12- Water moans

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I know the photo is not Daechwita theme related but it was so suitable to the chapter😉✨

Yoongi p.o.v

I was on the verge of breaking that witch's bone one by one, we've been training for more than eight hours non stop! All our trainings were basically physical attack at each other, no power allowed and I was so frustrated with that!

We were all on the good side of body shapes and our punches and kicks hurt like bitch even if it was only to the arms and legs, we weren't allowed to aim at the faces, eight fuckin hours of hitting each other, even Jimin who had the feminine features surprised us all when he flipped in the air and kicked Seokjin in the shoulder sending him flying two meters back.

"Alright take a break for an hour then gather by the hall of the palace, we got some important things to discuss",
We groaned at her,
"Fuck you Army my back hurts and I can see bruises forming on my arms already!! I'm not listening to your bullshit anymore!!".

Army turned to Jungkook and her eyes glowed silver as she smirked,
"Well bruises and back pain can be healed, but if you didn't train properly and I decided for example to do this-",
Suddenly she jumped and kicked Jungkook in the jaw sending him smashing to the wall yelping in pain,
"You can't heal the pain of your dignity darling ....so fuck you too".

She walked slowly to the boy laying on the ground and crouched down to his level grabbing his chin in her finger making him groan in pain, her palm shined in silver and soon the pained expression on Jungkook vanished and was replaced by a confused one looking up at her.

"I'm not here to play or baby sit seven full grown ass men, I'm here to train you....and you are going to follow my orders...just like I say them....am...I...clear?",


I laid on my bed groaning at the aching feeling of my back and neck, my counsellor met me on my way to the room and told me I had some duties to finish, everyone forgot the fact that I'm the freakin emperor and that I had people to take care of.

After Army scared the shit out of Jungkook we all nodded at her request and went our own ways promising to meet in an hour to discuss whatever she had.

My mind wondered to the beautiful boy a few rooms away, his eyes held uncertain glow to them whenever I tried approaching him, I can tell his past held some memories making him doubt my motives toward him, but the truth is I don't have any bad motives to him..
I'm totally enchanted by him..

I got up and exited my room reaching the one that was given for him to stay in, I knocked softly but got no response, I asked one of the palace maids and they told me they spotted him by the small lake.

Reaching the place he was indeed there, his back was facing me and I can see the top of his naked shoulders, I was about to talk when I heard him, faint humming, something that sounded more like angel's voice, his voice was hitting high notes yet held that soft tune that sent me waves of warmth.

I moved to sit where I can see his side profile, sat down and listened to him for a minute, he started moving his hand and I can see faint light forming in the water, the water started gathering and rising slowly forming the body of a human being right in front of Jimin, the boy slid his finger across the water body jawline, his tone getting softer, the water body didn't have facial features but it was slightly taller than Jimin in the water, and I can see...water at the back of the head forming long hair falling down so tall reaching the water where they stood.

I felt my face heating up realizing this was a water version of me...

Jimin relaxed his body against the inner walls of the small spring, the water body neared him and Jimin smiled a little not stopping the humming sound, my eyes widened as the water form of me bent down and kissed Jimin's lips.

The humming stopped and I can see Jimin's cheeks dusting in pink as he closed his eyes, his hands slid up the body in front of him so slowly and sensually before resting on his shoulders, he tilted his head to the side and sighed as the water form kept on kissing him.

I can feel heat pulling in my body at the scene, my heart pounded faster and almost stopped when Jimin half opened one eye not breaking off the kiss and...peeked at me.

He smirked to the kiss and closed his eyes again, the water form of me  slid his hand up and down Jimin's back caressing his waist and chest, Jimin moaned and I can see goosebumps forming on his body, it was cold water that was caressing him after all.

I didn't talk and didn't stop him as he kept on enjoying the sensual touches of my water version, his moans went right into my hard dick and I cursed him in my head nonstop.

He opened his eyes and caressed the water body cheek softly smiling at him then with one last peck he waved his hand the water dispersed falling back into the small lake, he turned to look at me and I've never seen more lustful eyes than his, he smirked and slowly sank into the water not breaking eye contact with me till his head was under the water disappearing completely.

I got up ignoring the ridiculous hard on I had and walked closer to the lake, crouching down sitting on my knees to have a better look, suddenly he appeared right at my face and his lips latched into mine, I almost lost my balance, I kissed back just as harder and his angelic devilish moans were louder.

We broke off the kiss panting as we stared into each other's eyes, I can see the sunset casting soft orange hue on his brown dilated orbs making me feel my heart fluttering,
"You are so beautiful".

His eyes widened as a small blush covered his pink cheeks, his intense gaze shifted to adorable one as he smiled so wide making me smile a little bit too.

A small cough caught us out of our trance and I almost fell into the waters if it wasn't for Jimin who pushed me lightly to the back,
Army was standing there with an amused smirk,
"Sorry to interrupt your make out session, which was hot by the way, but we need to go discuss  what Namjoon oppa found so....yeah".

We nodded and Jimin asked me to hand him his hanbok,
"Oh and Yoongi oppa...I think you should go to the restroom first...maybe take Jimin with you so you won't take so long dealing with your problem".

I set the grass next to her feet on fire and she jumped in surprise before laughing and running off.


Hi lovelies!! ❤✨

One of the stories in my drafts was like 5 chapters long but I deleted it all 👀👉🏻👈🏻
I thought it was so...cliché?
Like nothing new to it..
So I had a new plot to it and I think it's gonna be different 🤭

I'm gonna update 'Missed you' with the new spin off after my exams are over 👀✨

Hope your day was as nice as you babies 🐥💜✨
Love you 🐥💜💜

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