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Yoongi p.o.v

I stormed out of the temple fuming with anger and desire to kill someone, I stood in the middle of the forest a few meters away from the temple and looked up to the sky,
I roared so loud and felt all my energy draining.

Taehyung must be lying, he can't be telling me the truth, it can't be...
Flashbacks if everything came back to me making me growl in frustration and anger.

"I saw Jimin coming out of Hoseok's room in the middle of the night two days ago your highness",
"The fuck are you saying Taehyung?!",
"He and Hoseok came together this morning too",
"This is stupid, and why are you telling me this now? Why not when we were in the castle?".

Taehyung stood there silently staring at me, his eyes were almost empty somehow,
"Just watch him around, as your warrior.... I'm trying to protect you".

With that he left the chamber..

I took a deep breath and tried to ignore the hurt and sadness creeping up my veins, Jimin and Hoseok would never do this,
Jimin isn't like that...

I scoffed and walked out of the chamber to go back to where I was investigating with Jimin, before I reached the chamber I passed by another one and heard voices coming out if it, I listened closely and could tell it was Hoseok...
And Jimin...

"Are you sure he believes you?",
"Yes Hobi, and he even believed my family was poor and needed help, and that I'm gonna be his empress",
I felt my eyes widening in shock,
"He really thinks you like him? Poor soul",
"Yeah like I would like a fake bender like him, he is fire for God's sake.... Fire and water would never be anything other than enemies".

I squeezed my eyes and took a deep shaky breath trying not to barge in and confront him,
"What about that stupid girl Hobi?",
"She thinks I love her and she even said she loves me, another hopeless delusional soul",
"Heheh yeah.... Utterly pathetic",
"Yeah but that aside... Come here baby boy... I missed those luscious lips of yours".

My blood biloiled and I can feel my eyes turning red at the sound of lips smacking together, I was about to barge in and beat the shit out of both is them when Namjoon barged out of one of the chambers startling me, he stormed through the temple toward the exit and his veins were popping on his forehead and neck in anger.

What the hell??

I can even hear the yelling of Jungkook and Taehyung and I can't understand what's fucking going on right now, I ran out of the temple in anger and never looked behind me.

And here I'm now, thinking of a way to hurt that water bender without feeling bad abou it, I ruffled my long blonde hair and decided I'm heading back to the castle,
Fuck everyone.

Namjoon p.o.v

"So.... What's with you and the witch?",
"You have been glancing toward her since the morning..don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about",
"We argued this morning Joon, what's wrong with you?".

I stood silently and waited for him to go on,
"You know I don't have to explain myself to you right?",
"Yes you do",
"Why? What are you to me?",
It's a simple question that I can easily answer but for some reason the more I stared at Seokjin the more I felt rage filling me, clenching my hands into fists and stared at his cheeks getting red with anger,
"What? You wanna hit me or something?".

He stared at me in shock for seconds not even blinking, then his eyes turned white,
The air around us shifted and his clothes and hair started moving slightly as air moved around him in circular motion,
Then he smirked.

"What's wrong metal boy? You think you can hit Seokjn when he has me ?",

Before I can open my mouth I was thrown two meters away by a huge amount of wind and I groaned in pain hitting the wall,
"Come on, try hurting him",
I growled at him and stood up, his hanbok had a small metal at the top clutching the material together, my eyes shined in dark grey and the metal moved up sticking Seokjin to the wall and surprising him.

I took out my sword and marched slowly toward him, every time he tried to attack me I would simply dodge it and hang him tighter, till I reached him, I pointed my sword to his throat and his eyes widened in panic,
My mind was screaming at me to stop, my heart was hurting with how scared he looked at me,
But my body didn't stop..

Before I can back off or go on, his scared eyes filled with mischief and he hit me in my stomach making me loose my hold on the sword, he grabbed it so quickly and threw it away,
"Seokjin is safe with me, go fuck yourself",
And he punched me so hard sending me into blackness.

It was only a few minutes before I woke up again and looked around, the chamber was empty, Seokjin was no where to be seen, and I can hear yelling from outside, I looked around for my sword and couldn't find him,
That fucker took my sword even though he knows it's so important to me.

"Kim fucking Seokjin when I get my hands on you, you are sooo dead",
I gritted my teeth and stood up storms out of the chamber, I saw Yoongi standing at one of the chambers with an angry red face but I didn't have time nor care to ask him why,
There's a fucker I need to beat.


I'm so late in this update but a lot of things have been going on with me 🤦🏻‍♀

Have you seen Jk' s live?!!
I didn't cause I had to go to Cairo😭😭
He said I love you in Arabic and it's my first language omg he was so cute trying to say it like that 🥺🥺🥺😭🫂😭🥺🫂❤❤❤❤

(Ana oheboka)
This is said to a male 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀

(Ana oheboki)
This is said to a female 😂❤👀

So congrats to all the Arab males out there he said he loves u guys 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀✌🏻

Ana ohebokom, butters❤🥺
(Said to a group of people)

Daechwita: the myth of the benders (Yoonmin au)Where stories live. Discover now