Chapter Four

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"Thomas?" You groaned as you opened your eyes. You were both curled up under a big quilt, his hot bare arms wrapped around your waist. He didn't reply. His hot breath on the back of your neck was slow and steady, so you guessed that he was still asleep.
"Thomas?" You repeated a little bit louder than before. He let out a loud groan as he rubbed his eyes.
"What time is it?" He croaked.
"Half eight." You smiled looking at the day light shining through the crack in the curtain. Looking back to Thomas, you saw that he was holding up his head, leaning towards you, staring directly at you.
"Your so beautiful." He whispered, an adorable smile spreading across his face.
"As are you Mr.Sangster." He wrapped his hot arms back around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he untwisted your bra strap. You pressed your lips against him.
"I love you." He breathed as you pulled away from the kiss.
"[Y/N]?" Your mum called up the stairs. Horror filled through you as she started walking up the stairs.
"Oh my god." You whispered jumping up from your bed.
"Oh my god!" You repeated, "HIDE!" You whispered as loud as possible as you opened the bathroom door. He ran in and closed the door as you hopped back into bed and pretended to fall asleep. The door creaked open as she peered into the room. Finally, the door closed as she left. You opened one eye just to make sure she was gone, but when you heard her decending the stairs, you got up and opened the bathroom door.
"I am so sorry." You laughed, admiring Thomas as he stood there with just his black jeans on. He must have put them back on while he was in there. He leaned into kiss you, but you pressed your finger against his lips instead.
"I'm sorry but you really need to go, before she comes back. Because she will." You laughed, picking his t-shirt and throwing it to him as he pouted at you.
"And how exactly am I supposed to leave? She's downstairs." He whispered, putting on his shirt as he fixed his hair.
"Uh... I don't know." You turned around the room looking for a solution. He noticed you staring at the window and shook his head.
"No way. No fricken way." He snickered.
"Please." You pleaded. He sighed as he walked towards the window. When you were younger, he would always climb up your garden fence, jump onto the garage and then climb through your window when you were doing homework so it wasn't exactly hard for him to do. But when you both got older he stopped doing it, because once he accidentLy came in when you were getting changed, and hasn't done it since.
"Bye see you later." You pecked him lightly on the lips before he jumped out the window.
"[Y/N] you up?" Your mum walked through the door. You jumped and quickly covered yourself up with a blanket, realising that you were just wearing your bra and shorts.
"You ok? We're going out now, me, Sammy and your dad. Are you going to be ok by yourself or you can go over to Thomas's"
"Yeah I'll probably do that." And with that she left, leaving you alone to get dressed.

About 30 minutes later, you were finally dressed and just sat downstairs watching TV alone. A loud ringing sound came from your phone, so you answered it.
"Thomas?" You smiled, knowing it was him.
"Come out side." Was all he said.
"Ok? Why?"
"Just come outside." The line ended. He sounded excited, so you hurried out of the house, quickly checking your outfit before you left. You looked good enough, you just wore some high waisted black skinny jeans, and a long sleeved white crop top.
"Thomas? What are you doing?" You laughed as Thomas stood at your door, with a large smile spread across his face. He stepped back to reveal his motorcycle parked behind him. He handed you a shiny black helmet and you laughed thinking he was joking.
"Where are you planning on taking me?" You laughed, sliding the helmet over your head.
"It's a surprise." You sighed, because he knew you hated surprises but you still climbed on the back of the bike and wrapped your arms around his torso.
"Have you not got a helmet?" You realised that he wasn't wearing one when you looked up.
"I'll be fine." He laughed as he revved the engine, pulling out of the driveway. You tried to calm your nerves, but thoughts of his friends saying "he drives like a maniac" kept flooding your mind. But seeing how carefully he was driving this time, calmed you down slightly. You still refused to look up, and clenched your eyes shut. Thomas's chest bounced as he laughed when he felt your grip tighten the more scared you got. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Thomas stopped the bike.
"You can let go now." He laughed as he helped you off the seat. You didn't want to take off the helmet, knowing the wind had completely ruined your hair, but he did it for you. You laughed in embarrassment as he kissed you softly on the lips.
"You're beautiful." He whispered before his lips connected with yours again. You hadn't even looked where you were yet. You stood just on the edge of a field, in the middle of no where.
"What are we doing here?" You asked as you fixed your hair.
"Just follow me." He linked his hand in yours as he lead you further into the field. Eventually you came to the biggest oak tree you had ever seen. You looked up the trunk to see a set of ladders, vanished up into the thick leaves.
"There is no way I'm going up there!" You laughed.
"Come on." He snickered as he climbed up the ladders. You stood admiring him, before you looped your foot into one of the ladder holes.
"Seriously what are we-" you gasped when you broke through the leaves and saw what Thomas had been hiding. Two thick branched grew out about 3 meters from the truck parallel to each other. Planks of thick wood were nailed to the branches, like a little balcony from the tree. There were blankets and pillows laid down over it with battery powered fairly lights wrapped around every branch in sight.
"Oh Thomas." You laughed softly, as your eyes fell down on him sat on the cushions. You fell down besides him, as he cradled your body. You were both lying on the blankets, with your head on his chest. Thomas was playing with your fingers as he stared into the sky above. It was like you were in your own hidden little world.
"I love you, Thomas." You whispered sitting up so that your head lay next to his.
"I love you too." He turned on his side and pressed his lips against yours once more.

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