17- The Branded Krait

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Jungkook p.o.v

We backed away next to each other, the trees moved wildly and I felt the blood rushing through my veins, the big yellow eyes with the black slits was nearing us and my feet can feel the vibrations on the ground getting more and more clear.

We gasped when it appeared, black and yellow shiny scales, big yellow eyes, long twisting body that reached stood higher above the trees, the body could be like ten meters tall,
Branded krait snake....

"Watch out!!",
Jimin pushed Hoseok to the ground and right after that the huge tail of the snake slammed into the ground right were Hoseok was standing,
Yoongi screamed at us and we took off running, I looked back and saw that he didn't run with us, he stood there glaring with red eyes at the snake and his palms were two big balls of fire.

"Playing baby",
And he launched, we stared in awe at the emperor who jumped so high in the air firing a bunch of fire balls at the snake, it hissed at him and curled around itself shielding it's face, Yoongi stopped and gathered a big ball of fire in his hand smirking before he fired it right at the snakes head making it hiss louder.

The snake didn't move, we stared at it and we knew something was wrong, even Yoongi's smirk fell, a few seconds of complete silence and the next thing we know Yoongi was thrown five meters back toward us groaning in pain, the snake uncurled so fast swinging its tail at Yoongi who didn't have the time to avoid the attack.

Jimin ran to Yoongi yelling his name in horror, we backed away and staring at the snake in cautious, Yoongi groaned but stood up with Jimin's help limping slightly.

Army stood in attacking pose with her hands forming fists, her eyes glowed silver and small black and silver sparkles surrounded her, small whispers fell from her lips in a language I've never heard before, the krait started hissing again and it's tail moved violently around, Army's whispers got higher and faster, her hands started shaking...
The krait let out a painful sound and small cracks appeared near it's tail, blood started oozing out of the cracks and slowly the cracks got wider,
The krait's tail was cut off.

The snake let out a very loud hiss and moved backward, the slits in it's eyes got thinner in anger glaring at Army who was smirking, something seemed off about her smirk, it was more....evil....more dark,
It sent shivers down my spin.

The snake launched forward toward her and our eyes widened, Army gasped and Hoseok pulled her in the last moment sending a blinding lightening at the snake making it and us close our eyes in pain.

Think Jungkook...think...

The river...euphoria.
The east kaira...
What the fuck are we missing???

Don't forget to whist.

Whist? Stay quiet....

They turned to me in confusion,
"What is it Jungkook?",
"Don't forget to whist!!!  Guys stop making sounds!",
Their eyes widened, the krait turned to me hearing my voice. and crawled toward me,
Snakes are almost blind..they depend on sounds of their preys,
If I move away now its gonna hear my footsteps, what the fuck am I gonna do?!

I almost yelped when I was lift off the ground in the air, the krait attacked the space where I was standing before, I looked to the side and saw Seokjin hyung with his white glowing eyes staring at me.

That's it!!!

When Seokjin lowered me to the ground I shook my head furiously at him and he stopped, I pointed silently at everyone else and thank God he understood what I meant, one by one they were all raised above the ground, I put my finger over my lips telling them to stay quiet and they did.

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