9- strange mix

557 41 112

Jimin p.o.v

I let him carry me to his room pretending to not notice anything, I was really tired and sleepy and this man got me angry, annoyed, excited and horny all in the same fuckin day, I can feel my coming days gonna be quite eventual and interesting with this blonde around me.

We entered his room that was larger than my whole house, he laid me on his bed as I continued to act like I'm sleeping, I know he is charmed by my looks and body, I was always told that I'm the definition of cuteness and sexiness, I was always chased by both men and women and people confessed to me more than I can count.

And I enjoyed every minute of rejecting them all.

None of them were up to my expectations honestly, some men treated me like I'm a fragile cute chick that needs to be protected and can't protect himself from danger,
Motherfuckers I can drag all your blood out of you and watch your skin wrinkle like a 100 years old man with one drag of my fingers.

Other men treated me like I'm the perfect toy they wish to fuck and wreck and dominate, no real feelings were involved and you can see that clearly in their eyes that never left my body while confessing to me,
Like come on you should win my heart to win my ass you stupid horny fucker.

Women....well I'm just gay so..meh..

But this man staring at my closed eyes now was a strange mix, he stared at both my face and body, he gave me that nasty lustful gaze but it was mixed with true appreciation and admire, he touched me and kissed me without my permission but his kiss was different and sent strange tingles under my skin urging me for more.

He is the first man to confuse me, he is the first one to make the whole lustful situation somewhat funny or exciting by making me angry or snap at him, and even when I snapped he would sit with the same admiring confusing stare and handles me calmly and even strong enough to face my attack with an attack of his that would suppress me but not hurt me.

I don't know what the fuck he wants from doing all of this but I wouldn't mind anything coming from him honestly, he is so hot and so far the best mix of personalities I've seen.

I felt him moving away from me and I waited for good minute before creaking one eye open slightly, my face flushed as I was met by his back facing me and his silk robe on the ground, his shoulders and legs were naked and his long hair covered his butt, his skin was so pale it glowed in the faint moonlight entering the large opened window.

He put on his sleeping silk clothes and headed back to the bed as I closed my eyes quickly, I heard him approaching me and felt him taking the covers and putting them over my body, then I felt him rubbing my head slowly and realized he is drying my wet hair,
Another point he seemed to have, caring despite his 'I don't give a fuck' attitude.

No wonder he is ruling the empire so wisely, he actually cares.

He finished my hair and I was really about to fall asleep, I felt him get up  and a soft pair of lips kissing mine slowly and softly, I resisted the urge to kiss back so he wouldn't know I was pretending all this time, he broke off the kiss and then I felt something soft landed on my chest,
His hot breath tickled my ear,
"I suggest you put on your clothes yourself brat if you don't want me to see that delicious ass of yours".

I blushed but didn't answer, he chuckled and I heard him walking away, I opened my eyes and saw him giving me his back again as he dried his own hair, looking to my chest I saw blue silk clothes on my chest to sleep in instead of my hanbok.

I changed quickly and crawled under the covers taking the right side of the huge bed, he turned around to me and raised an eyebrow,
"That's the side of bed I usually sleep in, move",
I poked my tongue out at him and he smiled amused,
"Move you brat",
"Sharing is caring your highness, come here",
I said whispering the last part opening my arms for him.

He chuckled again and got under the covers, he got hold of both my writs and closed my opened arms,
"You aren't spooning me jagiya, that's my job",
He placed my hands over his chest, raising my head slightly and placing his arm under my head so I was sleeping on his muscular arm, his other arm wrapped around my waist pushing my body against his, his face nuzzled my hair and I buried my face in his neck enjoying the moisture warm skin.

"What do you want after all of this show Yoongi?",
He stayed quiet for a moment,
"I'm an emperor...not an actor....now sleep",
I felt my heart beat faster with his words, what does he mean?
Honesty I thought he would try to touch me or even have sex with me but he is just...cuddling me??

"Stop over thinking Jimin-ah, that witch is going to start training us tomorrow so you need to sleep",
I nodded and relaxed my body, I placed a soft peck to his neck and he returned the gesture pecking my head, I hummed in content drifting to sleep feeling comfortable and warm.


Okay one of my bff reads my stories cause she is a yoonmin shipper too and she just told me that she noticed in my stories that kisses and affection make the character sleepy every time 😂
Now that I think about it I fall asleep kissing my cat's head most of the time👀

So affection makes me sleepy and I feel sorry for my future partner he is gonna die with blue balls at this rate 😂😂😂😂
My friend told me its better to agree on getting into the business directly without the whole affectionate thing before😂🤦🏻🤦🏻

Anyways thanks for 1.25k reads !!! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤

I love u 💜❤🐥

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