11- Blushing under me

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This pic I can't ಥ⌣ಥ✨

Taehyung p.o.v

I sighed for the millionth time since I woke up, staring at the sleeping guy next to me wasn't helping my heart calm down, everything about him make me want to cherish him forever, from his thin lips to his big doe eyes and small scar on his cheekbone.

Last night Jungkook came to my room saying he wanted to talk about the whole witch and benders thing, we're the emperor's personal guards and it's normal to be concerned about this all, we stayed talking till the dawn and he ended up sleeping in my room.

I can feel the sexual tension between us all the time, whenever we talk we're always staring into each other's eyes with intensity, he would always stare at my lips and I'm so addicted to the way his tongue caress his lips to wet them, this has been going on for years now yet we never initiated anything.

I'm sure by now that my feelings aren't an innocent crush anymore...

When we first met each other in the orphanage we used to be like brothers, we were so comfortable together and spent most of the time together to protect each other, we were always bullied for being the youngest, the woman who ran the orphanage never bothered to stop the bullying so we stuck to each other's side, maybe that's why my feelings developed, he is the first guy to ever make me feel both hot and drunk just by staring into my eyes.

From the innocent little bunny that I knew to this muscular strong hot man I'm sleeping next to, I've seen it all, the way he grew up, the times he fought and the times he broke down, his fears and comforts,
I know it all...

And he knows mine too...

He stirred in his place and his eyes opened slowly adjusting to the light coming from the window, I placed my hand over his face to shield them from the light till he adjust them, he stared at my hand hovering over his face and smiled sleepily, he took my hand in his without turning to me and lowered it to his face pecking my palm, I felt my face heating up as he rested my palm there just like that over his lips, not kissing it but not removing it either.

I cupped his cheek with the same hand and turned him to face me, our faces were so close and his eyes stared into mine, I can feel all the kind of emotions spilling out of them,
Happiness, longing, gratefulness and appreciation...
Lust and love...

I caressed his cheek with my thumb stroking softly the small scar on his cheek, he got that scar while fighting with one of the kids in the orphanage for not letting us play,
When I saw the injury on his cheek that day I got furious and out of control, I ended up not focusing my powers and the boy was thrashing on the ground with chest pain out of sadness, I gave him dark feelings of depression and sadness without meaning to but he deserved it for hurting my Kookie.

"What are you thinking about?",
I looked back to his eyes and smiled,
His cheeks tented with slight blush making me raise an eyebrow in amusement,
"You still blush when you hear my morning voice?",
He blushed harder and stuck his tongue at me then pouted making me laugh,
"Imagine the great warrior of the emperor, the last earth bender, the muscular swordsman of the empire Jeon Jungkook....pouting adorably like a bunny".

He started hitting my chest lightly and I laughed harder,
"Well imagine the strong swordsman of the emperor, the last shadow bender, the greatest archer of the whole empire Kim Taehyung....",
He suddenly grabbed my arms turning me on my back and climbed over my body caging me, I stared up at him with shocked eyes and he lowered his face to my ears with a smirk,
"Blushing under me".

I blushed harder enjoying his weight on me, he looked into my eyes with the same intense look that makes me feel hot and loved, his eyes flickered down to my lips and I can hear my heart hammering in my chest, he lowered his face to mine and our breaths mixed, just one more centimeter and I can finally feel his lips.

I looked up from his lips to his eyes, his eyes were filled with love, not lust, just pure love and I can feel mine tearing up,
He smiled softly at me and pecked half of my mouth, not fully on the lips but still...our lips touched...

We stayed like this for a minute, just processing the feeling of our lips touching, but one wasn't enough... Not after waiting all these years,
"A-another one...",
He giggled and pecked the corner of my lips again, I smiled at him and his eyes softened pecking my forehead and backing away from me.

"I can get used to waking up like this everyday",
He laughed and got up taking off his shirt,
"That sounded like the smoothest marriage proposal ever",
I giggled nodding,
"Yeah you wanna object or something?",
He turned around looking at me with his bunny smirk,
"No...I can get used to waking up like this too".


I didn't give Taekook moments enough credit although I feel I've a lot of Taekookers here so 🤷🏻😉💜

I swear my mood swings are so helpful in writing😂
Like oh oh oh I'm feeling soft right now let's go update 'crushing on my soulmate' 😂🐥
Or no I feel like a dramatic bitch let's go update 'waste it on me'😂🤦🏻
Here I update when I feel a mix of excitement and some action 😂😂😂

Anyways hope you liked it babes and Love you ❤🐥💜✨✨

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