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Welcome to the mandatory musical chapter:

You: Is it me or the solving of our problems feels slightly cartoonish?

Elliott: Wait, that reminds me. A!


You: Did you forget the epiphany we made?

You didn't make an-you know what? While I sort a few problems of mine, I think it's time I give you the regular musical episode.

You: Oh fuck off, we're finally happy don't-

Elliott: What do you fucking mean we're happy?!

You: I assumed we were at least somewhat close.

Elliott: Y/N, I've perceived you as many things, but not...

(Elliott's Song)

As odd as a die, as shy as a fly

As hyper as a bunny, which is funny

As dirty as chalk, as odd as a rock

As safe as a dock, as bad as a glock

Iiiiiiii have so many

Expectations of you

But I'm surprised you're-

As eccentric as a peacock, as tough as a block

As sad as the rain, as annoying as a stain

As nice as a note, as cozy as a coat
As wrong as sin, as fragile as a shin

As sharp as a nail, as frail as a snail

Stubborn as a family, you do so incredibly

Of course you're also dubious, with a bit of genius

So that's why it's grievous that you're so


You: Duly noted, you are not happy and we have to fix that. Look it hasn't been sunshine and rainbows for me either.

Clarissa: What the fuck is going on?

You: Woah, language.

Elliott: Who's that in front of our house?


You: How have none of our fans found our house?

Clarissa: I've never met a fan before. I'll go sign an autograph or something.

Clarissa exits the car and walks over to creepy person

Jessica: Have you seen my comments?! It's me! LOV-POV!

Clarissa: You're usually the top comment, when the comments are nice.


Clarissa: Do you want an autograph or something?

Jessica: Can I have some of your hair. *pulls out scissors*

Clarissa: DAD! Other dad! Help!

Jessica: Come on, just a little bit! You won't even notice!

Clarissa: YOU'RE CRAZY! You're a 🎶 Stalker, a watcher, a psychopath🎵 !

Muselk × Male Reader: Sappily Ever After (3/3)Where stories live. Discover now