2- The girl (1)

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Jimin p.o.v

I woke up to my mother screaming at me to get up cause I'm late for work, I work in a small bakery in the town, the salary I get isn't that great but it's enough to keep me m, my mother and little brother alive.

My mother had already prepared some warm water in the bathing plastic pot so I thanked her and took the water to the small space in our house that we call 'bathroom', honestly it was pathetic to call it a room.

I poured the warm water over my head slowly to ease my tense muscles, yesterday was so tiring and I wanted nothing more than sleep right now,
But I've to take care of my family like I promised dad before he died...

I finished freshening up and put on my almost worn out hanbok, I kissed my mother's forehead and headed out to the bakery small shop.

Walking to my work I couldn't help but feel like I'm being watched, I mean yes the streets are so crowded usually but it's so early in the morning and only two men and a girl were walking in the same street as me.

Maybe I'm just tired but I stayed cautious as I hurried up my steps to the bakery.

Now I'm in an empty street and I can't hear any steps around me so I relax a little bit, as I walk I notice a small flower pot on the doorstep of an old house, the poor flower looks so week like it hadn't been watered in a long time.

I looked around me and no one was around, I bent down forming my hand into a small opened fist, small ball of water formed in my palm and I directed it into the soil of the poor flower, I caressed the pink pale petals softly with a faint sad smile, this flower is just another creature that someone thought they can take care of and ended up abandoned.

"Well that was thoughtful of you",
I jumped backward falling on my butt, turning around I saw a girl standing behind me looking down at me, I panicked but didn't show it on my face,
"What do you mean?".

"That you watered the flower, that was nice of you",
I felt my heart hammering in my chest, oh my God she saw me!!
"I- I don't understand what you mean miss".

She giggled quietly while eyeing me,
"Well mister water hand are you going to stay here all day?",
Water hand, fuck she really saw me!
"Don't worry Jimin, I won't say a word but I really need to talk to you".
"How did ....how did you know my name?",
She giggled again and bent down to my level, she stared into me a d my eyes widened as her brown orbs turned silver,

"Oh honey....I know way more than just your name"....


Namjoon p.o.v

My work as a blacksmith was so satisfying, dealing with metals and bending them to different shapes was like playing with small kids toys, swords, armors shields, weapons of all kinds, all of these were made within seconds and sold for the highest prices.

I never told anyone about my secret powers, my shop was dark and no one dared to enter it without my permission, most of the people who know me are scared of me, but in all honest, I'm just another human being, it's not my fault that my body was taller or puffer.

Like come on, would a monster have dimples like mine?

I held the iron ore in my hands and twisted it slightly, silver light covered my hands and the iron as I felt it bend and change it's shape, the light faded and a sword was laying in my hand.

I took it and swung it around testing it's weight and sharpness.


Now I just need to add the hand-....

I froze to my place as I turned around only to be met with two pairs of eyes, a boy and a girl were standing inside my shop, the boy had his mouth and eyes wide opened, I would have said he looked adorable if I wasn't too distracted by the girl's smirk.

"Th-the fuck??!"

"Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you, I'm Army, a spiritual witch, and the gaping fish here beside me is Park Jimin and he is just like you........
a bender"


I've an online lecture right now so I'm gonna publish this reeeal quick for u guys and I'm gonna update another chap after the lecture cause this one is short 🤦🏻

Love u ✨🐥

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