A Great SAP-plication

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You: At least Clarissa and Jared get to meet before we take 'em home.

Elliott: Yeah, we probably need to make some videos soon before people get suspicious.

You: Too late. Clickbait videos of us being dead are already out there.

Elliott: I meant real suspicion.

You: Just say we're taking a break to spend quality time together.

Elliott: I guess.

You: Anyway, to the "double meeting".

You enter the adoption center and pick up Clarissa.

Clarissa: I'm so excited to meet my little bro!

You: He's not exactly very friendly so be slow with him. Don't freak him out.

Clarissa: Ok. Got it.

Elliott: Did you put your seatbelt on?

Clarissa: I'll do it now.

Elliott: Good girl.

Clarissa: Anyway! So what's it like being YouTubers?

You: I'm surprised you didn't hear about all the drama me and Elliott got in.

Elliott: I don't think you should be telling her that story. *whispering* Especially if Lannan's gonna be her uncle.

You: That's a story for another day. So back to your question, it's mostly very fun. Except for the editing process. It's a bore. It was great when Click still existed. Click was like the Hype House but Australian...and not cringe. You'll meet the former members soon enough. It'll be great. And it looks like we've arrived.

You enter the room with a very glum looking Jared and a clearly bothered woman.

Elise: Hello, my name is Elise. Brothers&Sisters and Mother Nature's have agreed on having me be a representative of both of them. Now, you seem to have a great application, but we still need to ask some questions face-to-face. We'll start with the parents then ask the kids alone and together.

Clarissa: Hi! I'm Clarissa. And you're my new brother Jared! It's gonna be great to finally have a family.

Jared: Looks like you got over your old family pretty quickly.

Clarissa: I can't get over something I know nothing about. I just moved on from my past.

Jared: Whatever.

Elise: Right, where were we? Kids could you please go outside whilst I talk to your possible future parents?

Jared: Great, now I'm stuck with her.

Clarissa: Sure thing!

Elise: Ok then. How long have you been together?

You and Elliott: 3 amazing years.

Elise: How long have you been married?

You and Elliott: 1½ years.

Elise: It says here your monetisation is off of YouTube. That's not a very reliable source of income.

You: We have a house, and all our insurances covered and have enough for retirement. I also have a law degree so I do have a backup plan. And us both being home would mean I we could raise them properly.

Elise: Who else would be in these children's lives?

You: A few YouTuber friends who have no intent of ever hurting our children.

Elise: What about Lannan Eacott?

You: What about him?

Elise: You both have had romantic experience with that man. Could he possibly make a dent in your fairly new marriage.

You: He was our officiant at our wedding and showed no signs of jealousy or hate.

Elise: I see. Well, you're famous and Clarissa is a TikToker apparently so could this life be a problem for Jared.

You: We've decided to keep the adoption private until Jared feels comfortable.

Elise: Jared has been prone to be irritable and stubborn. How do I know you wouldn't get angry and annoyed and maybe abuse him.

You: Oh God no! We're adopting him so we can give him a happy life. So he isn't clouded in grief and sadness because every kid deserves better than a life of misery and guilt.

Elise: Final question...


Clarissa: I've only known you for 5 minutes and you already hate me.

Jared: If it makes you feel better, I hate everyone.

Clarissa: Well, I'll try my best to make you love me. Wanna make a TikTok with me?

Jared: Definitely not! I'm glad I don't have a phone so I don't have to watch that cringe!

Clarissa: *gasp* You don't have a phone?!

Jared: I only watched YouTube during my 30 minute computer time. Wasted it on that stupid drama with Y/N and Elliott.

Clarissa: Yeah, they told me something happened? What did our dads do?

Jared: First, they're not my dads and I don't care if they're yours. Second, there's a lot to tell so get ready.

Back to the questions:

Elise: Final question...why has Y/N been the only one to answer my question?

Elliott: He's more convincing and smarter than me, he has a law degree after all.

Elise: And that doesn't make you feel inferior?

Elliott: Not if he makes great choices!

Elise: What great choices does he make?

Elliott: For starters, our future kids!

Elise: So only HE chose who to adopt?

Elliott: No, I obviously agreed to it.

Elise: Have you bonded with them? What was the last conversation you had with them?

Elliott: I asked Clarissa to put her seat belt on and tried to comfort Jared when he looked sad.

Elise: And what about Y/N?

Elliott: He told Clarissa about our life and bonded with Jared over shared trauma.

Elise: How will the kids be able to live in an environment with a parent and the parent's husband?

You: This isn't couple's counseling.

Elise: It is until you fix your issues. I'm a licensed therapist so I'm more than qualified for this. And if you don't resolve this I won't be able to allow you to take Clarissa or Jared home.

Elliott: And I am getting sick of your selfishness, Y/N. So before we adopt Clarissa and Jared I need to get some things off my chest first.

Elise: Let's begin.

962 words.

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