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You: Why is everyone so moody?

Elliott: Jared is depressed, Lachlan is in immense pain, Clarissa is blaming herself, Kath is still enraged, and Lannan is clearly depressed!

You: How can you tell Lannan's depressed?

Elliott: Convenience!

You: I don't care if it's convenient that you know, what I'm asking is how you spotted it and I didn't.

Elliott: I'm getting sick and tired of your arrogance. You're not special without your awareness!


Elliott: Are you okay?

You: I have a piercing headache.

Elliott: DoN'T yOU mEaN a MigRaInE?!

You: Elliott, it hurts help me please.

There's nothing you can do...he's getting what he deserves.

You: Elliott, I'm hearing voices.

You're not hearing voices. You're becoming the main character again. Maybe the anxiety will stop you from becoming aware every 2 chapters.

Elliott: I'm confu-

141 words

Muselk × Male Reader: Sappily Ever After (3/3)Where stories live. Discover now