought. You laughed so hard, but it was still sweet that he bothered with something.

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