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You: Well you were gonna meet him anyway so this is no problem.

Clarissa: Why do you still talk to him anyway, isn't it awkward?

You: Don't be ridiculous it's not awkward he was our officiant it was great.

Clarissa: I still need to meet him.

Elliott: Of course, Y/N and I completely understand. You can meet him tomorrow. Would it be okay if we took Clarissa with us tomorrow?

Elise: As long as she's comfortable with it.

Clarissa: I am.

Elise: *muttering* And now I have to file a bunch of paperwork.

You: I need to call him.

Lannan (in call obviously): Hey Y/N! Long time no see. How's your break going?

You: There's no break, Lannan. We're just busy with something else.

Lannan: Dude I don't need a fucking riddle just tell me what's going on?

You: Remember...everything?

Lannan: I sure do.

You: Well, Elliott and I are in the process of adoption and-

Lannan: That's fuckin' terrific, mate.

You: Right, my point is, one of our kids, Clarissa somehow found out everything that happened between us and so to avoid an emotional rollercoaster she wants to meet you so she can make sure you won't sabotage our marriage.

Lannan: Well that was a lot to process, when?

You: Preferably tomorrow.

Lannan: Why'd you keep this secret from us?

You: I don't wanna freak the kids out by bombarding them with a bouquet of aunts and uncles.

Lannan: Aunt.

You: Kath, Ilsa, and your own sister Tannar.

Lannan: You barely know her.

You: Well I'm not excluding her. How are you and Kath?

Lannan: You have to stop asking that everytime we have a conversation. Just because we're single doesn't mean we're lonely.

You: Ok, thank you Lannan. Bye.

Lannan: Ciao, mate. *ploop*

You: *sigh* Jared! Can I talk to you?

Jared: I don't really care.

You: It's not very nice to sabotage Clarissa's adoption process.

Jared: I don't even want you to adopt me.

You: I'm not giving up on you. I understand that your life has been a tornado of inconveniences but me and Elliott are trying our best to make you feel comfortable. You can't live your life in hatred, Jared.

Jared: Well I hate you and Elliott and Clarissa so too late.

Poor kid, just stuck in a place of pain. You bend forward to hug him but he pushes you away.

Jared: I don't need your fag energy to rub on me.

You: See you soon!

The next day:

This time it was only you and Clarissa. Elliott had gone to see Jared so he could bond with him so it was up to you to make her feel welcome.

You: Lannan's a great guy. You'll see.

Muselk × Male Reader: Sappily Ever After (3/3)Where stories live. Discover now