Chapter Six

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"Thomas?" You whispered into the darkness, trying to reach out for him but you only ended up clawing at empty space.
"Thomas?" There was no response. You couldn't see a thing either, only darkness. It was like you fell asleep in a loving and warm atmosphere, but what you slept you were submerged in cold, dark silence. Carefully, you edged towards the door, using your hands to guide the way. Once it swung open, the previously dark room filled with an amber glow from the hall light.
"Hello?" You shouted down the stairs. Nothing could be heard throughout the house. Not Thomas, not Ava, not his mum. As you walked out into the hall, you became fully aware that you were just in your bra and knickers with your brown hair tied up into a messy bun. Quickly you ran back into Thomas's bedroom, grabbed one of his shirts and wrapped in round your self. The scent of Thomas's cologne was embedded in the shirt, causing you to smile despite your current situation.
"[Y/N]? Down here. Sh!" Thomas called from down the stairs. He was stood in the kitchen, with just his pyjama bottoms on and his muscular chest exposed.
"What are you doing?" You whispered, sitting down next to him at the table.
"Sorry, I couldn't sleep so I came down to make myself a cup of tea." He said as he placed a tea spoon in a now empty cup.
"Ooh, so fancy!" You teased. He stood up and quietly placed the cup in the sink.
"You coming to bed then?" Thomas turned around, rubbing his eyes with heavy bags sagging below them.
"I will, once you tell me what's wrong?" His skin felt hot under your touch as you caressed his face.
"I'm just worried about leaving my mum and everything."
"But you were going to move out anyway, weren't you?"
"Yeah but, this is different. She won't be just around the corner in case something goes wrong like the washer brakes." He laughed at his own stupidity while tears
"Thomas. Come on it will be fine. You can call her everyday and I know it's not the same but you will see her when your off. I'm pretty sure a movie star has enough money to fly over to see his mum." He blushed at the word movie star, letting a large smile creepy across his face.
"Your right," he leaned over and pressed his forehead against yours.
"I love you so much." He smiled, lightly brushing his lips against your smile.
"I love you too, you noob." You laughed as you got up to go to bed. But before you could, his hand grabbed your arm and pulled you back.
"where are you going?" He moaned like a young child.
"To bed. I'm tired." As soon as you said it, he stuck out his bottom lip.
"Please stay down here. What ever happened to us just staying up all night and talking like we used to?" It sounded like a nice idea so you decided to stay, but just to tease him you carried on walking.
"Please!" He begged quietly.
"Where do you think I'm going? It's warmer in the living room." Thomas let out a small cheer and chased you into the room, his feet sliding slightly on the smooth wooden floor. You had always loved Thomas's house, but the living room had to be your favourite. It was just so warm and welcoming. It was a large room with wooden panelled walls and white shaggy carpet. A large leather sofa sat in the middle of the room, facing the marble fire place. Above the fire place was a small TV, because it was barely ever on, they only got quite a small one. But it was a decent size for when you watched it. Blankets and pillows were strewn across the couch in a messy, but organised way. It was the most relaxing place on Earth in your eyes. You sank back into the couch, waiting for Thomas to light the fire so you could cuddle up to him. Once he sat down, he placed his arm around you as you buried your head in his chest. You let a loud sigh letting the peace and love embrace you.
"You nervous?" You whispered, looking up into his sparkling brown eyes with his eyebrows furrowing above them.
"What about?" He tried to sound as cool as he could, but you could feel his heart pounding against his chest.
"You know what I mean. The movie and everything."
"Of course I am. New places, new people... I've never been one to fit in have I?" He said, as large sigh escaped from his lips.
"But I'll be there with you, every step of the way." You smiled supportingly. It seemed to work slightly because some of the worry left his face.
"I know you will be." He kissed you lightly on the lips before his eyes went back to the fire. The room was silent. All you heard was the crackling fire and deep breaths that came from you an Thomas.
"I love you." He said again, causing your skin to erupt into goosebumps. There was something about his voice that was different from last time. He whispered the words sweetly and softly with love embedded within them. You knew really meant it. As you opened your mouth to speak, Thomas cut you off.
"No I mean it. I don't know what I'd do without you. You hold me together. Long before I knew I loved you, you left a mark on my heart. 17 years ago you crashed into my life and I have never been so grateful to fall down the stairs. Because if I never did, I would have never met your beautiful self. As cheesy as it is and everything, I will always love you." He smiled as tears rolled down your cheeks. It was that moment that you realised how very much you loved him. You sniffed up as one of the salty tears rolled over your smile.
"How long will you love me?" You said as you cried softly.
"As long as stars are above you and longer." He whispered sweetly into your ear. He swung his phone out of his pocket and plugged his headphones in.
"What song?" He said, scrolling through his playlist.
"Young and Beautiful, there," You said as you clicked it for him, "my favourite." You had to try your hardest not to sing along considering you had to learn it for your exam, because if you did you would wake up the whole house.
"I've got to play this for my violin exam, sing it as well." You sighed, wringing your hands together without knowing. Thomas clasped your hands in his to stop you.
"You will smash it. Your already amazing." He smiled. You sat there in his arms for what felt like hours, listening to the Great Gatsby soundtrack. You must have fallen asleep, as when you re opened your eyes, day light shone through the crack in the curtains and the fire had died out. You watched as Thomas's chest rose and fell with each deep breath, he was fast asleep. It made you sad to think of disturbing the dreams that caused him to smile in his sleep, but you couldn't move with his arms wrapped around you.
"[Y/N]?" Ava whispered as she crept down the stairs.
"In here." You called loud enough for her to hear but without waking Thomas. She awed slightly at the sight of you two in each other's arms on the couch.
"Help." Was all you whispered, as she slightly moved Thomas's arms so you could slide of his grasp. You placed one of the blankets over his body before walking into the kitchen.
"Does my mum know?" She said innocently crossing her long skinny legs on the table.
"I don't think so."
"Oh. I won't tell her then. Unless you want me to?" She said with a slight smirk on her face.
"I'll speak to Thomas." Almost on cue, Thomas walked in rubbing his eyes. He jumped slightly when he saw Ava but then just continued walking towards you. He laced his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. His lips met yours softly as your hands snaked around his torso until they met at the back of his neck.
"I could get used to waking up to see your beautiful face." He smiled as Ava just fidgeted awkwardly, revealing that she was still there. You slipped out of his arms and sat down next to Ava on the table.
"Please don't do that again." She laughed half disgusted.
"No promises." I replied, winking at Thomas. We all laughed as we talked about the previous week or so, just enjoying each other's company.
"Ava I've told you about that movie right?" He said, adding tension to the situation.
"Oh. Remember that movie roll I went for a couple months back? Well I got it." She jumped up and hugged him, half holding in a scream.
"But... I have to go America." Her face dropped as tears rose in her eyes.
"Oh. That's- well if that's what you have to do..." She sniffed, "just come back for Christmas ok?" She laughed. If lifted Thomas's heart to know she was ok with it, you could tell just by looking at him.

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