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You: Ok, we have a lot to do today. First, make sure the kids are ready for school, scratch that: Make sure they're going to school. I don't know about Clarissa but Jared's gonna resist. I'll go talk to him.

Elliott: Respectfully, half of this is your fault so I'll go talk to him. You go talk to Kath and check on Lachlan and Marcus at the hospital.

You: And Lannan of course. It's obvious what's making him so sad...he's lonely. His 2 lovers married each other that must've somewhat fucked him up.

Elliott: Since when are you this arrogant?!

Since forever.

You and Elliott: CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!

You: Wait, we can both hear him? Wait, I'm confused, when were you able to hear him?

Don't worry about it. Just go fix your issues and I'll go away.

Elliott: Great. Next thing we know, we'll be singing and dancing!

Now you're getting it!

Elliott: You've got to be shitting me.

Some time later:

Elliott: Now Jared, Clarissa, if anyone recognises you just be friendly, ok?

Clarissa: I'm sorry, Jared. I didn't mean to do this to you.

Jared: I don't care, anymore. I expect these things to happen to me.

Elliott: Things will get better, ok?

Clarissa: Yeah, don't worry. Everything will be great!


You: Kath, it's been a long time. You can't stay mad at him forever. Get advice from Ilsa or something. She had the same experience as you, if not worse.

Kath: Yeah but he's all happy now and I'm just miserable. Also, Elliott didn't even stay with Lannan, Lannan's as miserable as I am.

You: Everyone here is miserable, we might as well make an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, where 6 different people are Romeo and only the Juliets die.

What the fuck does that mean?

You: Look you get the point I'm making.

Kath: You're happy! So that's bullshit. And so is Marcus, and Bazza and Cray!

You: They don't look happy they look bored. And Marcus is depressed about Lachlan's state. Also my husband hates me so I'm not happy.

Kath: Just leave me alone.

7 hours later:

You and Elliott were both sitting in the car in silence, waiting for your children to finish their final class.

You: At least Clarissa will be happy.

Elliott: They both need to he happy, Y/N.

You: Are we...ok?

Elliott: I don't know, babe. It's just that the way you're acting is different and yet it's the same.

It's called perspective, so be more perceptive. Actually no, be more perSAPtive.

Elliott: This is your fault, isn't it?

What do you mean it's my fault?

Elliott: I mean, Lachlan used to do the same thing Y/N did.

You: And then you wrote him off.

Elliott: Y/N and I were in a good place.

You: Until you showed up again.

Elliott: This is all your fault, whatever the fuck you are.

You: His name is A.

Elliott: More like A-hole.

You: Not even our children are happy.

Elliott: Well, child.

You: Look to your right babe.

And to the right were Clarissa running towards the car in a jumble of tears and Jared looking...not good.

Elliott: What happened?

Clarissa: Everyone was calling me Miss Cringetok!

You: How creatively dry and bland. They're probably jealous or something.

Elliott: Clarissa, you just have to be yourself, ok? Don't let some bullies change who you are.

You: So what's your dilemma, Leto?

Jared: You're cringier than Clarissa.

Clarissa: *Bawls her eyes out*.

Jared: Some people at school were talking about my fag parents.

You: Let me guess, their fathers are mechanics and also never there for them? Children are pathetic, ok? In fact, they're apathetic. Nothing they say is ever morally ok or factually correct. It's just a bunch of childish bullshit. They literally say baka as if it means daddy and not idiot.

Jared: They're right to talk about it. It's weird and stupid to be gay.

You: Tell me, Jare-Jare. Where exactly did you get the notion that being gay was wrong? It must've come from somewhere? Was it the orphanage? It was awfully religious.

Elliott: It was your parents.

Jared: What the hell are you talking about?! Don't talk about my parents that way you don't know them.

Elliott: Jared, you've shown that you don't mind living with us as much as you say you do. You're not homophobic, I know it.

Jared: Why aren't you driving yet?

You: Oh, because I can tell the bullies haven't left yet. Their moms are probably at work while their dads are late to pick them up. Tell me, Jared, is it those wannabe jocks over there?

Elliott: Y/N, I was talking to Jared.

Jared: They actually are the bullies.

You: Ok, Elliott would you like to join me?

Elliott:...fuck it.

You: Hello, children. It has come to my attention that you are bullying my child.

Jeremy: Suck my dick, fag.

You: Listen, the only thing I'm sucking is your soul you heartless turd. Just because your super straight dads are not in your life, doesn't mean you get to pick on people who get the pleasure of having 2 supportive ones. So you and your possee of reverse hats can go suck it, ok? Leave my children alone. Also I may have found your fortnite Instagram so maybe you're just jealous my son's fathers are both famous YouTubers.

Jeremy: usjduxnsnejdudidsj *cries and runs away*

Elliott: I think that was child abuse.

Jared: Child abuse is awesome! Can I tell you something?

Elliott:  Of course you can!

Jared: The truth is, the last thing I heard from my dad was when he was on a phone call, talking about how fa-gay people stole June. My birthday was in June so instead of talking about that he was always focused on being...homophobic.

You: Yeah, my dad was also a homophobe, the self-contradictory type.

Clarissa: Can we go home?!

Elliott: Oh my God, yes. Sorry, Claire, we lost track of time.

1015 words

Muselk × Male Reader: Sappily Ever After (3/3)Where stories live. Discover now