20- Uncomfortable

436 40 114

Seokjin p.o.v

I walked toward the training grounds where Army was supposed to be waiting for me, Namjoon woke me up this morning an jour early than usual saying that the girl needed to talk to me, I hope it's worth wasting an hour of my beauty sleep.

I reached my destination and found her sitting on the grass reading a book,
"Morning Oppa",
I sat next to her and waited for her to talk,
"So...what is this all about?",
She turned to me and stared into my eyes with a strange look that made me shiver,
"Where is Jin?".

I stared at her in confusion,
She smiled at me and nodded slowly,
"Oh...so you haven't realized his presence yet....interesting" ,
"The fuck are you talki-",
"Wanna train together?",
I was completely dumbfounded now,
"Train? You woke me up to train??!",
She pouted at me and nodded,
"Why didn't you wake your boyfriend to train with you?",
Her pout was gone and she frowned at me but her cheeks were blushing,
"Hoseok isn't my boyfr-"
"I've not said anything about Hosoek" .
She flipped me and my smirk got wider,
"Alright let's train lil witch".

We've been training for an hour now and I'm getting more and more frustrated with Army, she uses magic against me and always finds a way to beat me, but what frustrates me more is a certain trick she keeps on doing.

She somehow manage to pull a complete dark cloud around us leaving me in the darkness and even she disappears, and among the darkness I can see a white spherical shape shining, almost like... The moon.

But something is strange about that moon, whenever I stare at it I can hear whispers, a very very faint familiar whispers and I start falling asleep or losing conscious J don't really know.

Right before I fall, everything is gone and I find her standing in front of me with the same glare.

"Stop that trick it's draining my power",
She smirked at me,
"What trick oppa?",
I glared at her and huffed,
"You know! The whole dark and moon thing now stop",
"I don't know what you are talking about....but maybe we need a break? Let's go see the others, the trsining is over".

With that she waved at me and walked back into the castle,
Why do I feel bad vibes coming off that girl ?...

Appears under sunlight
Spreads the blame
Sadness and regrets
And camouflaged at night
Search for it to find you
Careful of the illusions
Hold your faith tight

Yoongi p.o.v

"Okay that didn't even rhythm",
"Shut up Jungkook",
"Listen I loved your mother, but why all of these complicated poems?!",
"Shut up Seokjin"
"Thats oppa for you young lady",
"Oh please you act like a five years old toddler",
"Excuse m-"

They turned to me in shock but at least they're fuckin quiet,
"When should we move Bamjoon",
"It's a fuckin letter get over it",
"Alright Moongi",
"The fuck did you just call me?!",
"It's a letter get over it",
The fact that Jimin was practically on the floor laughing so hard made me shut up and not set this tall arse's hair on fire.

"Anyways, it says 'appears under sunlight', So I think we better move at day time,
"What is it even that we're talking about?",
"I don't know Hoseok",
"Last time it was a snake, Namjoon, what is it this time? A lion?",
"Anything but snakes Taehyung, I hate snakue",
"Thats what I said, Yoongi",
"No you said sna-, you know what never mind, tell me when you wanna head off".

Two hours later we're walking together toward the old temple of the village, this temple was one of the spots in the village where the sun shines strongly, I suggested we start from this point considering we don't have any other hint on where to go.

I noticed something was wrong with Seokjin, he keeps on glancing at Army and there seems to be a kind of tension between them, I asked lamjoon and he said he didn't know what was happening.

My eyes fell on the temple and I felt dark vibes coming off it, the temple has been empty for more that two centuries, some people believe the temple was once a home for two twins that were orphans and struggled to survive, but when they grew older they both fell in love with one of the village's girls and one if them ended up killing his brother, days later the killer's body was found dead near the temple and was completely burnt.

"Where should we settle?",
"At the center of the temple Jimin, it's where the sunlight is focused and strong",
"You...you mean we need to go inside?!",
I nodded and smirked at Seokjin,
"Come on Seokjin hyung, you are the oldest one, take the lead",
We laughed as Seokjin's eyes widened at Jungkook.

Kamjoon sighed and stepped toward the temple slowly and carefully, he waved his hand and the sword on his back flew to his hand and he disappeared inside the temple,
We waited outside for minutes with Seokjin standing on his tip toes in anxiousness,
Moments later, he exited the temple with a frown.

"What is it Joonie?",
I snorted at the nickname and they glared at me,
"Nothing...but I really feel uncomfortable inside",
"Okay let's move".

With that we entered the temple, and now I understand what he meant by saying uncomfortable...


Please don't kill me 🥺❤
I know I've been a dick (even though I don't have one) toward you all,
We have an eid (festival) coming up and I'm fasting and I get so exhausted during fasting 🤦🏻‍♀🤦🏻‍♀

How have you been butters? 🤍
I missed you all ❤💜

Daechwita: the myth of the benders (Yoonmin au)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang