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Jimin quickly rushed his car to given address as he didn't want to put a bad impression on his soon to be wife

the only word marriage made him furious . He can't believe how his father literally threatened him to get married to a girl whom he hasn't seen for ages

'he said he is going disown me 'he mentally scoffed looking back after so many loud fights and emotional blackmailing his family finally made him marry Serene

he gripped the wheel tightly removing all his frustration

he reached at the given address

he took a deep breath and rang the door bell after a min or two a door was open with a girl wearing cupcake pj's , her hair were tied into a messy bun , eyes were literally closed

but were widen as soon as she realized the figure

"Ms. Adren ", Jimin called out

"fuck", she cursed under her breath but audible for Jimin

she lets Jimin in and without making any eye contact she blurted in one breath, " I'll get ready in fifteen please have a seat "

she rushed back to her room looking at the clock she thought 'I can't believe that idiot was 15 min early'

she saw her best friend still snoring Serene tried to wake her up but she couldn't

as she was left with no time she pushes Rachel down on the floor and kicked her back

"owwww!!!"Rach screamed

"stop screaming!!", she shushed her

"then stop kicking me !!!", she said frustrated

"he is here ", Serene said in a panic mode

Rachel realized that her best friend was going to get married toady "Oh My God what the heck are you doing go get ready ", she got up a throws a dress at Serene 's face

Serene quickly rushed in the bathroom a got ready as fast as possible

It has been almost 20 min Jimin sitting on the couch awkwardly . He noticed the apartment, it was cute warm small and cozy , there was a strange shelf filled with glasses .

Different type of glasses 'strange 'he walked towards the shelf to take a close look there were glasses of all types Champaign , shots, wine glasses, all of different

design , shape and color some were for tea and some were also for babies

'this girl has a weird obsession towards glasses 'he thought

the bedroom door opened showing Serene and Rachel

Jimin had guessed there was some else in the room after hearing the scream

Rachel came forward and pulled her hand out professionally, "Rachel Carson, I am Serene 's friend" she smiled

Jimin shook her hand "Jimin Park"

" Ms. Adren there is a thing called punctuality which is good for first impression " he said looking towards Serene

" I apologize Mr. park punctuality means exactly on time , not too late , not too Early "Serene stated pressuring the word 'early'

Jimin was a bit shocked by Serene 's confidence , he raised an eyebrow "impressing, shall we ??"he asked

Serene nodded she hugged Rach and exited the apartment

they both reached the parking , Jimin showed Serene the way towards the car , his Mercedes-Benz SLC43 AMG which he secretly brought to impress his

so called fiancé he opened the door of the passenger seat

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